This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1701 I want to bring my talent to the jungle

No one expected that the BPs of both sides would have such a wonderful story surrounding the ban position of the first sword girl. The interaction between the two players in the air made the audience on site and online burst into laughter.

The second BAN position of blue side KT is given to the card.

In the new season, everyone is currently attaching great importance to this hero. The changes in TP have made the linkage between various lines in the early stage less intuitive, and the card's powerful support ability is very prominent.

Cards are not very capable of laning in the middle lane. In the past, as long as a mage could press the lane, everyone could save TP in the early stage. When the card became big, just use TP to support it. Now this situation cannot happen. .

The red side GEN·G pressed down Qinggangying with his backhand.

Anyway, Sword Girl has been banned, and GEN·G is not afraid to give Qinggang Shadow another BAN position.

KT banned Haoyue in the third hand.

The red party thought for a moment and pressed down the crocodile.

After all, I have been at GEN·G for two years, and the crocodile that he is best at still needs to be respected.

Start selecting people, and the blue side grabs the blind monk.

Zeyuan: "The blind monk is no problem. This version has a high priority. What's more important is that Brother Cheng is very good at playing the top lane blind monk. It should be relatively easy to use it in the jungle."

Wanwan: "This hand of blind monk can actually be used. Yesterday, the top laner blind monk appeared in the LCK. I can also use the blind monk to play on the road."

"Last year when Lee Sin was at his strongest in single lane, Rascal was the player who impressed me the most in the lane besides Orange."

Zeyuan interjected: "What about Chaowei? Chaowei has also used Blind Sin, isn't it impressive to you?"

Wanwan: "I was quite impressed at first, but then I figured it out and thought my blind monk was stronger."

Zeyuan: “When did you figure it out?”

Wanwan: "After he became teammates with Brother Chengzi."

The barrage could no longer hold up, Wanwan's adaptive face was too real.

Seeing that the blind monk was robbed, GEN·G took down the policewoman + Lux with his backhand.

KT locked down Aphelios + Thresh on the second and third floors.

This choice makes the commentator a little confused.

Aphelios + Thresh is indeed a classic combination, but it will be very uncomfortable to fight the policewoman Lux online. This year, LCK teams basically use Karma to fight the policewoman Lux.

Even if Aphelios appears, many teams will choose Karma to assist if there is too much pressure on the line to ensure that Aphelios develops online.

But KT also has its own considerations.

Karma is a hero that does have strong laning pressure, but it also requires player manipulation. Most teams would not dare to let go of Keria's Karma for fear of being beaten in the bottom lane, but Beryl's Karma is really not that strong.

Genshin Impact is not good at operations to begin with, and picking Karma will not put pressure on the opponent's bottom lane. On the contrary, Karma's lack of initiative ability will weaken Beryl's roaming.

The red side selected Xin Zhao on the third floor.

The second round of BAN begins.

GEN·G bans Syndra + Gragas, heroes that Rookie and Rascal are good at respectively.

KT's two BAN positions are given to Enchantress + Clockwork.

One can be paired with Xin Zhao for strong midfield confrontation, and the other's ultimate can form teamfight coordination with Xin Zhao.

The second round of selection begins.

Jace comes out first on the fourth floor of the red square.

Although the super powerful Jace is also very proficient, after all, the jungler Xin Zhao has already been released. This Jace can basically be used by Dolan on the top lane.

Mr. Dai showed off his micro silk on the fourth floor of the blue square.

He was not in a hurry to lock in, leaving enough time for discussion on the last choice.

Lin Cheng: "What do you say, Li Qing? Do you want it? If not, I will go to the jungle."

The KT team has not yet decided on the Lee Sin's split. The Lee Sin will be a swing presence when he grabs the Lee Sin. In the training game, Rascal's top lane Lee Sin was also very effective.

Rsacal: "Come on, Lee Sin can beat Jace."

Mr. Dai: "OK! Lin Cheng, what do you say?"

"Let me think about it..."

Lin Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up, "Rexai! Give me Reksai."

"Really? Isn't it too hard?"

After all, Lin Cheng was playing jungle for the first time, and his teammates felt that he should be a little more stable.

The hero Rek'Sai is too extreme. Although his GANK ability is good in the early stage, in the later team battles, he basically can only choose to go in and find the opponent's back row for one.

The fault tolerance rate is too low, and everyone pays attention to protecting the C position. Rexey can easily be wasted if he doesn't find the right opportunity to enter the field.

Lin Cheng was very confident, "It's Rek'Sai! I want to awaken the world's fear of Rek'Sai. I, Lin Cheng, will dig the canyon that cannot be dug through by literary friends."

When he first moved to T1 the year before last, Cuzz used his excavator to dig through the Korean server with a 97% win rate, which once made all opponents afraid to let go of his Rek'Sai.

His excavator was banned for half a season, and finally a team suddenly released it to test the waters. As a result, Grapefruit Thief's excavator was immediately ruined after he took it out, and he completely lost the charm he had when he was ranking.

The largest C78 in LCK was born.

Everyone jokes that Cuzz’s biggest role in T1 is to cheat BAN positions.

As a new jungler today, Lin Cheng is ready to defend the Excavator for the Grapefruit Thief.

Mr. Dai was still a little worried, "It's been a long time since I played Rek'Sai. Why don't you try your best to choose the prince? Poppy is good too."

Lin Cheng waved his hand confidently.

"Don't worry! It'll be no problem."

"I'm going to bring my talents to the jungle."


As a result, the blue side finally locked Rek'Sai on the fifth floor.

Zeyuan: "Ha! Excavator? The blind monk was really shaken off the road, but what does Brother Chengzi mean by this excavator? You want to torture Cuzz, right?"

Wanwan smiled: "Brother Chengzi wants to see today, is the excavator that difficult?"

"Ha ha! classic! Is it that difficult to be an excavator? 》

"Is it really an excavator?" This kind of RANK is rarely seen”

"If Brother Orange were to carry the excavator, the Grapefruit Thief would probably not be able to sleep well."

"Cuzz are you watching the live broadcast? Say something! 》

Seeing that KT's lineup was completed, the red side finally locked Victor in the middle to fight against Weigusi.

Wei Gusi is very powerful against short-handed heroes in the middle, but has no advantage against long-handed mages. The W skill basically cannot touch anyone.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Rascal (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Jungler: Cheng (Void Burst Beast, Rek'Sai)

Middle lane: Rookie (Messer of Sad Clouds, Wei Gusi)

Bottom lane: Deft (Sorrow of the Waning Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Beryl (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

Red square GEN·G:

Top lane: Doran (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Peanut (Governor of Germany, Xin Zhao)

Mid lane: Chovy (Mechanical Herald, Victor)

Bottom lane: Ruler (Piltover Policewoman, Caitlin)

Support: Lehends (Lady of Radiance, Lux)

Taking advantage of the time before leaving the stage, Kang Dongxun patted Rascal on the shoulder and encouraged: "Everyone, come on! Try to win the last show before the Spring Festival smoothly.

"come on! Come on!"

The team members encouraged each other, and Lin Cheng joked while adjusting the runes: "My girlfriend is down there, Song Yijin is going to start the massacre today."

Rookie smiled and said, "Don't put pressure on me. I'll try my best to play well."

Listening to the jokes of his teammates, it was my first time to represent KT and I was a little nervous.

After all, this position belonged to Lin Cheng before, so anyone who took it would be under great pressure.

He turned to look at Lin Cheng next to him, and found that he had a frown on his face and a solemn look on his face.

Brother became more nervous.

At this time, Lin Cheng turned his head and looked at him.

"Jin Guangxi, how do you bring Rek'Sai's jungle runes?"

Rascal: "???"

you ask me? I'm not a jungler.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Lin Cheng turned to the others and asked:

"Who knows what Rek'Sai's secondary department is?"

Rookie: "The red one, the first one in the first row, the first one in the third row."

Lin Cheng: "OK!"

The S8 champion jungler Rek'Sai's rune has been equipped.

Get ready to kill!

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