This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1771 Do you dare to shake this?

"Here it comes! The second match between KT and DK this season."

In the broadcast footage, players from both sides were already in place at the competition seats.

Today's Huya Chinese stream commentary is jointly provided by Yutong and Rita. This pair has also been ridiculed by the audience as a perfect combination.

One is the future Valorant commentator. Since he started working as a Valorant commentator, Yutong has become more and more abstract. He plays the players in the LOL commentator's booth with great vigor, always giving the audience a feeling that he will not be able to do it tomorrow. The feeling of being on the commentary desk.

One is a famous vase in the commentary field. Her partner explains seriously that she is responsible for her beauty and beauty, and she also bravely follows her partner's yin and yang.

"DK's current record is really not optimistic. They need more wins to ensure promotion to the playoffs. In this case, they have ushered in the biggest sufferer in the history of the club. This game will be a huge test for DK."

"DK is the team that has lost to KT the most times in the world in the past three years. The two sides have met in the LCK regular season, in the LCK finals, in the Kespa Cup, and in the global finals, but Without exception, DK lost."

Yutong still did enough homework before the game, and even remembered the details of the two sides' matches in the past three years very clearly.

Rita: "I do feel that DK is a bit miserable! Without KT, they might have won the championship."

Yutong: "Actually, DK was really strong in the first two years, but it was because of the existence of KT that they were unable to win the first top-level championship in the club's history."

"If it weren't for KT, they might have become more than just the league champion."

The camera just happened to show Butou.

He is still laughing.

"Butou has been performing well recently. I will reward you with Brother Orange."

Yutong said loudly, "Brother! If you can withstand today's game, you will be DK's only top laner."

Soon, the BP between the two sides officially began.

DK gave Dao Mei, Qinggang Shadow and Ryze the first three BANs on the blue side.

Although Butou is also a unique swordsman, he obviously does not have the courage to compete with Lin Chengyi in blue.

On the red side, KT pressed down the card, Zeli and Enchantress.

DK chose to rob the policewoman.

KT immediately showed Karma + EZ.

Previously, the hero Karma was either banned by KT himself or the opponent released it without taking it. In this situation, facing the policewoman, it is impossible not to take it.

The camera goes to Beryl.

Brother Genshin was chewing gum with a domineering look on his face.

"Let go! If you really want to be a Genshin Brother, you won't know Karma, right?"

Yutong became angry and said, "Although his RANK record shows that he hasn't practiced much Karma recently, he has played a lot."

"Using Keli's method of throwing bombs to throw the inner flame, you think he hasn't practiced Karma, but in fact he may be more skilled than anyone else."

The barrage has filled the screen with question marks.

In the eyes of many people, EZ is very weak in lane.

But that's because EZ will be pushed out of the lane in most situations, and once EZ is able to push back the lane, this hero's line suppression is actually very strong.

And Karma can perfectly help EZ seize the line and exert the suppressive power of two long-handed heroes.

Although Genshin Impact's Karma is indeed not very proficient in technique, Mr. Dai's EZ is very top-notch, and this combination is simple and crude.

It really doesn't work. As long as Karma throws his skills to help EZ push the lane, he won't be suppressed.

"Policewoman Lux is a combination that wants to suppress taps, but facing Karma + EZ, it's not that easy to push the lane and grab taps."

"Unless Mr. Dai goes forward with E to receive Lux Q and the policewoman's clip during the laning phase, it will be difficult for the policewoman in the bottom lane to achieve a particularly obvious suppression effect."

After a pause, Yutong added, "I think I've seen this scene before in LPL."

Rita subconsciously asked: "Is it the Taobo match?"

Yutong didn't answer and continued to analyze the situation.

The barrage has already started rioting.

"Another insult to my Shuizi brother!" The commentary is very brave》

"This guy drove zombies and water ghosts on the second road the day before yesterday, and he was not afraid at all"

"Do you understand the value of disintegration?" 》

"The most outrageous thing is that Sister Tazi jumped out to accuse the criminal"

"You know criminals, violent murderers, right?" 》

DK added Lux ​​+ Gwen on the second and third floors.

KT took down Xin Zhao.

In the second round of banning, the red side KT stared at the jungler and pressed the blind monk + bright moon.

DK bans Akali and Barbarian King.

Rita rarely showed off her understanding, "Akali and Barbarian King are easy to beat Gwen when they go to the top lane, and Akali can swing in the middle and top in KT. DK pays great attention to protecting the top lane and the lane."

Yutong: "But Jace is still outside. In fact, Gwen is more difficult to beat Jace. There is really nothing we can do against the phased Jace."

Before he finished speaking, the red square locked Jace down on the fourth floor.

DK used the male gun + clockwork with his backhand.

"No! This is jungler Gwen, top lane male gun!"

Yutong reacted, "DK laid an ambush. This Gwen is the jungler. DK has done this before. KT's jungler BAN who stared at Canyon in the second round was obviously fooled."

"But let me be honest... DK, you dare to shake this?"

"KT didn't expect Gwen to go to the jungle, but it also sent a signal to Brother Cheng: You can attack as much as you want on the road, but my Gwen can't catch anyone anyway."

"Butou! Butou has to hold on!"

"I just gained the coach's trust. Don't be beaten by Orange to look at the water fountain like Zeus last year."

DK's sudden swing in BP is really unexpected. There are very few teams like DK that fully believe in the jungler's ability to carry this season.

Originally, Jace went up to Blood Ke Gwen, but there was no obvious advantage against the male gunner.

"What did Lin Cheng say? Will Jace give it to me?"

Rookie can also play Jace and subconsciously suggests swinging.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Forget it! That's it!"

"If the other side dares to use Gwen as a jungler, let me teach them a lesson."

Lin Cheng is very confident.

Originally, he had to worry about being taken care of by Canyon when he chose Jace. DK's hand of shaking Gwen to the jungle looked very coquettish, but it also gave Lin Cheng a signal to rest assured.

As a result, KT gave up the plan of letting Jess sway in the end.

The red square fifth floor finally made up for the fox.

Just in version 12.3, the fox received a minor redesign. Although it lost the damage-increasing effect of the E skill, the multi-stage refresh mechanism of the ultimate move made the fox more flexible.

Fox's mechanics are really comprehensive.

You have to be in control, you have to be nimble and flexible, you have to do damage with appearance.

Just perfect.

Lineup selected.

Blue side DK:

Top lane: Burdol (Outlaw, Graves)

Jungler: Canyon (Lingluo doll, Gwen)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Deokdam (Piltover policewoman, Caitlin)

Assist: Kellin (Glow Girl, Lux)

Red side KT:

Top road: Cheng (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Cuzz (Governor of Germany, Xin Zhao)

Middle: Rookie (nine-tailed fox, Ahri)

Bottom lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: Beryl (Apocalypse, Karma)

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