This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1754 Give Tanza a little shock

The scene of Keria's frustration after giving the opportunity made the KT fans at the scene extremely excited.

Is this the best bot lane in the world for Tan Zachui?

Someone even used a tablet to type out subtitles on the spot:

T1 is all shockwave! Only Cheng is the well-deserved number one in the world.

The T1 fans in the next area are almost crazy.

They didn't expect that their proud bottom lane would be hit by such a big gap.

As for the online science and miscellaneous topics, I can’t wait to start making teammates.

When it comes to choosing cards for Faker, you should wait until the cards are level six!

Before the cards even started to move, the bottom lane was already exploding. This was just a joke.

Didn’t you say that the assistant is a calendar monster?

Why do you pretend to be dead every time you meet KT?

Many T1 fans started attacking Keria again.

The main reason is that Keria licked Mr. Dai too much, showed off every time she played against other teams, and had no voice when facing KT, which made many T1 fans have a grudge for a long time.

And he is also the only player in the team who is not from T1 youth training.

More importantly, everyone knows that Keria has a bad mentality.

The worse the mentality is, the more fans like the pressure, even if they are their own players.

But to be fair, Lin Cheng also sympathizes with Keria's situation.

This year, T1 has been praised by fans for taking turns to support them. They can mix in the mid lane, top lane, and AD. However, they play the least role in assisting.

Tan Za doesn't understand it at all now. Every time Keria loses his voice in a T1 game, he gets into a hard fight, which just shows how important Keria is to this T1 team.

Other teams can win by just messing around with their support, but when T1 is praised, they always have to point to their support to perform well in order to win. This is very abnormal.

Even when playing Tahm Kench, Keria has to protect the C position time and time again, and even W has to be used to start a team. The bastards are getting used to his wonderful performance, so they will be more and more harsh on him.

It's not like KT. In the past, the three assistants often lost money and still won. KT's fans just laughed and passed it.

Because they knew that Lin Cheng was still here and they couldn't lose the game.

This is because the expectations of fans on both sides are different.

This wave of female tanks was killed, and Aphelios could still only cower under the tower to take advantage of the line. Little Lu Bu was under great pressure.

Fortunately, the cards in the middle lane reached level 6, and the three KT brothers took advantage of the situation after pressing another wave of lanes, and did not continue to bully others.

At 6 minutes, the bottom defensive tower was almost at its lowest health, and Aphelios was suppressed by more than 20 knives.

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't show much of his skills in this game. KT used his own style of play to tell the audience: the so-called female police system is not for two-man lanes.

Of course, the unlimited suppression of the bottom lane in the early stage of this game also benefited from Rookie's line rights in the middle.

Clockwork Card's early line power was very stable, and Faker had already exploded through the bottom lane when he reached six.

The blind monk got the dragon with the help of the duo, and found that Thain was in poor condition on the top lane. The card's ultimate move flew up to help the male gun take down Thain's head.

The first ultimate move is effective, and the card rhythm is not bad in theory.

However, if the cards are not strong enough, the bottom lane Policewoman + Lux can suppress them infinitely.

Relying on the power of the middle and lower lines, Cuzz won the first dragon at seven and a half minutes.

T1 couldn't find a solution to the suppression of the bottom lane at the moment, so they simply switched lanes in advance and went to the top lane to help control the vanguard.

In this way, the bottom lane was left open to defend, and the policewoman + Lux took down a health tower without pressure in just over 8 minutes.

And T1 also got the Rift Pioneer as they wished.

The blue side took advantage of the situation and let the duo go up, and the prince put the vanguard on the top lane to make up for Aphelios.

However, KT's duo also switched up after winning the next tower and continued to suppress the opponent on the top lane.

The midfielder kept playing in the upper half, and the KT policewoman kept the pace.

Although the male gun below is more aggressive in pressing Thain, it doesn't matter to KT if Thain is worse.

On the way to eat two more layers of tapioca, Lin Cheng's policewoman looked very arrogant.

Finding that the female tank was in the river platoon's field of vision, Lin Cheng stole a shot from Aphelios under the tower and hit with his Q skill.


Regardless of the absence of his support, Lin Cheng came with a wave of E flash + strong wind from a distance.

Aphelios' flash was forced out by Lux Q before, and Lin Cheng prepared to kill alone.

Since the strong wind can cancel the retreat step of the female policeman's E skill, theoretically the female policeman's E flash can rush forward with the rope net and the person. After clicking the headshot, a shot and a big move are enough to kill Aphelios.

However, Lin Cheng did not grasp the timing of connecting skills well, and Guangfeng moved forward only after the effect of E flashing back was released.

The policewoman was seen swinging back and forth, and Aphelios retreated after treatment.

A made a headshot, and the policewoman just couldn't touch Aphelios.

Let the bullets fly out, and Aphelios survives with remaining health.

Wanwan: "What a pity! Brother Chengzi wanted to play cool, but the damage calculation was a bit wrong."

Zeyuan: "I have something to say! I think Brother Chengzi made a mistake in his operation. He is ahead of Flash and Gust this wave. Even if he flashes directly and makes a face, he will die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the director showed Lin Cheng's player footage.

Lin Cheng's performance was unnerving.

"Hey! Fuck!"

After discovering that Aphelios was not dead, Lin Cheng was so angry that he hammered the table on the spot.

He knew that he had made a mistake. Even if Guangfeng went straight up to A and then E followed by headshots and ultimate moves, he could kill him.

But he chose the most handsome combo to deal the lowest damage.

"Sure enough! I only practiced for two hours, but it's still a bit reluctant."

Hearing his muttering, the Chinese-language commentator couldn't hold back.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Did you really practice for two hours? No way? Does anyone really dare to win the competition as a policewoman after practicing for two hours? Is he kidding?"

"I testify! Brother Chengzi's operation just now seems to have only been practiced for two hours."

Wanwan's tone was a little swollen, "Maybe this is talent! Every time a new hero comes out, Orange will be very good at it after playing a few games. The policewoman's operation just now is already very rough for him after practicing for two hours."

Zeyuan: "No matter if Brother Chengzi is joking or not, little Lu Bu can't see this video anyway. Protect the players!"

Barrage explosion.

"F*ck!" really? Really only practice for two hours? 》

"Explode!" If little Lu Bu knew the truth, his heart would be broken."

"I just wanted to laugh at Brother Chengzi's mistake in the combo, but now I can't laugh anymore."

"It is recommended to watch it again and again to give Tanza a little shock"

"Now Tanza has no shame to brag about his talent. Brother Chengzi is the one with talent."

"The policewoman actually doesn't have many operations. The key is that Brother Chengzi has great basic skills."

Lin Cheng didn't know how much his explosive speech would shock Xiao Lu Bu and Tan Za. Although Shuai Shuai made a mistake, he still crippled Aphelios.

The opponent could no longer defend the upper tower, so the center and junglers moved up, and the first tower on the blue side fell in 12 minutes.

Policewoman rhythm takes off.

Taking advantage of the trend, KT changed the duo to the middle and continued to suppress.

KT won the second-generation Pioneer battle easily.

Beryl's Hidden Grass Q hit the prince, and the policewoman took two headshots from the clip and killed the prince instantly.

KT relied on the second-generation Pioneer to take advantage of the situation and pull out the blue square tower.

Faced with a tense situation, Faker was really anxious.

Discovering the opportunity of a wave of Lux river wards away from AD, I opened the card directly to catch the policewoman.

But the placement of the card's ultimate move was too radical, and he himself was somewhat out of touch with his teammates.

Lin Cheng moved to avoid the female tank's long-distance ultimate move, placed the clip on the card's ultimate move in advance, and then used A to attack the minion for a headshot.

Faker was punished when he came down.

The female police card hit the head with two shots at range, and hit the head with another shot with her E skill.

The cards are given away as soon as they land.

This scene later became a microcosm of the entire game. Faker tried hard to find opportunities to pick up the rhythm, but his poor downfield made the card unable to do anything.

As the only old man in the team, Brother Li was unable to stabilize the emotions of his teammates in this situation.

He is the most anxious one.

Cards continued to look for opportunities, but were caught by KT and counterattacked. T1's disadvantage became increasingly large.

Originally, the mid-term period was supposed to be the weak period for the policewoman, but Lin Cheng's equipment advantage was too great, and he couldn't stand up to his opponents and started sending them away.

Brother Li sent a wave, and KT took out the second tower in the middle.

Brother Li sent another wave, and KT reached the high ground in 19 minutes.

The situation on the blue side is completely rotten.

T1 was not willing to wait for death. In twenty minutes, while Thain and Clockwork showed up on the sideline, all members gathered to attack Baron.

Disadvantage: Shooting Baron is already a fixed part of T1, but KT is surrounded by vision.

This is not stealing, this is robbing!

Zeyuan: "There is nothing we can do! If we don't decide to use Baron when trouble comes, T1 will be at odds with Baron in the past two years anyway. It will either make a comeback or be taken away by one wave!"

Wanwan: "But other teams will give them a chance. KT will not take this trick. Their vision will not allow their opponents to grab the dragon under their noses."

"T1 is probably committing suicide!"

Upon discovering T1's movement, KT quickly adjusted.

Rookie immediately TPs to the front.

The three brothers from Shimono stood on the flanks.

"Go slowly, you can go slowly."

"It doesn't matter if the dragon gives it, don't let them catch you."

Beryl's command is very clear.

The brothers were not in a hurry and stood still waiting for Thain to make the first move.

As Thain drove into the dragon pit, the team battle started.


The equipment gap between the two sides is too big, and the blue side's resistance has been reduced by the big dragon. This wave of fighting is simply devastating.

Lin Cheng A floor is finished.

The five T1 brothers were trapped in the Dragon Pit and were destroyed at the speed of light.

Just as the middle line of troops reached the high ground, KT took advantage of the trend to end the game.

EDG, hahaha

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