This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1709: Dying quickly is also a skill

Zeyuan: "Hey! What do you mean, Brother Chengzi? You dare to kick him? The female policeman directly learned the trap... and died! No! Even the blind monk dared to QQ when he only saw one female policeman at the first level. Go up?"

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi was a little careless! He probably thought that Lux wasn't nearby, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to kick him like this."

Zeyuan's tone suddenly became cheerful: "Ha! Audience friends! The director just confirmed it with me! Brother Chengzi's first blood this time has set a record for the fastest first blood in the LCK this season."

"43 seconds! Faster than the fastest time he died on the road last year."

"We all know that last year many teams liked to target Brother Orange at level 1, which resulted in him getting caught in various ways at level 1. But after all, it takes longer to get to the top lane. This time Brother Orange's speed of delivering first blood has exceeded his own ability. The fastest record!”

Wanwan: "Death quickly is also a skill. In fact, it has little impact on the situation. Brother Chengzi used a flash and ignite, so teammates will feel more comfortable online."

Zeyuan: "That's reasonable! You understand, maybe Brother Chengzi deliberately risked his life to cheat on his skills this time, right?"

Wanwan smiled and said, "That's not the case. It would be too obvious after washing."

Barrage explosion.

"Hahaha! Chengza spoke against the will of heaven! 》

"Iron-Blooded Orange is like this, Sister Water Ghost shook her head when she saw it"

"It's also a skill to die quickly, it's hard to survive"

"I didn't expect Brother Chengzi to have such a glorious record (funny)"

"Old viewers all know that before, Brother Chengzi died suddenly in various first-level tricks on the road."

"At least he was ambushed before, but this time he sent it by himself"

"You don't understand, give me some warmth first, Chaowei will suffer serious consequences later"

After sending the first blood, Lin Cheng was honest and asked the duo to seize the line in advance. With the help of the wine barrel, the blind monk made a red start.

"Lin Cheng, look at the middle lane. If the other side doesn't dodge, I'll switch blood and be more aggressive."

"OK! I'll go brush the stone man first, and I'll come over later to help you squat."

Xin Zhao is unlikely to have a secondary GANK, and it is really difficult to cooperate in the early stage of Clockwork, unless Rookie presses too hard.

So Lin Cheng chose to kill the stone man first, and then use F6, so that the blind monk could more easily take care of the middle.

While farming, Lin Cheng was also on the observation line.

There is nothing to say about the top lane. The wine barrel helps him open the jungle. He will definitely suffer some losses in the early stage, but the basic attack power of Kennen is too low. At this time, he does not need to use the wine barrel.

The opponent's Xin Zhao should not be confused and come up with a tower that Kennen can jump over the wine barrel in the early stage.

Therefore, Lin Cheng did not need to focus too much on the top lane in the early stage of this game.

The female policewoman in the bottom lane learned the trap at the first level, and Aphelios + Thresh took the lead again to ignite. KT did not fall behind in the first-level line grab.

However, as the level goes up, the red team duo will be overwhelmed sooner or later. What Lin Cheng has to do is to move down early when he finds that his opponent is hoarding lanes and preparing to enter the tower to prevent Xin Zhao from jumping over the tower.

Before that, Rookie's aggressive play in the middle gave Lin Cheng an opportunity to do something.

When the first wave of soldiers met, Rookie aggressively traded blood with his opponent.

Although Clockwork has more first-blood economy, it only adds a blue crystal, and there is no improvement in fighting ability.

Chaowei's positioning was very cool. After taking the first shot of Syndra's Q, he twisted two dark orbs in a row.

Rookie didn't give in too much. The connection between A and the skill also avoided Clockwork's second Q skill.

When they meet on a narrow road, the single dog retreats.

Probably because his girlfriend was sitting below, Rookie was no longer as radical as usual. He drank two bottles of corruption potion and crossed the line to chase after the clockwork.

Seeing the opponent's mad dog-like play style, Chaowei was afraid of exchanging blood too much because he didn't dodge, so his momentum dropped.

During this period, except for the strong smell of gunpowder in the middle, the other two lines were relatively calm.

Lin Cheng was thinking while clearing the field.

Peanut's Xin Zhao actually doesn't have much room to do anything in the early stage of the game. He can't gank in the early stage of the top lane. Unless Lux can guarantee the first Q hit in the bottom lane, he can only gain more stable income by jumping over the tower.

According to Little Peanut's character, at this time he is either working hard or going to the middle to put pressure on Syndra.

After all, Syndra, who was one flash ahead, played too fiercely. Although Xin Zhao was not easy to do things, Peanut was not the kind of jungler who only wanted to develop himself. He did not hesitate to help his teammates out.

At around 2 minutes and 40 seconds, Lin Cheng finished F6 and squatted at a nearby intersection.

"Old Song, if you be more aggressive, I will help you squat. Xin Zhao may be nearby."

Since the second wave of troops was pushed into the tower, the position of the troops was not too close to the blue side at this time.

Syndra stood in the middle of the army line, constantly pressing forward to miss Q and then retreating. She looked fierce but afraid of the opposite jungler.

Xin Zhao still didn't show his head.

Lin Cheng walked around the river into the grass.

After waiting for a few more seconds, Xin Zhao still didn't come.

"Lin Cheng, stop squatting. The other side should be farming. You should go farming too."

"Do you want me to come out and help you push the line? This wave of line cards outside the tower seems to be very dangerous."

Rookie: "·····"

I want to speak from experience.

At this time, from God's perspective, Lin Cheng was squatting in the grass on the upper river channel, while Xiao Huahua was squatting on the grass in the lower river channel.

The two are almost mirror images of each other.

Zeyuan: "Both junglers are squatting in the middle. Both sides want to work together. They both feel that the opponent will attack the middle."

Wanwan: "It is the old teammates who understand each other best. Apart from farming, Little Peanut can only come to the middle lane to find opportunities. Brother Chengzi understands this very well, and Little Peanut also knows that Brother Chengzi understands this."

As soon as he finished speaking, just as Lin Cheng was about to go out and help Syndra push the line, Xin Zhao took the first step and came out from the lower river channel.

After all, it was the little peanut who couldn't help it anymore.

After all, as a professional jungler, Xiaohuahua is different from Lin Cheng.

He knew how precious the time in the early stage was, and he couldn't waste it here for too long. Xin Zhao was ready to come out and look for an opportunity to see if he could force Syndra to dodge.

When the little peanut appears, press QW forward to slow down Syndra.

Xin Zhao followed two steps, stabbed Syndra with Wind Slash Electric Thorn with W, and launched Fearless Charge with E.

Rookie reacted quickly, and QE pushed Xin Zhao away who almost rushed in front of him.


Little Peanut decisively exchanged dodge, determined to switch to dodge even if he couldn't kill Syndra. Otherwise, Syndra in the middle would continue to put pressure on Clockwork, and he might suffer a loss when he met Lin Cheng in the jungle later.


Rookie was also very decisive, and Syndra flashed in reverse to get close to Clockwork.

W grabs the orb and slows down the clockwork.

At this time, Lin Cheng's blind monk finally emerged from the grass on the upper river.

Touching Syndra's body, the blind monk slapped her down at the extreme distance and hit the clockwork.

Lin Cheng activated the second stage of Q.

Chaowei's blood volume is not good to begin with, and he was instantly disabled by the blind monk at close range.

Syndra's Q skill scored the kill.

But when Little Peanut realized something was wrong, he turned around and ran away.

At this time, the damage done by KT's middle and jungle brothers was no longer enough to kill Xin Zhao.

Lin Cheng is very coquettish and chases the little peanut to show off his mark.

Little Peanut ran back to the tower from the center line near the tower. In just a few steps, the blind monk chased Xin Zhao and showed his mark four times.

KT team logo.

EDG team logo.

The blind monk clasped his fists.

Jinx grimaces.

"Oops! Little Peanut couldn't help but take action first! Brother Chengzi really took the bait in this wave of fishing. Zhao Xin E was deduced that this wave of clockwork died first and was unable to fight. Rookie's operation was wonderful."

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the blind monk showing off his expression crazily.

"Haha! You're starting to get mentally polluted, right? But what does it mean when Brother Chengzi lights up the EDG team logo?"

Wanwan: "Avenged the factory director! You were the one who chased and beat the factory director in the wilderness? It's a pity that the little peanut didn't play with the pig girl, otherwise Brother Chengzi would have beaten the little peanut until he abandoned the pig and ran away."

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