This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1743 It’s all about the details

The director gives a replay.

This wave of line kills is actually not difficult to operate, except that Lin Cheng twisted away Lux's Q skill at the beginning. The key is that the two KT brothers are decisive enough.

The two flashes are close to each other, and the bonus brought by Xia W is too fierce. Luo W's grand debut is a sure-kill situation.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi fought so fiercely! The first-level AD flashed and struck first. I think little Lu Bu has never seen such a fierce opponent in his life. The policewoman turned around and was dead."

"Little Lu Bu could still survive this wave if he moved and avoided Luo's W, but Beryl deliberately flashed over and waited for the policewoman to dodge before lifting him up. It would be too difficult to hide."

Wanwan: "The T1 duo still doesn't respect Xia Luo's level one. Lux can't stand up to Q Kong. Why does little Lu Bu dare to turn around and click on Brother Orange? He just risked his life."

Zeyuan: "To be honest! T1 has always had this problem in the bottom lane. They are a little too confident and don't take their opponents seriously. Before, they played Luna's first-level grass grab and dared to chase Erlu."

"You're right! But Brother Chengzi won't tolerate you!"

Wanwan snorted softly, "On the way up, Brother Chengzi chased his opponents, why should he spoil you when he comes down?"

"Is it just because you have a big face? Or is it because our team logo is T1?"

"I'm sorry! I'm hitting you T1!"

The tone of voice is soaring and seductive.

The barrages expressed their frustration.

It’s not just Wan Wan’s devil in the commentary box who is making fun of him.

Lin Cheng's AD career's first kill, of course the director did not forget to give the player's perspective and team voice.

The voice in the front was pretty normal, and the team members were very nice.

Until Rookie's Chinese popped out.

"Brother Chengzi is awesome!"

Lin Cheng chuckled and started talking about Chinese.

"Is this policewoman kidding me? What is he pretending to be?"

Barrage explosion.

"Violent killing, hahaha!" 》

"Brother Cheng, Xiao Heizi!" Wait to be blasted by God’s believers! 》

"旮旯: Is this plane fucking kidding me?" 》

"Brother Chengzi and Wanwan have exactly the same appearance, 233333"

"Husband and wife photos!" 》

"Wanwan's words are just because of your big face?" "I almost died laughing"

"Little Lu Bu called the police"

"Policewoman Lux is really not pretending, being killed like this is really unexpected"

"For Brother Chengzi, anyone who dares to look at him is just pretending (dog head)"

Game scene.

The KT fan area was cheering loudly, while the T1 fan area was a little quiet.

The contrast is strong.

Just in time, little Lu Bu's helpless expression appeared on the big screen.

The banner that T1 fans put up before the game was immediately waved, and Gumayusi's big head was very conspicuous on it.

Wake up! This is a telecommunications war!

Our world's number one AD needs to stand up!

After killing the policewoman, the line of troops has arrived. The KT duo quickly pushed the line to get the opportunity to return to the city after sending the line of troops into the tower.

But after all, Xayah learned W at level 1 and is still cooling down, so the duo's push speed is not too fast.

Seeing that the second wave of soldiers was about to arrive, Keria's Lux forced her body to line up outside the tower.

If you don't resist and let this wave of lines enter the tower, the female police officer will lose nearly a whole wave of soldiers' experience.

Luo came out from above, and W made a grand appearance.

But W's hand raise from a distance was too obvious, and Keria confidently moved sideways to avoid it.

Seeing that the army line was stuck, Xia in the grass canceled her return to the city.

Zeyuan: "Keria's blocked line is very beautiful. Little Lu Bu will not lose any experience when he comes back, and it is difficult for the KT duo to return to the city if they are stuck in the offline line."

Wanwan: "The positioning is really good! Lux's HP was already reduced at level 1. If Luo's W is not available, maybe Cheng Zi can dodge it with just a follow-up."

The policewoman's return was a relatively comfortable frontline for little Lu Bu.

Lin Cheng first went to the river grass to take a look to prevent the blind monk from changing speed and catching him.

Xia Luo has short hands, so it is difficult for the tower front line to put pressure on the opponent. Relying on this wave of lines to slow down, Policewoman + Lux still have a chance to counter-pressure.

But Lin Cheng is really fierce.

After completing the melee soldiers, she found that the long-range soldier line was still stuck outside the tower. Xia moved forward to completely send the line in before the next wave of soldiers arrived.

Lux had just reached level two due to the experience of eating two soldiers by herself before, so she threw her E skill behind Xia.

Keria has a habit of playing support. He especially likes to predict the opponent's operations and movements when releasing his skills.

Masters from all walks of life have suffered losses at his hands.

This time he also predicted Kasumi's return.

But Lin Cheng didn't look back.

Xayah moved forward with Lux's E skill, and the light-transmitting singularity happened to fall behind him, only hitting Luo behind.

Lux Q's Binding of Light takes action.

The policewoman set up Q Peacemaker.

I saw Lin Cheng's Xia jumping sideways on the spot, almost dodging the opponent's duo skills one after another.


It's like a lively tango.

Kasumirai made up for the ranged soldiers with his backhand.

Luo used salary equipment to help make up for the remaining ranged soldiers.

The two completed the push.

Although the female policeman had no skills and relied on her long hands to steal a few hits, Xia turned around and hit the double-edged Q. The existence of the minion made the female policeman useless.

After pushing the line, KT and KT immediately retreated.

Oner's blind monk had already stood under the red square triangle grass. Seeing the opponent retreating, he did not touch the river in front of him to prepare for GANK.

Wanwan: "This move is so cool! Brother Chengzi's Xia feels really chic."

Zeyuan: "Do you want your positioning to be so showy? He hasn't used any of his skills until now!"

Wanwan: "That's why he dared to use Xia Luo against Policewoman Lux. If you miss with your skills, long hands won't be that scary at all."

The bottom lane pushed the lane in time to avoid a wave of GANK, and the lane of soldiers was also sent out.

After Cuzz finished a round of wild monsters, he didn't look at the river crab and went straight to the bottom lane.

Exactly three and a half minutes later, the prince entered the bottom toilet.

"Look for an opportunity to move Caitlin. It's hard to kill Lux if she dodges."

The three brothers of KT Shimono constantly exchanged key information.

Keria's awareness was very good. When the army line was pushing forward, Lux stood in the back and threw E to explore the field of vision.

The extreme distance of the light-transmitting singularity falls between the lower grass and the middle grass on the side road, slightly closer to the alcove.

The field of view of Lux's E is very special. Keria's E can not only detect two fields of grass at the same time, but also just expose the prince hidden in the toilet.

"Jarvin is here."

"I'm relying on it! I'm relying on it!"

The red party knew that Xia had just penetrated the river's field of view, and the blind monk chose to crawl into the dragon's pit, and touched the wall to prepare to go around the blue square triangle grass.

Zeyuan: "The prince's location has been discovered, but Cuzz doesn't seem to know that he has been exposed, and is still squatting inside."

Wanwan: "Keria is so detailed. Lux's E detected both the grass and the alcove. Something might have happened if Cuzz was still squatting.

Zeyuan: "Actually, the prince at this position has the opportunity to directly touch Lux, but Cuzz seems to want to touch the policewoman who did not dodge. He has no idea that he has been exposed."

“Let’s start working on our acting skills!”

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