This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1546 Suffocation! One person eats three lanes, and there is zero output in team battles.

The rhythm was interrupted, but KT's players still played calmly.

Lin Cheng still put a lot of pressure on Canna on the top lane, but Ornn was huddled under the tower and Silas couldn't move forcefully. In addition, there was really nothing much that Peanut could do with his male gun over the tower in this round.

The field was temporarily calm, and both sides switched their duos to the center line.

As 15 minutes approached, the position of the prince and the ice girl was discovered in the field of vision.

Lin Cheng first used WA to charge the tower to consume Ornn. Canna turned to E to knock up Silas, who was attracting the hatred of the defense tower, but was dodged by Lin Cheng's E skill that just happened to step back.

He deceived the opponent's E skill and found that Ornn was under the tower and handed over the two QW skills to clear the wave. Lin Cheng stole Ornn's ultimate move and decisively pressed the position to attack the tower.

Lin Cheng's Silas is the main W. The CD has been completed, and the E skill is also fast.

Taking advantage of the CD difference of just a few seconds between the two sides' skills, Lin Cheng launched an attack.

The Q skill starts to slow down, and Silas W bursts into the face to connect with Yongshuang.

Bang bang.

Lin Cheng had produced a murderous ring before the Vanguard Group. The nine-layered ring had been synthesized into a murderous book by him. This murderous equipment made the sound of the chain swinging particularly oppressive.

Ornn originally only had a little more than half of his health, but was instantly hit by Silas at a close range, reducing his health to less than a third.

The E skill is not ready yet, Canna chooses to activate the ultimate move.

Almost at the same time, Lin Cheng's Silas called the sheep in reverse.

After calling Yang Lincheng, he immediately retreated.

The trajectories of the two sides almost overlap.

Ornn's sheep were one body ahead.

Just in time, Silas' E skill has finished cooling down.

Lin Cheng turned E to face the direction of the giant sheep, and at the same time took away the hatred of the defense tower.

After being run over by the giant sheep, Silas suddenly turned around and hit his ultimate move.

The lava sheep head behind was attracted and accelerated suddenly.

Canna also hit the second stage of his ultimate move under the tower.

But just as Aoun was about to catch his goat's head, the giant sheep knocked out by Lin Cheng accelerated past Aoun's genuine goat.

Ornn was knocked into the air.

The sheep passed.

Silas used his second E, pulling in Ornn.

With two whips, Aoun died suddenly.

Zeyuan: "Oh! It's late but it's here! Canna was killed by Brother Chengzi again! I've already played Ornn and you still kill like this. Isn't it too much?"

Wanwan: "Canna still hasn't done enough homework. The second-generation Vanguard team is about to come. Every time the opponent chooses a hero like Ornn or Kennen, Brother Orange must find an opportunity to force the opponent's ultimate move in front of the resource team. "

This wave of solo kills not only gave Lin Cheng a passive acceleration effect on his kill book stack, but Ornn was also single-killed even after being defeated, which also put T1 at a disadvantage against the second-generation Pioneer.

The disadvantaged Ornn has no ultimate move, and team battles are basically silent.

T1 had been trying to grab the top half of the field just to compete for the second-generation vanguard. As Ornn was killed by the tower, they could only announce that they would give up the fight for the vanguard.

Peanut successfully took down the vanguard.

Lin Cheng pulled out the remaining health and went to the first tower. At 16 minutes, he moved to the middle to cover his teammates and released the vanguard to pull out the outer tower in the middle.

Taking advantage of Ornn's weakness, KT continued to press forward, pretending to cover the vanguard and hit the second tower.

But just when T1 called his wing teammates back to defend, KT's front-line personnel suddenly turned down in a group, seizing the jungle terrain and taking advantage of the time difference in switching lanes to pull out the outer tower of the blue square bottom lane.

At this point, the three outer towers of T1 have been completely destroyed.

KT began to place the eye position deeply to squeeze the opponent's field of vision.

If you have the advantage of vision, you will have the initiative to push the line. If you have the advantage of pushing the line, you will have the advantage of changing the line. The advantage of changing the line will once again form a continuous advantage of the field of view.

The KT players went out with two real eyes and constantly changed lanes to grab the view. The view of T1 on the map was quickly suppressed to the point where it was completely dark outside the second tower.

This is the scary thing about KT. Even if the economic difference on the field is not too big, the contrast between the two sides' vision has reached a very exaggerated level.

T1's field of vision cannot be extended at all, and even if it is used in one's own jungle area, it will be quickly eliminated.

KT's people kept switching lanes to squeeze their vision, and the team's real vision never broke. This kind of discipline makes T1 fans' hearts tighten.

The prince's wild area is constantly being plundered, the economy is slowly expanding, and the military line has been pushed, resulting in the blue side not being able to spare too many manpower to compete for vision.

This becomes a vicious cycle.

Zeyuan: "Oh! I obviously feel that T1 has a chance, but the contrast of the field of view on this map is like KT having an infinite lead. It's so suffocating."

Wanwan: "The players in T1 are very strong in operation, but their field of vision layout is not outstanding among all LCK teams. It just so happens that KT is the best in the world. T1 always has no location information of key personnel. It doesn't matter at all." Dare to take the initiative to attack."

At 17 and a half minutes, the fire dragon refreshed.

This is KT Tingpai Dragon.

T1 wanted to find an opportunity to compete for vision, but the prince and the time jungle were caught and both died.

Xiaolong was easily controlled by KT.

Seeing that little Lu Bu's signature Aphelios was developing so well, everyone thought it would be an upright showdown between the news agency and the horse.

No one expected that in just a few minutes, KT would use their vision to kill T1.

This could not go on like this, so the T1 team communicated and forced Bian to take away the Silas bounty.

But T1's lineup is very good at positional warfare, and grabbing the edge is too abstract.

Aphelios wanted to defend the center. The three middle and jungle brothers on T1 grabbed the side and dealt a wave of damage, but Silas was not killed. Instead, Lin Cheng stole the ice girl's ultimate move and counterattacked. He killed the prince three times in one hit, and also killed the other one. The two brothers fought and ran away.

The disadvantages of T1's lineup were highlighted.

In team battles, there is a big core AD who is very talented, which makes their lineup look very three-dimensional. They have a lot of team control, a solid front row, and time ultimate as insurance, and Aphelios has a lot of output space.

But the T1 lineup is not good except for 5V5 team battles.

They can't control the winger Enchantress and Silas leading the lane, and they can't control the male gunner in the jungle.

As Lin Cheng fought one against three, his teammates also took advantage of the situation and destroyed the second tower in the middle.

It was another familiar line switching operation, and T1 quickly destroyed all six outer defense towers.

However, guarding the high ground is not completely without benefits. The high ground changes lanes quickly, and his teammates are all giving up the economy. Aphelios is so fast that he can almost eat three lanes by himself.

T1 could only rely on the talented Aphelios to make a comeback in team battles.

At 23 minutes, the dragon soul dragon is about to be refreshed.

The field of view in T1 is still very poor, the lower half is completely dark and they have no way to compete for the dragon.

At this time, the Enchantress is equipped, and Chaowei will be forced to use her ultimate move if she steals a little bit of damage time. The blue side simply does not dare to go into the dark to press the position.

Although Ice Girl can defeat Enchantress in team battles, the problem is that her vision cannot be too poor. Enchantress is always sneaking around and stealing damage, and no one can withstand it.

There was really no other way. T1 found that it couldn't squeeze into the lower river. Before the dragon was refreshed, the blue side directly transferred five people to replace the dragon.

After discovering the opponent's move, Little Peanut went below to get the dragon soul, and the rest of KT stepped up to harass the opponent to fight the dragon.

Lin Cheng stole Ornn's ultimate move and put pressure on him from the side.

Chaowei waits for an opportunity to prepare for a sneak attack.

Little Lu Bu was very fat in this game. One person took three lanes. Oner even gave him his three wolves. At this time, Aphelios already had a three-piece suit.

The dragon's health drops quickly.

However, KT did not give the opponent a chance to RUSH the baron. Finding that the baron's health was low, Lin Cheng decided to call the sheep.

On the opposite side, Orn was stuck outside the dragon pit and originally wanted to put pressure on her, but seeing that no one was attacking her, Canna also started calling sheep.

"Give me an eye! Give me another eye!"

Photo of blue jewelry.

Lin Cheng's Silas rammed the sheep's head into the mouth of the dragon's pit.

The Ice Lady and Aphelios were knocked up at the same time.

"Kilan! Kieran!"

Lin Cheng decisively E approached the dragon pit, and the second stage E pulled him towards the time in the dragon pit.

Chaowei took action as soon as Lin Cheng made the command.

The enchantress pressed against the wall of the dragon pit in advance and stepped on the two shadowy shadows.

Just in time, Silas's chain hit.

Time flies!

Keria did not use her ultimate move.

Lin Cheng and Chaowei cooperated too quickly, and Ice Girl and Aphelios discovered that Time was killed while they were still in the air.

The prince's flag next to him was handed over to fight the dragon. At this time, there was no countermeasure at all.

Ornn's genuine sheep head also crashed into the dragon pit.


Lin Cheng dodged to avoid the sheep, and used his Q skill to directly rush towards Aphelios with W Regicide Lunge.

Although Lin Cheng made the second golden body, he had a 21-level murder book on his body, and the damage was exaggerated.


Super Power E Flash Chain is given.


Little Lu Bu dodged and pulled away.

Since Enchantress and Silas faced Aphelios at the same time, Ice Girl W controlled them both.

However, Ice Girl W is a confinement effect and cannot prevent the release of skills.

Lin Cheng's Yongshuang was very accurate, trapping Aphelios in the center.

At this time, Thain drove over madly.

Just in time, Xiaolong roared, and KT took the dragon soul.

Aphelios, who was half-healthy, was knocked up by Thain. The Fire Dragon Soul effect was triggered, and Thain's Q Brutal Slam was fully charged and swung down.

Senna followed out of Shadow Rebellion.

Aphelios died suddenly.

No one expected that little Lu Bu, who had taken advantage of the three-way economy, had no output at all in this wave, and died suddenly with zero output in the team battle.

The only core member was killed, and the T1 teamfight collapsed.

Even Oner didn't even get the dragon, and the prince, who was instantly crippled by Lin Cheng, had to pay back his blood.

The dragon had 200 drops of blood left. Mr. Dai's Senna happened to come over and take down the dragon with a shot from the Kraken.

In the end, KT completely wiped out the team in a 4-on-5 situation.

After winning the team battle, Silas and Enchantress immediately handed over TP.

The top line of troops was just under the blue square. The teammates rushed over and brought the Baron BUFF to end the game smoothly.

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