This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1846 Mr. Dai, give me a quick send

Zeyuan: "What is this? You killed two groups of wild monsters with eight knives in five minutes. Oner is so frustrating to play! There is no word to describe how miserable it is."

Remember: "We used to tease the factory director for being a scavenging jungler who only brushes the wild monsters that others don't want. But in this game, the wild monsters that Cuzz doesn't want are all in KT's jungle. Oner can't even scavenge. Being chased away in his own jungle area."

"It's still the consequences of failing to catch him at the second level."

Wanwan thought for a while, "Because the wave of exposure to vision was delayed for too long, the subsequent troops were unable to catch up with Leopard Girl in the jungle when they were behind in level, and teammates on key lines could not provide much help."

"I can only say that Cuzz has changed! Compared to last year when he was timid in T1, he now really dares to take risky decisions. This may be the confidence brought by Brother Chengzi! Anyway, Brother Chengzi can take care of everything."

Zeyuan joked: "I seriously doubt that Cuzz thinks he is playing RANK, then he understands it very well."

"Turtle!" Is this really a grapefruit thief? 》

"You only need a hypnotist to activate Cuzz, and tell him before each game that he is playing RANK (funny)"

"How many times have I said it! In the first fifteen minutes, Cuzz is Shi Yiye》

"KT can't lose because of its early advantage. Brother Cuzz really made the right purchase this year."

"Don't brag yet!" I’ll send you a big one later》

Seeing Oner being killed by his teammates, Lin Cheng let out a fierce sigh.

Also because the men and horses have been struggling in the jungle, Lin Cheng played very fiercely in the lane.

The Sword Girl is actually not good at suppressing the wine barrel, especially since Lin Cheng didn't return to the city even after taking a single blood. After spending a long time with various cards, the wine barrel's health returned after a few skills.

If Lin Cheng hadn't used Q to use the movement of minions to dodge several rolling barrels, his own health would have been ugly.

But even so, Lin Cheng was very aggressive.

You can't develop peacefully with gangsters, right?

At least you have to put pressure on the other side so that the other side will miss the mark. You can't stop putting pressure on the other side just because they are too oily.

At nearly six minutes, the top line of troops was stuck outside the red square tower.

Lin Cheng's sword girl tried to push the line of troops away from the tower.


The white light and shadow flashed, and the sword girl Q killed the long-range soldier with remaining health. She stepped back and stole the wine barrel behind her with her A backhand.

The wine barrel took a sip of old wine. Seeing that the sword girl didn't carry the tower, she didn't have any extra thoughts.

At this time, the wine barrel has half health, and the sword girl has a little more health, but not much mana.

Both parties know that this line is the most ambiguous.

Both of them were at level six, and the sword girl didn't dodge. It was easy for the wine barrel to find an opportunity when pushing the line in front of the tower.

The last two red side ranged soldiers are left in the tower.

The wine barrel throws Q at the foot of the soldier.

Lin Cheng added troops and suffered damage from the rolling barrel.

The comet crashed down.

The knife girl quickly retreated.

Zeus saw the right moment and threw the R explosive barrel.

This timing is very essential.

The only red minion in front died, and Dao Mei was unable to dodge the exploding barrel due to the slowing effect of the rolling barrel.

Dao Mei was blown back under the red square tower.

Lin Cheng's blood volume was less than one-third, and Jiugong hit him with his fist.

Fortunately, there are blue soldiers under the tower, and the defensive tower did not attack the sword girl.

Lin Cheng retreated directly.

Zeus chased A for a while, but did not choose to hand E over.

He knew that if there was no help from the defense tower, even if he handed over E to keep the sword girl, it would not mean much.

Jiugong chose to follow Dao Mei and take the position.

Anyway, the sword girl didn't dodge, so the wine barrel waits for the skill CD. If the next Q is ready and combined with the E skill, it will be a sure kill.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Brother Chengzi made a mistake! The wine barrel blew him back under the tower. Fortunately, this wave of defense towers did not attack, but Zeus seems to still want to kill."

Wanwan: "The wine barrel is waiting for the skill CD, the sword girl is in danger!"

While following Dao Mei out of the tower, the wine barrel took another sip of old wine.

Lin Cheng also knew not to hesitate. His blood volume would never be able to withstand the next set of damage from the wine barrel.

Knock off the two biscuits on your body and press W.

Just in time, the wine barrel picked up the barrel in his hand and smashed it down.

The sword girl suddenly sank down and started the W-distance breaking dance.

Lilac light and shadow gathered, guarding the slender figure wearing white armor and black stockings.

Just in time, the wine barrel's enhanced basic attack was knocked down and part of the damage was blocked.

Light and shadow exploded, and the lavender blade struck out boldly.

After releasing W in seconds, Lin Cheng immediately made a big move at close range.

The lavender blades spread out, forming a rhombus-shaped sword array around the wine barrel. Lin Cheng's signature was faintly visible in the center of the sword array.

Seeing that the opponent was counterattacking, Zeus decisively retreated and entered the tower.

Lin Cheng presses forward and instantly pulls E to double the wings.

Two lavender blades flew out, one fell behind the wine barrel, and the other fell at the feet of the knife girl. The small KT team logo was faintly visible after landing.

The two blades crossed each other, but the barrel didn't react at all.


White light and shadow flashed, and the sharp blade of the sword girl rushed towards the wine barrel under the tower.

There is a slight delay in the generation of the mark of the Sword Girl's E skill. Just when the mark of the Pioneer Blade on the wine barrel is shattered, the mark of the Twin Blades is generated.

Dao Mei raised her hand to attack.


The Q skill cancels the basic attack and is shaken. The wine barrel is taken away by the white light and shadow before it wakes up from the dizziness of the twin blades.

Zeus's E skill was squeezed to death without being released.

The wine barrel had already been killed and Ta's dad didn't react until the ball of light fell.

Lin Cheng hurriedly walked outside the tower.

Triumph takes effect.

When the defense tower attacked her for the second time, Dao Mei only had 45 drops of blood left.

Wanwan: "It's a counterattack! Wow! What an extreme counterattack! Brother Chengzi is so handsome this time! Can he counterattack like this?"

Zeyuan drawled his voice: "Brother Chengzi~~~~can you stop being so showy? No matter how you look at this wave of logic, you will definitely die, but in the end, he turned around and rushed to the tower and actually killed the wine barrel? This operation is too smooth. !”

Soon, the director gave the replay.

The director even gave the players from both sides a first-hand perspective.

Zeus always had E in his hand, he just couldn't let it go.

When Lin Cheng's E skill hit, the wine barrel still had one-third of its health, but during the short stun of the twin blades, the sword girl with a full stack of passives rushed over and knocked out the wine barrel.

The moment Zeus's screen went black, his Q skill healed.

Whenever he pressed any skill, Lin Cheng would die.

Remember: "Kuigui! Isn't this a little too extreme? If Brother Chengzi's operation is even a little stiff, or if W does not block the barrel-enhanced flat A, it is impossible for this wave of sword girls to escape unscathed."

Zeyuan: "Zeus actually has a really good idea. In his opinion, he should kill everyone who has E in his hand. However, Brother Chengzi's operation is unreasonable. The wine barrel E was pinched to death and was not released. "

Wanwan chuckled: "Then the question is, what does the T1 knife girl think?"

The two onmyoji didn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Wanwan's Soul Torture, 23333"

"This skin is so handsome!" It’s so smooth with Brother Chengzi’s operation》

"Pinch Mom!" The half-blood wine barrel was instantly killed by Dolan Sword Girl. Is this reasonable? 》

"Why didn't my sword girl explode like this?" 》

"Who said Brother Chengzi hasn't played Dao Mei for half a year? Is this so similar? (anger)"

"T1's BP is too top-notch, so I knew something would happen if I let Dao Mei go"

"The Bureau of Life and Death sent Dao Mei off to him. Aren't you going to get into the truck now?" 》

Lin Cheng's extreme solo kill was really cool. After the director finished replaying it, he suddenly showed live footage.

There are already T1 fans preparing to leave.

"It's hard to stretch!" Brother Chengzi beat the stalls away with a single kill"

"They just had a premonition that Brother Chengzi would kill Tianxiu five times later, and they didn't want to see that scene."

"Mr. Dai, give me a quick delivery!" Lure the stalled stalls back to continue killing! 》

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