This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1532 It’s too dark!

Lin Cheng completed a double play on the top lane in just two minutes, and his teammates were all cheering.

"Nice!!! Chengbao is so handsome!"

"Mo Ya? What are you doing on the road?"

"Is the other side giving away? A double kill in just two minutes?"

"Brother, I'm lying down!"

Seeing his teammates being so real, Lin Cheng couldn't help but smile.

"Don't lie down yet! Get off work early at 3:00."

I went home and bought two long swords + mung bean bottles. I will be very comfortable in the next match against Riven.

Faker has a habit of targeting the opponent's F6 as long as any hero in the middle can push the lane at level one.

Although it was difficult for Ryze to grab Galio's lane before level 3, after all, Faker had split the ward position in front of him and the first wave of soldiers with experience could reach the second wave. When Chaowei didn't forcefully grab the lane, Ryze found an opportunity to run to blue. Fang's F6 looked away.

But Little Peanut’s Blind Monk’s jungle clearing route in this round is very enchanting.

After opening the red BUFF alone, he first went to kill the stone man. This route is not very efficient, but it can clear both jungle areas along the way.

Just when the blind monk finished beating the stone man, Riwen went on the road for a double kill.

Keenly sensing the opportunity of military training for men's guns, Little Peanut finished beating the stone man and touched all the way up the wall under the F6 grass.

Faker's eyes never saw the blind monk's position.

After hitting the blue BUFF, the blind monk immediately moved up the road.

"Cheng Bao! Are there any eyes here?"

Lin Cheng pinged the map and said, "There may be some grass. He came over and leaned against the river first, but the triangle grass on the other side is definitely invisible."

The blind monk felt down the river, avoiding the possible sight of the grass in the river and heading towards the Big Dragon Pit.

Very experienced with peanut butter.

Generally speaking, you need to be on guard against heroes like Lee Sin who can gank against the wall under their eyes. There is a high probability that the opponent's top laner's anti-gank ward will be in the river grass.

The blind monk touched his eyes from the dragon pit, crossed the wall, and squatted on the triangular grass.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! Just catch Canna, right? Little Peanut's field of vision is very confusing. If Canna takes a step forward, something may happen again."

Remember: "It's very dangerous if the man's gun doesn't dodge in this position. Little Peanut knows that the prince died just above and has to go to the lower half. There is no risk of being counter-crouched."

Since the male gun was resurrected just now, TP came back to push the line. When Lin Cheng returned to the city and came to T, the opponent was already at level 3. Riven, the second level, was not equipped, so he went around the male gun to last hits and let the opponent continue to push the line.

But after all, the male gun in the artillery line did not push so fast in the early stage, and the fourth wave of minions just got stuck a little outside the blue square tower.

Canna felt uncomfortable having her troops stuck outside the tower.

In this type of line, the top laner usually waits for the jungler to help push, but after Oner died in the first wave, he was afraid that his blue would be stolen by the little peanut, so the prince resurrected and decisively went to the bottom half.

Faker's eye position at F6 has never had the location information of the blind monk. Even if the blind monk is blue at this time, it is time to go below and show his head. The mysterious disappearance of the little peanut makes Canna feel unsure.

This line of troops cannot be pushed forward.

After a moment of confusion, Canna decided to desperately try to send the thread in.

But at this time, Riven, who had reached level 3, no longer allowed her opponent to clear the line, and moved her hand to find the male gun for two consecutive periods of Q position.

The blind monk came out from the triangle grass.

"Cheng Bao! Get ready to take action."

Seeing the blind monk plundering her butt, Canna sat up straight and was not ready to take her hands off the keyboard.

Just now, the opponent was able to hit one against two, and Canna also wanted to use it.

However, the reality is very skinny.

The male gun that didn't dodge had no chance of survival.

The male spearman was forced to use the E skill by Riven's triple Q, and the blind monk walked up to slap the floor and stick to people.

Riven and output.

"You eat, you eat!"

Under Xiaohuahua's deliberate concession, Lin Cheng succeeded in another kill.

Zeyuan: "Canna goes forward and gives a chance! Little Peanut Blind Monk comes back! It's exactly the same posture as Canna and Oner surrounded Brother Chengzi just now. Does Canna have a dream? Let's also reproduce the operation of one versus two... Oh! No more! Reproduction failed."

Remember: "Canna exploded! This wave of dead male guns without TP will soon be leveled by Riven, and T1 will have to raise monsters on the road."

Wanwan: "Take off! Brother Chengzi has three heads in three minutes. The game enters simple mode."

Lin Cheng's takeoff on the top lane meant that the game entered another mode, and for Canna, the torture began completely.

"Cheng Bao, do you want to get stuck?"

"It's not stuck! Help me push."

The two killed the male spearman. The blind monk first helped Lin Cheng push the line and then turned around and went to the river to catch crabs.

Lin Cheng did not finish pushing the line and took the opportunity to return.

Riven ran directly behind the opponent's first tower and prepared to disconnect.

Just after the top lane replay ended, the director cut the camera to the bottom lane facing off.

Zeyuan: "It's really difficult for Luna to beat Erlu online. The T1 duo's early suppression is obvious."

Wanwan: "Look at Brother Chengzi! The location of Riwen on the mini map seems to be about to be disconnected. It's only been more than three minutes!"

Remember: "Are you so disrespectful? Ouch! You just killed someone and you obviously have the opportunity to go back and replenish your equipment to expand your advantage. Brother Orange is playing the game as a RANK. It doesn't matter if you have a T in Ryze in the middle. That's it." Don’t let the bastard feel comfortable."

Wanwan: "But Brother Chengzi in this state is the most terrifying. When he is ready to press without thinking, the opponent will know what oppression is."

It took the male gunner less than half a minute to resurrect after being killed in the previous wave and run online. As soon as he reached the second tower, he saw Riven disconnected in front of him.

Canna's blood pressure is a bit high.

Is the opposite too much?

It seemed inappropriate for Lin Cheng to disconnect like this after just over three minutes, but he was communicating with his teammates.

The prince must be in the lower half at this time.

Even though the duo was suppressed in the early stage and Evert was unable to enter the jungle to feedback the position of the opponent's jungler as before, it is not impossible to judge the position of the opponent's jungler without vision.

If the jungler dies in the early stage, it means that the rhythm is lagging behind. If the online teammates cannot cooperate with Oner, all he can do is make up for the growth in the jungle.

Because the prince can only go to the lower half after two minutes of being killed on the top lane, and it will take a lot of time to clear the wild monsters and river crabs in the lower half, so he will definitely not be able to get through at this time.

In fact, the prince was still having sex down there when Lin Cheng cut off the line.

Canna communicated with his teammates.

"Brother Xianghe, can you take a look at me? I want to go over and get the thread."

"It doesn't matter, I can find a chance to TP."

The male gun circled Riven and pressed against the wall, trying to get closer to a tower.

The line of troops is right under his own tower. Regardless of whether his teammates can support Canna, he must find a way to capture the line.

Lin Cheng would definitely not let go of the Level 3 male gun, and would directly move closer with two Q movements.

The man's face was covered with smoke, and he moved forward.

But this does not open up the position.

Riven stepped out of the smoke bomb, E + three stages of Q to smash the male gun behind the defense tower.

The blind monk emerged from the stone-man bushes.

The red square tower lit up TP, which came from Faker Ryze in the middle.

However, TP's beam of light disappears after two seconds.

Zeyuan: "No! The male spear in the line must be taken. Ryze handed over his T to was interrupted! Ryze's T was interrupted."

Remember: "That male gunner is going to die again, KT must be too cunning here!"

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