This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 163 The overwhelming KT

Although the duo traveled in a hearse, the rest of KT managed to demolish the base after their opponent resurrected.

KT won the first game of BO3.

Remember: "You can't play it! Brother Chengzi's Qinggang Ying really can't be played. After so many games, it seems that as long as you get Qinggang Ying, KT's early rhythm will start very fast."

Zeyuan: "One is that his laning ability is really strong, and this person is really good at using Qinggangying's mobility to do things. As long as he gets a clear advantage in the lane, he can snowball. In the next round of AFS, we need to consider targeting Qinggang Shadow."

In the second game, AFS banned Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow as soon as the blue side came up.

The LCK coaching staff does this very well, and most coaches are very good at judging the situation.

Since I can't handle you, I'll ban you.

Of course, there are also extreme die-hards like Mike. The reason we lost this round was not because of my BP problem but because the players didn’t perform well. We will try the same lineup again next time.

This time Kiin still got the counter position. When Lin Cheng brought out the Crocodile to cooperate with his own Rock Bird, AFS brought out the top laner Quinn.

In last year's World Championship, the top laner Crocodile was rampant. Brother Khan performed very well when he used top laner Quinn to beat the crocodile. However, in the LCK, it was Kiin who was the first to use top laner Quinn to completely determine the trend of the game.

Many people saw someone else's Quinn beating a crocodile so smoothly, and wanted to pick it up and learn from it, but when they started using it themselves, they found that it was not the same thing at all.

Quinn requires too much proficiency, and those who are not particularly familiar with this hero will easily get beaten up by the crocodile because the error tolerance rates of the two sides are so different.

Theshy's Quinn in last year's World Championship also clearly showed that his proficiency was not enough, and he could not show any suppression against the crocodile. This hero cannot be used after just a few games of practice.

As the first top laner to be crowned the ‘World’s No. 1 Quinn’, it goes without saying that Kiin’s Quinn proficiency is great.

This game was extremely uncomfortable for Lin Cheng in the online game. He was extremely angry when fighting with short hands and long hands. Several times he tried to throw a set of martial arts punches, but Quinn kicked him off his E skill, making him unable to get close.

Moreover, due to the mobility of Quinn's ultimate move, he can very restrain the combination of Crocodile and Rock Bird without bringing TP and an extra purification.

Bono wasn't stupid either. It took too much effort to catch him on the road, so he simply stopped coming, leaving Lin Cheng to play by himself.

Anyway, in addition to suppressing Quinn in the early stage, he basically has no chance of killing the Crocodile alone.

Lin Cheng's basic skills are indeed solid. Every time the camera shows him on the road, he is beaten, but he has even more last hits than Quinn.

After the first wave of dragon team battles broke out, the difference between Quinn and Crocodile became apparent.

The crocodile's entry was simple and rough. He flashed in with Hong Fury to look for his brother-in-law's female gun. After knocking him out with a slap, the rock bird connected with the rock protrusion and directly vaporized the opponent.

Without AD players, AFS team fights with few players cannot proceed. Crocodile's ability to stir up trouble in early team fights is too strong, and Quinn cannot match it at this time.

Although Quinn could definitely suppress the Crocodile in a single line in the later stage, KT had no intention of fighting with the opponent. They used Xiaolong and Pioneer to force the opponent to take over the team. After two consecutive waves of small groups, KT gained a clear advantage in the early stage.

And after all, Lin Cheng had one more TP. When Quinn showed up on the top lane, Yanque ran to attack the opponent's bottom lane.

Although Spirit was alert and counter-crouched behind, the Crocodile who had shrunk behind the tower in advance in the top lane directly dropped TP, and at the same time Kuro in the middle lane also handed over TP.

When it landed, it was a big crocodile with its ultimate move. KT used a wave of five people to kill all three opponents in the jungle under the tower.

Although Quinn on the top lane took a wave of tapis, the five KT players on the bottom lane quickly grabbed the first blood tower and continued to advance towards the second tower.

You must know that Bono is carrying a vanguard. After the five people demolished the second bottom tower of the blue side, the vanguard hit a high ground and almost demolished the opponent's high ground tower in twelve minutes.

In this way, the economy instantly became a huge gap, and the early rhythm of AFS was completely broken.

Although Lin Cheng's Crocodile does not put as much pressure on other lanes as Qinggangying, KT has such a huge advantage and now it is no problem to replace the Crocodile with Teemo and mix with Quinn on the wing.

In the end, in the Water Dragon Soul team battle at the beginning of 20 minutes, Lin Cheng's crocodile found an opportunity to TP around and flashed into the field to stick to the female gunner. Although the brother-in-law reacted quickly this time and flashed away, Lin Cheng's other teammates had already swarmed forward. Easily destroy the opponent.

Brother-in-law, these two games were really miserable. In the first game, the support was a cat. If he dared to look at Lin Cheng's Qinggangying, something would happen. In the second game, he still had no way to deal with a big crocodile that rushed in unreasonably. The game Very poor experience.

After the team destroyed the opponent and captured the Water Dragon Soul, KT took advantage of the situation to kill the Baron. AFS had no capital to resist and was taken away by KT with the Baron BUFF.

After defeating AFS, KT has completely consolidated its fourth position in the standings, and if it beats DRX head-on in the next round of collision, KT will enter the top three.

Now many LCK fans and critics can't sit still.

KT was still at the bottom nearly a third of the way through the spring split this season. As a result, KT jumped from last place to fourth place so quickly, which no one expected.

Last summer, SKT also rushed from the bottom to the top of the league with nine consecutive victories, but that was SKT after all!

The S9 Galaxy Battleship Spring Split champion team is there. Isn’t it normal to counterattack after waking up from a nap?

But what are you KT?

Although KT is not too weak in the LCK based on its lineup alone, it is just not weak.

After all, they are a group of older young people chasing dreams, so they can just stay in the middle of the pack. There is something wrong with this attitude.

In previous LCK ranking predictions, most commentators predicted that KT would be ranked 6th or 7th in the middle of the spring split. Only CT and Kwangseok predicted that KT would enter the playoffs in fifth place.

After all, there are many teams in the LCK that look better than KT this season.

The high-profile reorganization of Galaxy Battleship GEN·G deserves respect.

Although T1 after the name change has a CEO who likes to talk and tweet, after all, the double C from last season is still there, and the results in the LCK will not be too bad at least.

Brother Mai took his beloved eldest disciple Chovy and godson Doran to form a team with Mr. Dai, obviously not to accompany him.

Last season's World Championship quarterfinals DWG retained the original team and remained competitive.

AFS, which just won the Kespa Cup, doesn't look like a good team either.

After counting carefully, it is actually very reasonable for most people to place KT's predicted ranking in the middle and lower reaches.

But no one expected that KT would actually direct and act in this game. It started on hell difficulty and then fought all the way out of hell. It was already racing towards the championship.

What went wrong?

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