This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1971 The genius in the commentary box

Just after Wanwan said that Abin had great success in laning, a fight suddenly broke out on the top lane.

Abin moved first.

The two junglers met in the jungle. Lin Cheng went on the road and originally wanted to push the lane into the tower and return to the city. Gwen suddenly upgraded to 6E and opened up.

But Lin Cheng was very calm. His first reaction was for Orange to decelerate and press forward to ensure that his position could affect Gwen, and then turned around to Q the barrel behind him to explode two consecutive barrels.

Gwen's W did not block the captain's barrel damage.

Abin's plan was to pour out as much damage as possible. When he saw the captain getting close to Gwen, he immediately used basic attacks to refresh his ultimate move and give him a second R.

Gwen's hand was 25 yards long, and Ping A took the lead.

But Lin Cheng obviously anticipated his opponent's possible moves. The captain did not have a fire knife as soon as he got close, and he just dodged Gwen's second R with a side step while getting close to his face.

After firing the fire knife, Lin Cheng immediately accelerated and moved to twist Gwen's sharp knife into random cuts.

The captain's ultimate move fell, and Lin Cheng shook his head and tail in an attempt to trick Gwen's triple R.

However, Abin was timid.

Gwen Pu used three big moves and then turned around and ran away.

He knew the damage wasn't enough anymore.

Originally, Abin rushed up with half health. Taking advantage of the lead, he wanted to kill Lin Cheng alone to avenge himself for being killed so many times before.

As a result, the second stage of the ultimate move was empty, and Gwen's Q did not have full damage. As soon as the captain's ultimate move landed on Abin, he did not dare to use it again.

Gwen exited the cannon screen and was almost at the end of his health.

Lin Cheng hesitated for a moment and did not rush to pursue Gwen who was holding the third ultimate move.

The main reason is that the position of the army line is too close to the blue square tower, and the ultimate move given by Lin Cheng is a bit far back. After Gwen exited the artillery screen, the captain did not rely on multiple flashes to fight for the kill.

This wave has made enough money, and the Gwen line exploded.

"This is it! Gwen's classic position to kill the captain alone!"

Seeing Abin take action, Miller immediately thought of Lin Cheng attacking from a similar position in the first game and single-handedly killing Abin's captain.

He thought it was yesterday happening again.

Gwen has Ignite, and it's not difficult to kill the full-health captain with her ultimate move accurately at half health.

However, the subsequent trend is obviously different from last time.

"Oops! It's broken! Gwen's second stage R is empty! It seems like she can't beat her!"

Zeyuan: "Hey! That's not how Orange Brother's Gwen beat the Captain in the last game! The same half-blood Gwen, the same level of six, how can Bingge have never beaten him before?"

Wanwan: "There are not enough details! In the last game, Brother Orange, who was 0-2 and had half health, dared to go up and fight. He first used W to block the second consecutive barrel, and all three stages of R hit. Abin did not block the barrel and R was still empty. ”

Miller: "Oops! Gwen's first wave of ultimate moves + Ignite's strong period didn't even allow the captain to flash, so it hurts!"

"The army line exploded on the road! Gwen's remaining health in this wave line can't be taken, and when Bing comes back, he will be the captain's push line."

Because Abin took the initiative to challenge, Gwen lost another wave of lanes on the road, and Lin Cheng steadily consolidated his lane advantage.

In the middle, there are no obvious advantages and disadvantages between the two sides.

Ahri is a strong mid laner in the version, but Xiaohu’s Ice Girl dealt with it very well.

And it must be said that Xiaohu has not suffered much against Rookie since his debut.

This has always been the case in the LPL.

Although Xiaohu made various comedies in the foreign war and his performance such as 2200 was always ridiculed, but in the past, playing the Three Saints in the LPL, including the left hand, had never been regarded as a breakthrough.

In this game, neither side can do anything in the middle, they are just trying to support each other.

However, neither side provided any support, and it was still 0:0 until 8 minutes later.

In the bottom lane, the KT duo has lane rights. Xia + Lienata play Kaisha + Niutou, which is an advantage.

But this little line advantage does not support Cuzz in defeating Xiaolong.

Because now Lissandra + Foego's single-point instant kill ability is very strong, and the first dragon is an electric dragon, which hurts people. It will be very dangerous for the red side to move first if the dragon is surrounded by the RNG duo after clearing the line. .

Until the vanguard was refreshed, the two sides exchanged resources tacitly.

RNG won the Pioneer.

KT took down Xiaolong.

Because the CD of Gwen's ultimate move after strengthening is only 100 seconds, the blue side is ahead in the upper half and Gwen's ultimate move will definitely have an advantage. KT has the advantage of lane rights in the bottom lane, so the exchange of resources between the two sides is very reasonable.

The CD of Gwen's ultimate move improved, and Lin Cheng stopped being disrespectful.

Veteran players of the Captain all know that this hero is not as brainless as many warriors. If the combo barrels and fire knives are not ideal in the early stage, the Captain's ability to fight in the top lane will be very poor.

"Captain I can't beat crocodile cloth shoes in three categories, are you kidding me?"

As a certain former professional top laner said when he broke the defense, this is a sad portrayal of the old captain's poor operation. When the economy is about the same, even if you are ahead and have ready-made equipment, you may not be able to beat the opponent's warrior.

Not to mention facing Gwen.

Therefore, Lin Cheng plays very steadily. The captain is originally a hero who accumulates economy and reaches the mid-term.

The fact that Sanxiang cannot beat Bujia Shoes only shows that the lead is not enough.

When I get one more big item ahead of you, see if I can handle it and you'll be done with it!

At almost 10 minutes, the score was still 0:0.

No one expected that the two teams would actually score in the first ten minutes.

KT and RNG were very bloody in their respective leagues, but this game was like Shakespeare.

Of course, it’s not that both sides don’t want to fight.

The midfielders on both sides were very active and kept looking for opportunities, but they just didn't get any kills.

You go to the bottom lane and hit my AD with a wave of purification, and I'll go to the bottom lane and hit your auxiliary's flash. When you see someone dying on the field, you can always pull away. It's understandable that this first blood has not exploded for a long time.

Until almost 12 minutes, a large-scale collision finally broke out on the field.

Foego found it a bit hot when he got the vanguard and never found an opportunity to release.

On the road, the captain already has three phases, and Gwen's line of troops cannot be pushed, so it is difficult to release the vanguard.

Even if Kai'Sa in the bottom lane evolves Q, it is impossible for him to push Xia + Lenata's line with Niutou.

Just when Serena was about to put the vanguard in the middle to force a minimum guarantee, she found that the KT duo in the bottom lane was too deep on the line when Lenata had no blue.

The blue party immediately starts pinging the signal.

Ice Girl just finished clearing the middle lane and moved to the lower half.

KT has realized in advance that the opponent wants to attack the bottom lane, and the fox and blind monk are rushing down.

The two sides met in the bottom lane.

Ice Girl was the first to come to the scene to save someone, but Xiaohu gave his ultimate move to the purified Xia, but he was hit by Lenata's backhand.

Kasumi Barb connected to the controls.

The blind monk came up and cooperated with the fox to directly kill the ice girl instantly.

It seemed that KT had the advantage by being one second first, but Gwen just happened to TP and changed the situation of the battle.

In order to gain development, Lin Cheng's captain handed over T and returned to the top lane just half a minute ago.

The bottom lane became 4v4, which made it difficult for KT to fight.

Lenata was completely out of mana after casting her Q, and the OB was very embarrassed.

The red side also gave a lot of other key skills to Ice Girl.

RNG was also decisive enough. Xiao Ming's WQ flashed and knocked away two people in a row.

Foyego emerged from the scorched earth to control the fox.

Kai'Sa's ultimate move comes into play.

Gwen just ran onto the scene.

In the end, all four KT brothers in the bottom lane rushed to the street.

Abingwen scored four kills.

Zeyuan's commentary was very fast: "The bottom lane requires four for two...but KT's midfielder is also relying on it! Xiaohu takes the lead and saves people."

"Ouch! The ice girl can't bear it!"

Wanwan said a little loudly: "Little tiger, it's all for nothing!"

Miller immediately shouted louder, "But Gwen is here! Brother Chengzi has no T! This wave of KT is going to explode!"

"Leenata has no mana! She can't use her ultimate move! RNG is going to win this wave!"

"Three kills! Four kills! Abin! This wave of TP is so crucial!"

"The gods descend from heaven!"

"This wave of captains can only give you a big move, but it is obviously not as effective as Gwen who is here in person! How can you play KT if you give Gwen four heads?"

"Brother Bin is awesome!"

Seeing his partner being so excited, Zeyuan hurriedly jumped on the bandwagon: "Isn't there a problem with the top lane gap in this wave? I heard that the opponent is God? Today I, Bing, want to compete with gods as a mortal!!!"

Miller, who was still very excited at first, immediately became vigilant: "It's passed! It's passed! Your breasts are too much!"

Wanwan answered: "Teacher Miller said that Abin has surpassed God!"

Miller: "······"

Is that what I mean?

You are such a genius!

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