This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1850 The era of LCK has really changed

No one expected KT's counterattack to be so sudden.

After the cards, centaurs, and wine barrels handed over their initiative skills one after another, Lulu alone could not counter the knife girl's forced entry.

Lin Cheng's knife girl came directly in and hacked Zeli to death in the same three-piece suit.

Suddenly, the situation on the court became clear.

As soon as Zeli died, T1's team battle quickly collapsed.

The front men and horses have been dealt with by teammates. Lin Cheng's sword girl chopped off the cute Lulu with three backhand swords, and followed the teammates to pursue and easily wipe out the team.

Zeyuan exclaimed: "KT's team battle thinking is so clear! They are just waiting for T1 to be able to take the lead and prepare for a counterattack."

"Once T1 chooses to go first, it will definitely weaken the protection of Zeli."

"Brother Chengzi came in and cut you Zeli unreasonably. As soon as Zeli dies, T1 will be sent to you."

Remember: "Brother Chengzi, this knife girl, is so dominant in team battles! I have to give in."

"With excellent team execution and terrifying personal abilities, this KT team seems to be telling us with its performance: T1, which won 17 games in the regular season, is just..."

After a pause, I remember feeling that the topic was a bit dangerous.

As a result, the other two answered the call at the same time.

Wanwan: "A joke?"

Zeyuan: "Shock wave?"

Barrage explosion.

"? ? ? 》

"Shock Wave?" "College is so brave"

"T1 is indeed the biggest shock wave. After the regular season, fans are already in the loan S game"

"Wanwan's aggressiveness needs to be improved, but this time she was outclassed by the senior colonel"

"My wife doesn't say vulgar words, everyone is considerate"

"Brother Chengzi: Your wife is awesome (dog head)"


"Little Lu Bu now has a shadow when he sees Brother Chengzi, and the team battle is interrupted in various ways"

"Lin Xiaocheng, the director of Baimen Tower!" 》

"arrive! 》

The team wiped out the opponent. Since the army line was not very good, KT did not get greedy and immediately returned to the city to replenish after taking down the baron.

Relying on the Baron's operation, KT broke the opponent's top lane, and then turned back to get its own Fire Dragon Soul when there was nearly a minute left in the Baron BUFF.

T1 had to form a group and come to pick him up by force.

Little Lu Bu learned his lesson. He bought a stopwatch this time, and his flash speed improved, giving him unlimited room for maneuver.

The commentator also believes that T1 still has a good chance of winning.

As long as Zeli can't be cut off, KT can't win the team battle.

And Dao Mei has no more chance to dodge, and it will be difficult to fight against T1 with almost everyone controlling T1 in a team battle.

Especially the existence of cards makes it extremely difficult to get around.

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't try to get around at all in this game.

He knew that if he went around and was discovered by the card's ultimate move, he would probably be singled out.

"What should I say? Can little Lu Bu complete his redemption?"

"The situation collapsed just because of Zeli's E-face in front of her, but she still had a chance to prove herself to little Lu Bu."

Everyone is waiting for the Dragon Soul Group to decide whether to live or die.

Although KT has an advantage on the field, Jess + Leopard Girl + Ice + Sword Girl, these heroes are particularly difficult to win in the late stage.

As long as T1 can fight back, it will only get easier and easier to fight in the future.

However, just when the audience was holding their breath and paying attention, KT suddenly changed their routine.

After pulling for a long time, when Xiaolong refreshed, Lin Cheng suddenly hid behind and dropped his TP to the upper lane.

Even if T1 handles the line of troops and then picks up the dragon group, after all, KT has already sent out super soldiers on the top lane, and at this time, the line is pushed to the high ground of T1.

"Brother Chengzi is going to steal the tower! He doesn't follow martial ethics!"

Only then did the people in T1 react, and the wine barrel immediately handed over to the T and wanted to go back to defend.

However, the ice-cold E immediately took a photo of the wine barrel.

Titan flashes directly to hook TP.

Although Beryl himself also sent it, the red side no longer had TP to return to defense.

T1 can only force a group start with four people from the front. The card player leans toward the base alone and drives back to defend.

But Sword Girl demolished the tower too quickly. When the card came back, her front teeth were almost completely demolished.

Just when the four brothers in T1 were winning the team battle, news came from home that the card was single-killed.

Then, Lin Cheng demolished the opponent's main base while flashing Ali's heart-warming expression.

"It's coming to an end! No one thought that this game would end like this, but even so it's exciting enough."

"In this case, we would like to congratulate KT!"

"They are about to win the seventh league championship trophy in history. Currently, only T1's eight league championships in the LCK exceed them in number."

"But! KT's dominance continues."

"They may equal T1's number of championships in the summer, and may even surpass it next year!"

"The era of LCK has really changed!"

"Congratulations to Brother Chengzi. This is also the fifth league championship in Brother Chengzi's career. It is really an amazing achievement."

"At the same time, KT will also represent the LCK in this year's MSI in Busan."

In the camera, the KT players had taken off their headphones and were hugging each other in celebration.

Lin Cheng did not celebrate with his teammates. He took off his headphones and immediately stood up. He once again reached out towards the audience and made a half-hearted gesture to his cheek.

He had a smile on his face, his posture was upright, and he was high-spirited.

"Brother Cheng Zi is really happy. Even if it is his fifth league championship, he still feels joy from the bottom of his heart for every victory."

Wanwan changed the subject, "There is one more thing I must remind everyone."

"Brother Orange has won two S championships and one MSI championship on behalf of KT."

"This also means that this year, KT may not only tie T1's total club honors, but Orange also has the opportunity to tie Faker's achievements in international competitions."

"Congratulations to Orange! ! ! ! 》

"F*ck!" Unknowingly, Brother Chengzi is almost catching up with Brother Li? ? ? 》

"This year KT can not only tie T1's number of league championships, but even the number of international championships"

"KT even has an additional MSC! 》

"Orange Brother Niubi!" 》

"No wonder KT fans love Cheng hyung so much! The glory is all brought by Brother Cheng》

"Brother Orange is to KT what Faker is to SKT"

"Compared to Brother Orange!" I get angry when I think of the 100 million my uncle spent."

"One round of the playoffs for 100 million battleships, uncle will spend money (funny)"

"Brothers, sponsor me for some travel expenses. I will knock Brother Chengzi unconscious and kidnap him back during this year's transfer period."

At the scene, KT fans were already in a frenzy.

Seeing Lin Cheng on the stage, leaving his teammates and stubbornly posing, Han Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled.

"Childish devil!"

She also stretched out her hand and made a half-heart gesture on her cheek.

Lin Cheng's ID was facing the palm of his hand.

On the other side, countless T1 fans left the venue silently.

They refused to stay and watch their archenemy celebrate.

Originally, everyone came with hope.

After all, they were 17-1 in the regular season, and fans are waiting for T1 to win the club's ninth league championship trophy.


Winning the championship is just their illusion.

It was all because KT pretended to be too rich during the regular season and tricked them into coming to the scene to kill them.

What's even more outrageous is that in the third game, they were repeatedly tricked into coming back to kill them.

It was a really hard day.

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