This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1792 Bet on the last dance of your commentary career

Chuanzi is so widely distributed these days, and there are many international students in Korea.

Lin Cheng's comments on WBG in the Korean commentary booth were immediately moved to Weibo, and people were clamoring for Lin Cheng to wait for Weibo's super chat to be cleared.

Lin Cheng was not connoting anything, he really felt that the WBG competition was a bit abstract.

Based on the contents of the two WBG games he has watched this season, the top laner is free, the mid laner is mixed, the AD is weak, and the jungler and support are two pure fools. He has no idea how this team is currently ranked first in the LPL standings. .

Of course, maybe Lin Cheng just watched two of WBG's most exciting games, and it doesn't rule out that the players performed normally at other times.

But the impression on Lin Cheng was too deep.

CT: "Since player Cheng is optimistic about TES, can you tell us why?"

Lin Cheng: "It's not that I'm very optimistic about TES. I just feel that their chances of going to MSI may be slightly higher. The overall strength of this team is pretty good, and we have also played training games against each other."

CT: "When it comes to TES, they cannot do without their double C. What do you think of the Knight players?"

Lin Cheng smiled, "Before last year, Knight was known as 'the other Chovy in the world.' I recognize Chovy and naturally I recognize Knight."

The Korean network has a very high evaluation of Knight's strength, but there is no suggestion that he and Chaowei can be each other's right-hand man.

"Is there really such a joke in China?" Knight is another Chovy? 》

"The world is different for me!" Sure enough, the living space of human beings is almost KKKKK》

"Who would have thought that after Chaowei won the championship, he would still be chased and bitten by Tanza this year"

"Knight=left hand, Chovy=right hand"

"Hey~~~I really liked Chovy"

Not only Knight, but Brother Shui Zi is also highly rated on Korean websites. CT took advantage of the situation and asked Lin Cheng to comment on Brother Shui Zi.

Anyway, it’s not about criticizing Faker. There is no pressure on the Korean stream host to set the pace.

Lin Cheng naturally had good things to say.

CT: "It seems that player Cheng quite approves of Taobo's double C, but the mainstream argument in China is that this top double C is not really suitable, even though the current TES record is pretty good."

The issue of Taobo's double C is not only discussed in China, but also on the Korean network where viewers are discussing it.

Similar memes like the Cowardly Lizard and the Violent Knight are applicable to both sides.

One is very radical, and the other is very easy to mix up. These two Cs really don’t match well.

"Contestant Cheng has played with both styles of Double C. What do you think?"

The teammates Lin Cheng has experienced include both a quick-hitting kid like Aiming and a more stable mid laner like Kuro, which is indeed somewhat similar to Taobo's double C situation.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "In my opinion, this is not a problem. If the team can communicate and coordinate well, the two styles of players can actually complement each other."

Bitdol said sarcastically: "But TES has been a double C partner for two years, and it seems that the more they complement each other, the more they stretch their legs?"

Lin Cheng shrugged: "Then there's nothing we can do. Since everyone has no ability, they all go their own ways..."

At this point, Lin Cheng suddenly stopped.

These two may be teammates of their own national team, and it is not good to be too aggressive.

So, he temporarily changed his rhetoric.

"Uh~~~I mean, maybe they need to make some style changes for the sake of their teammates."

"Knight is more stable, and Jackeylove can find a balance between aggressiveness and stability."

"Jackeylove rushes quickly and is easy to send away. Knight can also make himself more proactive. When all teammates rush faster than Jack, he is an excellent AD who dares to play."

Barrage riot.

"? ? ? 》

"Good guy! When playing in a TES group, you can compete with others to rush faster, right? 》

"There is a saying: In TES, only those who rush faster than AD are considered in the front row! 》

"The TES game is a racing game"

"In fact, it is really not easy to find four teammates who can rush faster than JKL"

"I can't tell his ingredients for a moment KKKKK"

"It is recommended that Taobao buy Cheng next year, he can perfectly balance the sudden AD and the bad mid laner"

"OK! The opportunity for T1 to make a comeback is here》

The topic had already started, and Lin Cheng, prompted by CT, talked about other teams.

RNG has a lot of topics, and it also has grievances with KT.

Last year Xiaohu MSI was completely beaten by Lin Cheng on the top lane.

The jungler was double killed.

Yaosuke was single-killed in front of Nosuke.

Three people came up and were still killed alone.

Lin Cheng even rushed in and killed Xiaohu alone in front of four teammates.

General Tiger's Iceland Diary is a history of blood and tears when he was beaten by Lin Cheng.

In addition, BLG was specifically mentioned by CT.

CT: "Uzi is a great player, but his comeback performance this year does not seem to fully meet the audience's expectations, and even to some extent, because his presence seems to put pressure on his teammates."

"I remember that Doggo broke down and cried after a certain game because of his mistake. Does this have anything to do with his competition with Uzi?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "I don't see it that way! Everyone is under pressure. Tears cannot make you stronger. Only sufficient determination is motivation."

"The Doggo player should understand that his pressure does not come from Uzi... Of course, Uzi's fans must bear some responsibility for this, but the main responsibility lies with the Doggo player himself."

Barrage explosion.

"Ha ha! Uzi fans are responsible for this"

"Cheng said it very well. Only with enough determination can you become stronger."

"Isn't he a Faker? Faker sheds tears even when he loses》

"Doggo's Tears" was a hot search topic in China before. Are Chinese audiences also using Faker? 》

"If you open that one, the planners will be hit. Don't you know that there are also stalls in China?" 》

"What are you afraid of when opening Faker in China?" Chinese netizens only use lip service”

"Do you think that if you live overseas, we can't find you and kill you?" 》

After chatting for a while, the topic in the commentary box finally returned to today's game.

Seeing the appearance of the contestants, Lin Cheng silently cheered for his teammates.

Keeping Kuro's pre-game instructions in mind, he tried to pay attention to his speech and was very gentle when commenting on BP.

Lin Cheng: "Both teams have good lineups. T1 has a snowball lineup that they are very good at this season. KT's side is relatively more balanced. Rascal's Camille single belt can put a lot of pressure in the late stage, but facing online Jess is having a harder time.”

CT smiled and said: "If it were a player who went up to get Camille, he should be sure of winning it, right?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "You can't say that. The game is played step by step. It doesn't mean whoever gets the sign will definitely win."

CT was surprised: "Are you so humble? It's a bit unlike Cheng's style."

“It’s okay if you’re not humble!”

Lin Cheng joked: "Thinking about the tens of thousands of private messages from T1 fans on INS, I subconsciously held back the dirty words I was about to say."

"Ha ha!"

Neither commentator was stunned.

CT: "Sure enough! Top players have to bear a lot of pressure."

Bitdol: "It's the ability to withstand such pressure to become the best, right? Player Faker must be facing the same situation."

Lin Cheng shrugged: "I guess he never reads private messages."

Because of this topic, the Korean real-time forum has exploded.

Lin Cheng had never said anything about being threatened in private messages before. Now that Cheng Za knew the truth, he began to fight back, and everyone expressed their intention to fight back against Tan Za's behavior.

As for the target...

It can only be you, Faker!

There is no way, due to fan behavior, the players take the blame.

Originally, the two news agencies were sworn enemies. After Lin Cheng appeared, both sides became famous stars. Fans criticized each other, which directly escalated the tension to a climax.

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