This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1534 Let him show his expression!

T1 again had a classic early start and fell. However, Aphelios is a late-game core with a high upper limit. They can still count on Lu Bu in this game.

But at least for now, the male gunman is still suffering from it.

Lin Cheng was very fierce and found that the male gunman glanced at him and moved up with two Q positions to chase away the person.

Canna was so frightened that she immediately turned E and ran back.

Realizing that Riven was not chasing him, the male gunman turned around and secretly threw a smoke bomb, and then took advantage of Riven's invisible opportunity to make a last-ditch attack.

Finally reached level four.

"Smoke grenade last shot, 66666"

"It's hard to stretch, this is too miserable"

"Wait until Riven runs out of Q before he dares to use smoke bombs to finish the damage. Who dares to say that Canna is not stable?" 》

"They're all dead like this, either they're cowards or they're being arrogant"

In the current situation, there is no use in secretly replenishing two swords. The male gunman at Riven station still has to be careful even if he hears experience.

Canna is waiting for his teammates to rescue him.

He just watched Riven finishing his blows, flashing his sign from time to time.

There is nothing to do anyway, other than displaying the Canna brand, I don’t know how to express my presence.

When Ryze levels up in the middle, he will push the line ahead of Galio. Faker will look for an opportunity to push the line first and get ready to cover the male gun.

Although Lin Cheng didn't gain experience immediately due to line control, he gained a lot of experience from killing people in this game. The soldier died just as he was taking a step forward.

Riven reaches level six.

Lin Cheng looked at the position of the male gun and decisively took action.

The rune blade stirred up the full Holy Spirit energy, and the broadsword in Wu Jianxian's hand grew in size, emitting a dazzling purple-pink light.

The pinker the color, the more severe the attack.

The dance of broken wings rises gracefully.

The male gunman who was originally showing off his expression to activate mental pollution from behind quickly turned in E.

But Riven's fourth stage displacement was too far.

The ultimate move will increase the range of Riven's basic attacks and skills. Although the male gun is originally located at the back, if he turns E later, he will still be smashed into the air by Riven's triple Q.

Riven landed on the ground, swung the dazzling sword in her hand, and immediately moved into position.

The male gunman threw out a smoke bomb with his backhand, and tried to run away with quick footwork.

But when the opponent fought back, Lin Cheng's second knife had already been struck.

The purple-red giant sword was raised high.

Soul-Calming Roar is activated.

The male gunman was stunned by his own smoke bomb, and Riven pressed her position and struck again.

Ryze's signal light was already on next to him.

Canna frantically controlled the male gun and retreated.

But Lin Cheng's position was very good, and the attack distance increased by his ultimate move allowed the male gunman to pull away and was touched by Riven again.

Swift Wind Slash is activated.

The golden sword energy passed by and directly killed the male spearman.

Just in time, when Ryze's ultimate move landed, he saw the corpses of his teammates.

Riven approached with a dazzling sword, Ryze turned around and ran away with an EWQ.

Zeyuan: "Ryze went up and tried to help the male gunman out of the siege, but the male gunman was caught by Riven first! How do you say level 6 against level 4? He died immediately!"

Remember: "Oh~~ Riven can't understand this damage. He even used the first two Qs to move, and even when Q3 hit, he still dropped the male gun in seconds."

Wanwan's voice was a little proud: "Let him show his expression just now!"

"It's hard to stretch!" 》

"Well done! Gossamer Expression Dog》

"Ha ha! Let him show his expression》

"Brother Chengzi's classic theory: I like to show my facial expressions, but I hate others showing their facial expressions"

"Those in the LPL who like to show off their expressions don't know what will happen when they meet Brother Cheng?" 》

The line of soldiers was about to be out of control. After another solo kill of the male spearman, Lin Cheng quickly pushed the line into the tower and then returned to the same place.

Watching the troops entering the tower in the spring, Canna's heart ached.

Another wave of troops will be lost.

The loss of this wave of troops was not the worst for Canna. The worst thing was that he was revived and returned to the lane to find that the troops had been pushed out again.

Click Tab.

Silently taking a look at Riven's equipment, Canna fell into deep thought.

The good news is that he wasn't so outrageous that he took out the Bloodthirsty Tomahawk in more than 6 minutes.

Bad news, he released CD shoes first.

Nowadays, a level 4 male spearman will be killed if he has full health in front of Riven. Moreover, the male spearman does not have shoes, so it will be difficult to escape when being chased.

Another scene similar to the one before happened.

The good news is that the flash has improved. Canna can't find a chance to gain some experience with the smoke bomb + E + flash.

The bad news is that when Riven presses forward slightly, he still has no choice but to retreat. After all, Lin Cheng's flash is enough.

The current situation on the road is that three people must come up together to ease the situation of the male gunner. The support of the jungler and mid laner alone has to be controlled by Riven.

But Ryze doesn't have a big move, and Galio has a big move. If he really needs three packs, it's not like the opponent has no support.

Faker can only choose to push the lane as far as possible in the middle to prevent Galio from moving.

Naturally, the prince did not dare to go on the road to break up the fight.

"Brother Changdong, hold on, we have an advantage in the bottom lane."

Aphelios + Lulu are really strong online. After being double summoned in a wave, Lucian could only huddle under the tower and eat the lane. By this time, little Lu Bu had already eaten two layers of tower skin.

In this way, one side of each side is tortured.

But at least Lucian can win the lane at the bottom of the tower, and the male gunner will have a worse time on the top lane.

Zeyuan: "Oh! This top lane is ruined! The male gunman doesn't even dare to gain experience, let alone replenishing troops. Level 7 is fighting against level 4!"

Remember: "This situation is really unsolvable. In another situation, Keria might have come to solve the problem, but this game doesn't work! As soon as Lulu runs away, Luna will attack Aphelios. It's better to deal with the problem online." Phileus’ advantage is preserved.”

In fact, if Lin Cheng keeps pushing the lane on the top lane, his teammates can come over to pass the male gun, but the male gun is worthless anyway. Controlling the lane in this way also prevents the opponent from developing, and the little peanut's head is not exposed, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for the bottom lane.

Although KT's play style is centered on the top lane, under normal circumstances the jungler will not always show up in the top lane.

This is why Mr. Dai will not explode even if he is crushed.

Otherwise, if people know that your jungler is always on the top, they will definitely not let you take the lane in the bottom lane.

Finally, almost 8 minutes later, seeing that he could no longer control the line, Lin Cheng began to prepare to call his teammates.

"You can cross on the road, just cover me."

Peanut Butter had given the signal in advance and was on her way.

T1 also realized the crisis on the top lane, and Prince and Ryze moved forward in advance.

The Chaowei Qingwanzhong route is also moving upwards.

But T1 is very insidious. They know that the male gun is worthless, and when they realize that it may be too late, the prince and Ryze choose to hide.

Just in time, the super powerful Galio entered the opponent's jungle area from the upper river, preparing to move to a position where he could zoom in to cover his teammates.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's midfielder didn't run up at all, but was hiding in the grass behind the red buff.

Crouching down to the destined one, the prince used EQ to pick out Galio, and Ryze used his skills wildly.

"It's over! I was ambushed."

"Wang Hao, please save Zhixun!"

Just as the troops were entering the tower, Lin Cheng decisively asked the little peanut next to him to lean in and save Galio.

It is very difficult for Ryze + Prince to kill Galio who is in a flash. Peanut gets close in time to give him the distance to Galio's ultimate move.

Just when the opponent lost control, he used his super powerful move to escape.

While the blind monk went to rescue people, Lin Cheng's Riwen followed the troops into the tower alone.

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