This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1572 Apologize! Who said EDG’s BP was messing around?

After a short break, players from both teams returned to the competition seats and took their seats.

Mr. Zhu Kai's angry scolding cheered up the EDG players. Although their faces were still very serious, at least their fighting spirit was still there.

Miller: "Here it comes! The second round of BP will begin soon. I wonder what changes EDG will make after a short break?"

Zeyuan: "But the problem before EDG is very realistic. First of all, can it withstand Brother Chengzi in the top lane? KT has an advantage in the top lane and will definitely radiate to the jungle and mid lane. This means that if it cannot withstand Brother Chengzi in the top lane, EDG will not be able to stand in the middle if there is pressure."

"We all know that KT's operations are very strong. A very important point is KT's terrifying line transition operations and vision suppression after standing on the middle line and pushing down the opponent's first tower."

"KT standing in the middle will constantly put pressure on the side lanes, making it impossible for you to push out the side lanes."

"The army line can't get out, and we can't fight for the field of vision in the jungle."

"You have poor vision and are unable to find opportunities to take the initiative to fight. The snowball will only get bigger and bigger due to KT."

"Then your vision becomes even more impossible."

"It becomes a vicious cycle."

"If the field of vision is not good, the troops cannot move out, and the resource team cannot stand comfortably, and it is impossible to start a team. This is the reason why EDG chose a team battle lineup last time but could not take the initiative to fight. Holy Gunner Kenan was in the opponent's field of vision for the whole game and didn't have a chance to get around, so how can we fight this fight?"

Remember: "Yes! This is also a topic that our casters have discussed for a long time during the game. The more we think about it, the more we understand how powerful KT is."

"Although EDG is already lagging far behind in the mid-term, we have also seen many games in the LPL where they were lagging behind in the mid-term and constantly fighting with their opponents to trade heads for economy. However, EDG could not find a chance to fight in the whole game. KT gave KT the advantage. The opponent’s pressure is too exaggerated!”

Miller: "The situation is very difficult! EDG has never encountered an opponent of this level in the LPL, but in any case, the EDG coaching staff should see it more clearly than us, and we are looking forward to EDG's performance in this game! Come on! "

The BP of the second game officially started.

EDG BAN first on the blue side.

As soon as they came up, EDG still pressed down Dao Mei first, maintaining respect for Lin Cheng.

The red side KT continued the usual BP idea and came up to ban Yumi.

EDG sent Sword Demon to the BAN position with the second move.

Zeyuan: "Sword Demon? It's a lot of pressure! This hand of banning Sword Demon shows that Brother Shengqiang is really under a lot of pressure, otherwise this version wouldn't make sense. The first round of banning Sword Demon is not just Bro Chengzi. Only Sword Demon can play well." Players.”

Miller: "Is it possible that EDG is preparing to pave the way for Holy Spear Brother? After the Sword Demon is gone, the wine barrel can be released."

Remember: "It's possible! The wine barrel is the most stable choice in the hero pool of Holy Spear, but the male spear is still out there..."

Before he finished speaking, the red side directly banned the male gun in his second move.

EDG hesitated for a while on the third BAN position, and finally pressed down Ice Girl.

"Ah? Ice Girl? Is EDG trying to steal the Enchantress?"

Zeyuan's tone was incomprehensible, "The current version of Enchantress is really strong! Scout's Enchantress is also worth grabbing, but the problem is that Qinggang Shadow has been released!"

"This is Brother Chengzi's Green Steel Shadow! Wouldn't it be better to show it in the finals?"

Miller: "It doesn't feel right! I feel a little bad when this Qinggangying comes out."

"But EDG's BP is really difficult. Logically speaking, the blue team should have an advantage in BP, but because of the presence of Brother Orange, no one feels it is appropriate to ban them."

"grass! Is EDG crazy? ? ? ? 》

"What a shame!" Let’s play Qinggang Ying at this time”

"This is what it's like when you're knocked unconscious. I wanted to order Qinggangying but ended up ordering Ice Girl."

"The coaching staff is going to have a caesarean section to apologize!" 》

"Fast forward to the hot search on Weibo: Why not BAN Qinggangying?" 》

"This one is for Qinggang Ying, and the next one is for Dao Girl. EDG is coming to the finals for a happy game, right?" 》

In the camera, Maokai was talking constantly, and the EDG players did not have any emotional changes because of this ban.

Obviously, they had already thought about releasing Qinggang Ying in advance.

Just want to touch Lin Cheng's signature.

Although I know that Qinggangying is awesome, after all, Qinggangying is not a hero like Sword Girl Sword Demon.

No matter how awesome you are, can you beat five against one?

On the other side, Lin Cheng smiled when he saw Qinggang Ying released.

"Yoho! Orange treasure! What do you say when Camille comes out?"

"What are you talking about? I'll grab it later, you guys can do what you want."

"Brother Lin Cheng's Camille! We're sure!"

"I'll lie down and I'll take you on my way."

"Don't be careless, what if the other side wants to grab Camille with the blue side?"

"He dares! Then I, Lin Xiaocheng, will let them know what cruelty is."

"Ha ha!"

The KT players burst into laughter, and even Kang Dongxun smiled and patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

This scene just happened to be captured by the broadcast camera.

Zeyuan: "I'm laughing! Everyone in KT is laughing! Brothers, the opponent doesn't want to win, so they dare to let go of our Qinggangying."

Miller: "Of course...but! After all, it's the finals. After preparing for so long, I don't believe that the EDG coaching staff doesn't know the power of Orange Brother Qinggangying. It's better to believe it first and then question it."

"At this time, EDG still dares to try to break KT's Qinggangying system. I can only say that they are brave."

Zeyuan was angry: "That's right! If EDG wins this round, every one in the shot counts! You can't escape the liquidation of Starch! You are the only one who can smile happily, right?"

The third BAN position on the red side was finally given to Kenan.

Obviously, Lin Cheng has already made it clear that he wants to take Qinggangying.

His Qinggang Shadow is not afraid of Kenan, but the Holy Spear brother is determined to develop the Qinggang Shadow, so it is not good to put too much pressure on Kenan.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue side who banned Ice Girl did not grab the Enchantress, but grabbed the version T0 jungler Lee Sin.

Lin Cheng decisively locked Qinggang Ying on the first floor of the red square.

Not fancy, just so confident.

However, KT fell into a short discussion regarding the second-hand selection.

The opponent's BAN seems to want to take the Enchantress, so it would be a good choice for them to snatch the Enchantress away.

But now there is another problem.

Once you take the Enchantress, it is not easy to restrict the backhand of Luna on the second or third floor.

Without Erlu, there are many combinations that can beat Luna in the lane, but if the lane change is in the mid-term, other combinations will be under great pressure against Luna.

In KT's operating philosophy, it goes without saying that the importance of lane rights in the middle after the lane change period is over.

KT has also used a combination of Varus + Karma to defeat Luna before, but you can only choose one hero on the third floor. The opponent BAN in the second round will definitely not make your bottom lane comfortable.

If your opponent grabs Luna and then holds down all the cards you can play in the bottom lane, once you gain an advantage, there is no doubt about Luna's ability to snowball.

Therefore, after a simple discussion, the red side locked Aphelios on the second floor first, and then decided whether to release Lulu later.

The blue side decisively takes Enchantress first on the second floor, and then determines Varus on the third floor.

Zeyuan: "Wow! On the blue side, EDG actually got all the blind monks and witches in version T0? Is this why they released Qinggangying?"

Miller: "I understand! They knew that KT would definitely take Qinggang Ying, but Luna was still outside. In order to target Luna, KT had to lock Aphelios on the second floor. EDG decisively gave up on Luna's backhand. Varus go and strike your Aphelios.”

"Is this all part of the calculation of the EDG coaching staff? From this point of view, apart from giving Orange Brother Qinggangying, EDG's first three BPs are almost perfect!"

Zeyuan's voice was loud: "Apologise! Who just said that EDG's drafter was messing around?"

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