This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1795 Reported! Love anchor

KT lost to T1 for the first time in three years in the news agency war. According to the control variables, Lin Cheng's importance to KT once again became a hot topic.

Who is better, KT or Lin Cheng?

Or KT with Lin Cheng here?

Of course, the more topical topic was Lin Cheng's group start in the commentary box. The intensity of the exchange between Tan Za and Cheng Za after the game was the most intense this year.

The bastards didn't care that Bitdol was the first to provoke and use Faker's triple crown to question Rookie's one crown. Anyway, Lin Cheng's response to Faker with 1557 was simply too bad.

Totally unconscionable!

He must be beaten to death severely.

Tanza went crazy, and Chengza also tried his best to put a bucket of shit on the heads of Tanza and Faker.

There were curses and death threats among fans.

There are also offline appointments.

It was a mess.

Lin Cheng didn't know what consequences he would have in the forum for starting a group at the commentary booth. After the commentary work was over, he went to a nearby restaurant for dinner with Kuro and the two host girls.

"I asked you to stop causing trouble when commentating. Just worry about annoying T1 fans. Every time you end up getting scolded along with me."

During the dinner, Kuro couldn't help but complain.

Lin Cheng was originally told to pay attention to his words before the game, but the guy restrained himself in the first game, and later even shouted out 1557.

When Tan Za couldn't scold Cheng Za, he would often go to Kuro to vent his anger. He could already imagine the tragic scene on his social account.

"These are all trivial matters. Why don't you help me get scolded? You are the elder brother."

Kuro launched his death gaze, "You know I am your brother now? You are so shameless! You only know that I am your brother every time when you want me to take the blame."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Nonsense! This is the price of being a brother."

Kuro: "Forget it! For the sake of helping me get the concert tickets, I will forgive you this time."

"What concert?"

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, "You're talking about Tian Xiaojuan... I forgot, I'll do it next time!"


Mr. Kuro was instantly furious and was about to flip the table over and start a rebellion.

"Haha! I'm kidding you. I've already agreed with Tian Xiaojuan that I will get you a pass to enter the backstage."


Kuro's anger disappeared immediately, "Good brother, I knew you were reliable."

The conversation between the two made the girl next to her laugh so much that she fell on the table.

"Are you going to be so childish?"

"Talking about you, Li Shiheng."



Thursday was the day scheduled to pick up Orange Cat and his family from the hospital. In the morning, Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi prepared to drive to the pet hospital.

Before departure, Lin Cheng opened his own YouTube live broadcast room.

Originally, he just said it casually during the live broadcast last night, but fans were very interested and strongly requested to live broadcast the process of picking up the Orange Cat family from the hospital.

And they had already started arguing about the cat's name in advance.

Chi Shengxi drove, and Lin Cheng held up his mobile phone and sat in the passenger seat to be responsible for the live broadcast.

"Director Chi and I have already left the club! I wonder how the cats are doing in the hospital... Yes! It's the orange cat eating at the buffet in the last show."

While pointing the camera out of the car window, Lin Cheng watched the barrage.

There are Korean, Chinese, and English barrage, and the Chinese barrage is particularly strong.

In addition to international students in South Korea, many domestic viewers can also interact with each other using real-time translation plug-ins.

"That's enough for you. Are names like Wang Tiezhu and Tian Erniu given by people? We'll wait until we get the cats back. In the next two days, everyone remember to go to KT's official account to participate in the naming vote."

"Don't worry! The cat supplies are prepared in advance."

"There is also kitten milk powder, given by the sponsor."

"For the sake of the kitten's mental health, you must not quarrel with the kitten...Who posted this barrage? Are you teaching me how to do things? Do I look like someone who can quarrel with a cat?"

Hearing that Lin Cheng and the netizens in the live broadcast room were about to quarrel, Chi Shengxi was wearing a mask and snickering while driving.

Lin Cheng happened to turn the camera around.

"Don't shoot me, shoot yourself."


Lin Cheng pointed the camera at his face.

Barrage is very abstract.

"Brother Orange!" Open your mouth quickly! Hurry up! 》

"This angle is just right to catch it!" (insidious)"

"unbelievable! 》

"Who wants to see you?" Quickly give the camera to the young lady"

"Although she is wearing a mask, the young lady is so pretty"

"I feel so horny when I wear a mask (my face is so horny)"

"hateful! Why not let the young lady appear on the scene? Do we want to see who has no points? 》

Ji Shengxi rarely appears in the club's live broadcasts, either in profile or wearing a mask. The true appearance of the operation lady has become a topic of great concern to KT fans.

Until the last LCK awards ceremony, it was revealed that Chi Shengxi was wearing a dress and went on stage to receive the award, and a group of oranges immediately rebelled.

Of course, Lin Cheng understood them.

After all, I am also an old pervert, but the young lady is more beautiful.

However, compared to appearing in public, Chi Shengxi prefers to wear a vest and lead the rhythm on the Internet.

Lin Cheng pointed the camera forward and continued to interact with the barrage friends.

"Brother Chengzi, you are a car lover at first sight. Can you tell us about your car experience?" Do you like to hit the brakes continuously when driving on the highway? 》

Continuously apply brakes at high speed?

Lin Cheng didn't react at first when he saw the pinned Chinese barrage. The more he looked at it, the more wrong it became.

He was silent for a few seconds and said in Chinese:

"Hmm~~~ I like to slow down occasionally. How about continuous braking? It's not good for people's health and can easily cause damage to the vehicle."

The barrage was full of question marks.

"? ? ? 》

"The best thing you can say is the car"

"Encrypted Call (Funny)"

"Can you speak Korean?" Why so many question marks? 》

This time it was abstract, and a new barrage appeared immediately.

"People who love cars have their own preferences. Some like cars, some like SUVs, and some like heavy trucks. Brother Chengzi, what kind of car do you like? 》

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "As long as the car is beautiful, it doesn't matter what model it is to me... Of course! I really don't like heavy trucks or anything like that. Small cars are smart and easy to drive, and SUVs have quality and good looks. , it’s nice to drive and feel comfortable.”

There are more question marks on the barrage.

"Outrageous!" Extremely outrageous! 》

"The car is easy to drive and the SUV is fun to drive. He really understands cars!" (Dog Head)》

"I also like SUVs, woo woo woo"

"I just realized, does car refer to girls?" Brother Chengzi likes those who are slightly chubby? 》

"It depends on how fat is defined, not many have both good looks and texture"

"For Chengzi hyung, he must be at least as fat as Jeon Hyosung, right?" 》

"My wife used to be a little fat, but now she's thinner"

"Xi Ba!" What on earth are you talking about? Can you speak Korean? 》

"Reported, amorous anchor"

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