This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 158 How can anyone be a professional player like this?

After swaying wildly for a while, seeing the next wave of troops coming, Lin Cheng finally couldn't help it anymore.

If we don’t take the initiative, there will be no story.

At the moment when the distance between the two was extremely ambiguous again, Lin Cheng learned the Q skill precise etiquette in seconds and activated it directly.

Qinggangying's Q skill will increase the basic attack range by 50 yards. Originally, Qinggangying's hands were shorter than Swordsman's. Now his attack range exceeds Swordswoman's. He kicked out to trigger passive adaptive defense and at the same time hit Swordswoman's skeleton coating. .

Sword Girl immediately began to press her position towards the gap on Qinggang Ying's right side, but Kiin did not attack immediately when she could take action.

The time when his Ka Qing Steel Shadow shield disappeared.

Lin Cheng took two steps back to lean towards his own line of troops, and then basic attacked A to Sword Lady.

Lin Cheng's timing was too accurate. Now the Qinggang Shadow's forward swing of attack was completed just as the damage reduction effect of the skeleton coating on Sword Girl's body disappeared.

Kiin's grasp of timing was obviously not as sensitive as Lin Cheng's. He waited until the Qinggang Shadow's shield disappeared before raising his hands to attack with a basic attack to eliminate Qinggang Shadow's flaw.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow had already reset his normal attack with his second stage Q, then immediately turned around and pulled back.

After the strong attack was triggered, Sword Lady's blood volume dropped significantly.

Kiin got stuck and chased Qinggangying for a few steps. After Qinggangying's second flaw on the left side solidified, he launched his Q skill to break through the air.

The Sword Girl slipped past the Qinggang Shadow, and pierced the flaw on the left side of the Qinggang Shadow with a backhand sword.

Lin Cheng also knew what his opponent was thinking. When Jian Ji launched her Q skill, A hit the floor, and she just caught up with the flat A in the air as Jian Ji slid over.

At this time, the second wave of soldiers has arrived and is ready to attack the sword girl who crossed the line. The passive sword girl immediately turned around and got into the grass on the side to remove the hatred of the minions. The two sides completed the first wave of blood exchange.

Qinggangying used two Qs to hit strong attacks and two extra basic attacks, and Sword Girl hit two weak replies. No one on either side took any obvious advantage.

However, Lin Cheng still had the advantage of being on the line first. Qinggangying reached the second level early and directly made a sweep with W tactics. He adjusted his position and used the outer edge of the leg blade to consume the Sword Queen while restoring a certain amount of his own blood.

The outer edge of W does very high damage. Now Sword Queen's HP dropped to less than two-thirds, so Kiin chose to retreat behind and secretly replenish her troops.

Just when Lin Cheng was happily replenishing his troops, Sword Girl, who had already reached the second level, suddenly made a QW move, and as she slid over, she set up Laurent's Heart Sword toward the upper left.

Lin Cheng didn't get into position this time, and the flaw below was just pierced by the Sword Princess who slid to his lower right side.

Sword Princess QWA's damage is very high when the flaw is removed. Qinggang Shadow, who originally had more than three-quarters of his health, suddenly lost half of his health.

The passive flaw refresh rule of Sword Princess is divided into two halves according to the direction of the canyon river. The lower left is a half area, and the upper right is a half area. The two half areas are refreshed alternately and randomly.

The next flaw on Qinggang Shadow's body happened to be on the right side. After Sword Girl W slowed down, she started to press the position with the retreating Qinggang Shadow.

Seeing how fierce Sword Girl was, Lin Cheng took two steps back and took action with AQ before the hole on the right side was about to solidify, using the shield to continue retreating.

Generally speaking, when you see the Qinggang Shadow Shield being spawned, Sword Girl can just break through it and regain her health. However, Kiin is still chasing after the pressure position. He just waits until the shield disappears before striking down with his sword and knocking down the Qinggang Shadow's HP to one-third. First, Qinggangying's second-stage AQ backhand also suppressed Sword Girl's health.

Qinggang Ying, who had bullied Jun Ti after punching him, had no ability to fight for a long time. Sword Girl chased him all the way to the outside of the blue square tower with one-third of his health. He started QA again and beat Qing Gang Ying to a very low health. Low.

However, a new wave of minions arrived, and Sword Girl turned around and was hit by Qinggangying's cooled-down W strategy. The health of the top laners on both sides became very low, so they quickly took drugs.

Lin Cheng doesn't know why the Sword Lady on the opposite side is so fierce. Your jungler dares to exchange blood like this when the red BUFF is on?

"Jin Jifan, this swordswoman doesn't know the rules. Come up and teach him what politeness is."

Although he shook the jungler, Lin Cheng was not the kind of person who would sit back and wait for his jungler father to come over after sending the signal. He still went up to replenish his troops and grab levels.

Remember: "The top lane is too fierce! These two don't look like they are competing, but more like they are playing RANK."

Zeyuan: "Generally speaking, players in the game pay more attention to their own development than blood exchange, especially in the LCK. We saw many top laners return home for the first time and even the medicine on their bodies was still there. It’s rare to get a bloody headshot.”

Remember: "The wine barrel sent a signal to get ready to go on the road to find an opportunity, but there was a red ward at the entrance to the blue buff. Just now, Sword Girl deliberately ran here to take a look at the line at night. At the last moment, she discovered the movement of the wine barrel. The prince happens to be in the upper half.”

Zeyuan: "What a scheming person! Is this experience? Kiin went down the wall early and hid in the dragon pit at level 1. Just when Qinggang Shadow came online, he ran to the jungle to open up his vision. Brother Chengzi didn't catch this move. I thought that Sword Lady was helping the prince to gain popularity, but Kiin happened to catch the movement of the wine barrel and found that Bono was walking up, so the prince could come over and squat down.

It seems that AFS has studied KT's recent play style, and knows that Bono likes to take care of the top lane in the early stage. They chose a prince and brushed it up at blue. If I cooperate with a Sword Lady, it is difficult to activate the Qinggang Shadow first, but there is no problem with anti-crouching. . "

Generally speaking, there will be a significant difference in the time it takes to reach level 3 on the road, but the two of them had a tacit understanding of going crazy with A soldiers across the line until they fought to a dangerous point, which resulted in the time for the two to reach level 3 to be almost the same.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow was upgraded to level three and he directly used a W tactic from a distance to sweep across the target.

Jian Ji failed to move and was accurately hit by the outside edge.

Even though both parties had taken drugs just now, their blood volume was not high now. Sword Girl's blood volume was less than one-third now.

Lin Cheng can kill alone with this amount of blood.

Seeing Sword Girl retreating, Lin Cheng didn't have time to wait for the wine barrel from the river to come over. He took two steps forward and climbed to the wall at the corner of the river with his E skill hook lock.

Sword Girl walked back unwaveringly.

They are all professional players. It is almost impossible to directly deceive someone's W by locking this kind of long-distance hook onto the wall.

Qinggang Ying's second section of the E wall turned back and kicked out.

Lin Cheng's kick really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Bono and Spirit came up with a plan to catch someone, and made a sinister plan to counterattack. However, neither of them expected that Lin Cheng would take action without waiting for the two of them to get close.

How can anyone be a professional player like this? The jungler is obviously about to arrive, will you die if you wait a little longer?

No matter what others think, Lin Cheng's kick is destined to have a story.

Lin Cheng's second E angle gave her a little too much advance, so she kicked the Sword Princess on the side.

Regardless of the fact that Qinggang Shadow has a little more health now, a small burst when Sword Girl is at level 3 is enough to destroy Qinggang Shadow's current health.

Once he was blocked by Jian Ji's W and then stunned with a backhand, Lin Cheng would definitely be killed by Jian Ji before the wine barrel came over.

And like Lin Cheng's E to the side of Jian Ji, even if the second E is blocked by Jian Ji's W, as long as he lands and moves immediately, he can avoid Jian Ji's backhand stun. After all, Jian Ji's W has an obvious parry animation.

However, this kind of second-stage E kick to the side when the distance is far away is also easier to make mistakes. Just when Kiin reacted and turned around, Qinggangying's wall kick failed.

Once the second section E is empty, Qinggang Ying will be in danger.

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