This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1838 The ultimate flash! Shocked the whole audience

Lin Cheng's seemingly unreasonable GANK on the road silenced the commentators.

It wasn't until the replay was shown that the audience discovered that Zeus had handed over the small skills in advance, and then there was a scene where Ornn was easily killed by Silas's ultimate move stolen by Galio.

After killing Ornn, Lin Cheng switched lines with Rookie.

Galio, who has the ultimate move, goes to the middle. After a while, he can better protect the bottom lane.

And Lin Cheng's 2-0 Silas took advantage of Ornn's death to eat two more layers of tapioca alone, and his development was already a bit unstoppable.

In the next two minutes, Cuzz almost gave up on the upper half, and after clearing the wild monsters in the lower half, he wandered around the river.

Anyway, it’s about protecting EZ Karma’s push line.

The river is a classic take-off position for cards. Faker crashed into the prince on the river twice after pushing the lane and disappeared, forcing him to retreat back the same way.

At the same time, Cuzz's position also ensures that Nightmare can provide timely support when it flies down, and Oner doesn't dare to fly around when holding his ultimate move.

EZ is too fat and has purification. He can only target Karma, but if the duo is pressed, Nightmare will fly up alone and it may not be easy for teammates to follow.

Therefore, T1's offense in the second half is a bit stiff.

Even in turn, he was somewhat restrained by KT.

After Galio leveled up, his lane clearing speed was very fast, and Rookie was also looking for opportunities to keep moving down. T1's Nosuke was forced to continue to protect the bottom lane.

If the prince + Galio are allowed to cross the bottom lane, little Lu Bu will no longer have to play.

Remember: "T1's bot lane is so uncomfortable! EZ Karma, who has an advantage and has no pressure to push lanes randomly, puts a lot of pressure on her. The core of T1's lineup is the policewoman! The bottom lane ended up playing like this, which is unacceptable."

Zeyuan: "To be honest, this is the first time I've seen little Lu Bu's policewoman being suppressed like this... Of course! The time when Brother Chengzi switched to the bottom lane doesn't count."

Wanwan: "The main thing is that Brother Chengzi changed lanes to the middle and flew down to support for the first time. It was so essence! That wave was the trigger for T1's bottom lane to be completely suppressed."

"Moreover, Deft and Genshin Impact were in really good shape in this game. They had an advantage in a pure 2v2 matchup. Coupled with a little help from Orange, policewoman Lux is now in jail."

The bottom lane was the focus of both sides, but neither side could find a good opportunity to take the initiative to attack. On the contrary, it was the top lane Lin Cheng who began to increase strength for Zeus.

Ornn was quickly beaten home again, causing Lin Cheng to almost demolish the upper tower alone.

For more than 12 minutes, Cuzz placed the vanguard in the middle to grind down the health of the outer tower.

Taking advantage of the T1 midfielder to deal with the vanguard and troops, KT's four players in the bottom half took advantage of the situation to take down the second dragon.

Faker took out his cards just to help his teammates start the rhythm in the early stage, but KT's defense in the second half was tight, and Faker, who could never find a chance, finally set his sights on the top lane.

At 14 minutes, when Lin Cheng was on the road and pressing the line, he was caught by the two ultimate moves of Nightmare + Card.

But there is an obvious problem with Brother Li's cards.

He often chooses some super radical landing points in the guild, and flying in the face is common. He has even done it many times in front of the opponent's auxiliary flying towers such as female tanks and Titans.

This time he also chose Fei Lin Cheng’s face.

It's too close, not even Nightmare's ultimate move can cover it.

When the card landed, it was suppressed by Silas Q and the second stage E.

QE + Yongshuang AAWA, the card flashed without even handing it over, and he died at the speed of light after losing a yellow card.

Although Lin Cheng was killed by the follow-up Nightmare and Ornn, the 1-for-1 wave was not a loss.

Zeyuan was shocked: "Brother Li! How dare you fly into Silas's face? It makes no sense! You are not even satisfied with your blood."

Wanwan: "The cards are being sent away this time! Silas's damage was too underestimated."

Remember: "The bottom lane is also taking action! Why is Gumayusi still here?"

T1 chooses to attack the top lane, and the female police officer on the bottom lane will go to jail.

The teammates are all in the upper half, so logically speaking, the bottom lane troops should not be affected.

Keria Lux retreated early, but Little Lu Bu insisted on coming up and trying to get the tower offline, and he got his wish when Prince + Galio came over to jump the tower.

The policewoman gave it to her for free, and the lower tower also fell.

Zeyuan: "Bad, bad, bad! Little Lu Bu's old habit has happened again! Do you dare to eat in this line of soldiers? Your discipline is too poor!"

Remember: "T1 is in chaos! Before the game, they expected to ensure that the policewoman penetrated the bottom lane, but when they came in, they found that the policewoman was about to be penetrated. It suddenly felt like the entire team did not know how to play the game. Three teammates Go catch it, the bottom lane can still give you such an opportunity."

This wave of T1 forcefully caught it and directly destroyed itself. Xiao Lu Bu clearly sent a wave, but in the follow-up, because the midfielder and the jungle did not have a big move, T1's second-generation vanguard could not catch it.

Using the second vanguard, KT easily removed the first tower in the middle.

The three outer towers were all broken, and KT's familiar vision squeeze began.

The blue field of view is very deep, even reaching the highland light gate of T1.

As long as the position of the nightmare can be seen, the threat of T1's hemispheric flow system will be very small.

As 18 minutes approached, T1 finally used the Nightmare ultimate to forcefully turn off the lights and catch Galio, who was leading the lane, to death. While Rookie's vision was blocked, he couldn't even fly his teammates to escape.

It just so happened that the third little dragon was refreshed.

"Lin Cheng, go up and take the line, Xiaolong lets go! It's not easy to fight."

When she found the policewoman standing in the river and starting to place clips, Beryl made a decisive decision.

The top line of troops was outside the red square second tower. Lin Cheng immediately TPed over and took down the top second tower alone.

Now the extra 600 economy in the second tower is really great, and Lin Cheng's development crushes everyone.

Although the rhythm of Dragon Soul was interrupted, KT could still accept it.

After leading up to the tower, Lin Cheng changed to the bottom lane again.

While the nightmare was not serious, the teammates gathered together to press the second tower in the middle.

The advantage is that EZ Karma will put a lot of pressure on the front, and KT's four-man grouping seems to have no effect. It is a bit like last year's T1's play style of hanging together in the middle when troubles were undecided.

But the problem is, unlike last year's T1 blind 78 grouping together to press the center, Lin Cheng put a lot of pressure on the wing.

There was a 4v4 tug-of-war in the middle, and Lin Cheng's Silas found an opportunity on the wing to kill Zeus alone.

His equipment is so good. The damage of Eternal Frost + Golden Body + two big sticks in 22 minutes is completely incomprehensible. Ornn with only one and a half equipment was killed by Sylas's unskilled tower attack.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lin Cheng single-handedly demolished the second tower with half health.

At 23 minutes, KT’s dragon team was about to arrive.

At this time, Lin Cheng's third hat had come out.

Zeyuan: "I don't know how to pick up Silas's equipment in T1? Although Brother Chengzi only had 3 kills in this game, he took too much defense tower economy."

Wanwan: "T1 has no chance. Unless Brother Chengzi can't press the golden body and dies suddenly, the team battle cannot be lost."

Everyone in this group knew that T1 had a small chance, but T1 still chose to take over.

And this wave of T1 performed really well.

When the card was opened, he happened to see Lin Cheng going around the dragon pit to grab the queen, and Faker decisively flashed the yellow card head-on to stop the prince.

Lux answers Q.

The policewoman puts the clamp.

Nightmare turns off the lights.

Ornn called the sheep.

Cuzz didn't press anything this time and died suddenly.

Karma was also knocked away by Ornn's ultimate move, and immediately hit the ground by Ornn's E skill. After taking a lot of damage, he died suddenly.

Rookie and Galio's remaining health flashed away.

"When I saw Brother Chengzi go around, Faker opened directly from the front! Nosuke was immediately killed, and Galio lost his fighting ability... Faker! It has to be him!"

"This wave of initiative is too sudden, T1 has come back! This way we have the opportunity to have the big and small dragons together... Hey! Brother Chengzi enters the stage!"

When his teammates were suddenly attacked in front of them, Lin Cheng's Silas chose the E dragon pit to go down the wall.

It was too dark to see clearly the battle situation, so Lin Cheng turned to look at Cuzz's screen again.

Die so quickly?

He looked at Rookie's screen again.

After confirming the positions of the personnel, Lin Cheng's Silas blindly pulled Lux ​​in the dragon pit.

Yongshuang imprisoned the three of them with his backhand, and Silas stole Lux's ultimate move.

Q activates the ultimate flash when he takes action.

The EZ ultimate move has been used just now, and the health of the T1 personnel is not very full.

A beam of light was aimed at the three brothers who were controlled by Yongshuang.

Lux's ultimate move has an AP bonus of 1.0, and Lin Cheng's equipment brings super high skill damage.

The policewoman with full health was directly blown up by Silas's two Qs, and a large amount of her health was lost.

The ultimate flash burst.

If Lux's ultimate flash just now was just a water gun, Lin Cheng's stolen ultimate flash was a laser cannon.

Lux and the policewoman died suddenly.

Only Ornn can withstand it.

What's even more outrageous is that out of Lin Cheng's field of vision, Faker's card hit the beam of light because he wanted to chase the weak Galio.

"Triple Kill!"

Lin Cheng scored three kills with a stolen ultimate move, Regicide thrust into Ornn's face, and Sylas' chain danced wildly.

Then Ornn's health bar disappeared.

Silas's AP bonus is one of the best in the league. Lin Cheng's third big hat directly maximized the damage. After half a set of skills, he used EZ damage to kill Ornn.

"Quadra Kill!"

Fountain Commander Cuzz has already begun to remind his teammates.

"Penta! Penta! Lin Cheng has a chance to kill five times!"

Rookie's remaining health Galio turned around and used his life to help Lin Cheng keep the nightmare.

Now Silas's skill CD is very short, and Lin Cheng can easily complete the harvest under the chain whip.

"Penta Kill!"

Zeyuan: "Brother Cheng Zi's E hit Lux, and Yongshuang controlled three... Oh yo yo! What an exaggerated ultimate flash! Keria, your ultimate move is so easy to use! The genuine version can't beat the pirated version!"

Wanwan answered loudly and slightly excitedly: "Five kills! There are five kills! Deft, please give way!"

"You can't snatch this person's head... We will meet at the Asian Games. If you snatch it away, you will reap the rewards after the Asian Games!"

"Penta kill! Another five kill! Congratulations to Brother Chengzi!"

Barrage explosion.

"Fuck!" This Silas... is awesome! Another Pentakill》

"Wanwan hahaha!" Don't be so excited"

"Pinch Mom!" This glorious ultimate move is so scary"

"Do you know why we like to play violent Lux in low-end games?" (funny)"

"Kill and kill the heart!" Use your ultimate to kill you and your teammates》

"Brother Orange's Silas can't be released, it's much more powerful than Chaowei's"

"Brother Li's cards can overwhelm Wesselas, but he was violently killed by Brother Orange (sigh)"

At the scene, T1 fans originally thought that Faker's heroic start would lead the team to fight back.

The death of the prince and Karma caused huge cheers to erupt in the T1 fan area.

However, as Silas stole the ultimate flash of light, the stallholders were instantly silenced.

As if a noisy duck had been choked, the cheers stopped abruptly.

Heaven fell to hell in an instant.

KT fans seamlessly connected and cheered even more violently.

The surrounding fans were completely excited, and Han Shuyan also happily waved the light stick in her hand.

She glanced at the two T1 fans in the distance, with a little pride in her crooked eyes.

She still remembered that it was these two guys who took the lead in scolding Lin Cheng just now.

"He said he would shut you all up, and he always kept his word."

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