Lin Cheng's backhand ban to kill Qinggang Ying caused a stir in the live broadcast room.

"You actually have this skill? The routine is a bit deep."

"Brother Chengzi, do you want to be embarrassed? Wanwan is the best at Qinggang Shadow, why the hell did you ban it?"

"This is a role model for our generation."

"Don't be moved by beauty. I respect you as a man."

"I punch hard in the arena, and I'm even more deadly when I hit the fans. I really belong to you."

Lin Cheng is so thick-skinned. Faced with the barrage bombardment in the live broadcast room, he not only did not feel embarrassed, but said righteously:

"You know what a banana, Qinggangying is really not suitable for soloing in the mid lane. I banned Qinggangying just for the sake of Wanwanwan."

Lin Cheng shamelessly continued to talk nonsense, "And if I choose first, Wanwan can take the counter position later. Do you know how advantageous this 1V1 counter position is?"

Seeing that Qinggangying was banned, Wanwan on the other side felt a lot of pressure and solemnly banned Lin Cheng's sword girl.

No matter who she was playing against, she had never seen Lin Cheng's Sword Girl being at a disadvantage online. It was often the opposing jungler who came to take care of Lin Cheng's Sword Girl a few times and still held down the opposing top laner.

I saw that Lin Cheng chose Kalista first, and Wanwan chose Syndra later.

I often OB Lin Cheng's RANK, and Wanwan also knew how terrifying Lin Cheng's online details were, so she didn't choose a long-handed hero like a policewoman to come out to fight.

Besides, she is not good at being a hero like a policewoman.

On the contrary, Syndra is much simpler. Bring Ignition, and as long as you consume a little of the opponent's health before reaching level 6, you can use Syndra's super high single-target burst to take away the skateboard shoes when you find an opportunity.

Both of their summoner skills are exactly the same, Flash and Ignite.

Entering the game, the two of them ran to the middle to say hello early before the troops came out.

Lin Cheng twisted his expression like a gentleman penguin, and Wanwan responded with a poro expression, and then started dancing on the spot.

As a result, Lin Cheng shamelessly walked up and threw a spear while Syndra was dancing.

When the Cluster Blade was triggered, Kalista quickly spun and jumped around Syndra with one spear and one step.

Syndra didn't run away, she stood there with a crying expression on her face.

Wanwan slowly typed a question mark on the public screen.

Lin Cheng's Kalista stopped and signaled Syndra to go back and replenish her blood.

"Look, Wanwan only saw the joy in Brother Cheng's bright expression, but she didn't see the steady movement of Brother Cheng. She must be on guard against others. This girl is too naive."

Lin Cheng said earnestly: "Brother Cheng is such a fastidious person. If it were someone else who was shameless, he would have been killed by a sneak attack."

"I'm knocking! This guy is so shameless."

"People are having fun interacting with their fans, and you sneak up on me. It's really yours."

"The question mark in Wan Wan is very spiritual."

"Wanwan: Brother Chengzi is too insidious, and this fan shouldn't be inappropriate."

"It's a pleasure to hear and see, just wait for the young lady to take off her fans."

Although Lin Cheng didn't talk about Wu De's sneak attack, after all, the army line had not yet come out, so it actually had no impact. Soon Syndra returned to replenish his health and returned to the line.

When the first wave of creeps arrived, Lin Cheng quickly coordinated with the two red melee creeps in the front row and slid to prepare to cross the line.

Wanwan played very cautiously. When she saw Kalista sliding forward while holding the A soldier, she quickly took two steps back to maintain her position, and at the same time, she counterattacked with a Q skill.

Lin Cheng didn't care about the damage caused by the dark ball, and jumped wildly to press the line.

The pressure on Kalista from the first level was too much. Syndra took the initiative to retreat to the back and wait for the opponent to push the line. The two Q skills in the distance were all drained of blood.

Lin Cheng: "This kind of solo in the middle lane is different from the top lane. There are not so many opportunities to cross the line to exchange blood. You see me pressing the line so fiercely. In fact, this wave is just to scare her. Syndra must want to rise to six. One wave of levels killed me, but I was not prepared to let her reach six safely."

While talking, after the second wave of soldiers arrived, Lin Cheng rushed to the second level and stood in the middle of the soldier line jumping around.

The soldier line has been pushed forward for a certain distance. Since Lin Cheng crossed the line and attracted the hatred of the second wave of soldiers, only one of the two melee soldiers on the red side is being attacked by the blue soldiers.

Lin Cheng alone A-attacked the red melee soldier with a lot of health below.

Wanwan was very careful. She raised her hand and threw a Q. When there were no minions with remaining health, she took a step back and waited for Lin Cheng to push the lane. She always paid attention to Kalista's position.

"The opponent is playing very cautiously, and the idea is right. When the level 6 skateboard shoes have no barrier and there is an explosion, they will definitely not be able to defeat Syndra."

Lin Cheng expressed his affirmation of Wanwan's playing style, and then changed the topic: "But it's a pity that she met me. I will not let her have the opportunity to rise to level six."

At this time, Lin Cheng had inserted three spears into the red melee soldier below, and the red soldier above was almost out of health.

Kalista turned her head and stabbed the soldier above with a spear, crippling him, and raised the spear in her hand again.

Just in time, Syndra stepped forward and wanted to use her Q skill to replenish her troops.

Lin Cheng's Kalista threw the spear, but the target was not the low-health minion above, but the three long-haired red melee minion below.

While throwing the spear, Kalista slid down and stuck to the face of the melee minion.

The angle was just right, and the Q skill penetrated and slid towards Syndra's direction.

A long and narrow green spear penetrated the melee minion, just grazed the long-range minion behind and pointed directly at Syndra who had finished using her Q skill.


When the Q skill started, Lin Cheng had already pressed the E skill to draw the spear.

When Kalista's penetrating spear passes through the target, the number of stacked spears will be added to the next unit hit. When Syndra takes the penetrating damage, she will also be slowed down by the explosion damage of five stacked spears.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's E skill happened to kill the minion with residual health above him, and the E skill reset its CD.

Now Syndra lost less than half of her health, but the Q skill just happened to raise Syndra to the second level. Wanwan's backhand was a weak E skill trying to push away the approaching Kalista.


The moment Syndra raised her hand, Lin Cheng flashed directly to the side behind Syndra, which was exactly the limit range of the defense tower attack.

Since the weak ones dispersed at a conical angle, even though they were very close, Kalista was just not repelled this time.

Lin Cheng's backhand tied A, triggering the cluster blade and igniting it at the same time.


Wanwan sensed the crisis and quickly entered the tower.

However, Syndra's flash position was still within Kalista's shooting range, so Lin Cheng started to throw the spear on the spot.

Many skateboard players like to jump blindly. At this time, they often jump into the defense tower if they want to pursue a step.

However, Lin Cheng decided to mainly kill by force, and it was not a good thing to take damage from the defense tower prematurely.

Lin Cheng's judgment was very accurate. He did not choose to slide when he was stuck outside the attack range of the defense tower. Instead, he waited until the third attack of the Cong Blade was launched before Kalista slid into the attack range of the defense tower. , throwing the spear again at Syndra under the tower.

The defense tower begins to attack Kalista.

Syndra used a Q dark serve to gather at Kalista's feet.

Wanwan's turning Q made Lin Cheng cancel his plan to press the E skill immediately. He took a step forward and hit the A level again, and started to draw the spear.


Syndra's health becomes dangerously high and she is slowed.

Lin Cheng caught up and maimed him with a spear.

The second defense tower attack came down, knocking out most of Kalista's health.

Seeing that the defense tower was about to land its third attack, Kalista threw her spear again.

Syndra fell to the ground first.

Immediately afterwards, Kalista was also killed under the tower by the attack of the defense tower.

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