This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1980 The dead are not qualified to replenish troops

To be honest, it is really not easy for professional players to kill each other solo at the first level.

At level one, even if one side suffers a loss during the blood exchange, it is not difficult to pull away and give in, because the opponent only has one skill. How high can the level one kill line of the most powerful hero be?

Generally speaking, 1V1 kills can only occur when both sides want to fight to the end.

But this law failed to work for Lin Cheng. He had already seized the opportunity to complete a level one solo kill many times.

Because Lin Cheng always likes to sell flaws.

He often gives his opponent the illusion that he can win, and then when the details come together, the opponent discovers that he is missing a move, and it is too late to run away.

The same happened to Abin this time.

Who would have thought that multiple weak Gwen at level 1 wouldn't be able to beat Riven?

Judging from the results, this wave of Lin Cheng's troops was only able to be locked in by triumphant recovery of blood.

If Gwen had turned back twice less during the previous pull and dealt less damage to long-range soldiers, or if Lin Cheng had deceived his weakness and accidentally hit Gwen to attract the hatred of three long-range soldiers, or if Abin had been less anxious about the details. Turn E and pull back, but squeeze the three Qs waiting to hide from Riven...

With so many conditions, as long as a wave of Abin occurs, he may not be killed alone.

But these are just inferred conditions from God’s perspective.

Many people can analyze things clearly and logically when watching replays, but players on the field don’t have that much reaction time and rely on a split-second of muscle memory to perform operations.

It's impossible for a normal person to go into such detail.

This is also the reason why Lin Cheng crushes other top laners in the lane. Compared with other players, he is calmer, reacts faster, and handles details more rationally.

Lin Cheng, who was highly concentrated, became calmer and calmer. After the solo kill, he just listened to the praises of his teammates with an expressionless face.

Zeyuan: "Watching the replay is really awesome! I can only say that Brother Chengzi's damage calculation is too abnormal! He didn't ignite it, and the damage calculation when he flashed up was completely accurate."

"If Gwen is not killed by a single blow after Q3, Brother Chengzi himself will be replaced, and Gwen may not even die."

Wanwan couldn't help but feel proud again: "So, why is Abin dissatisfied? Can't you just replenish your troops honestly? You have to exchange blood with Brother Chengzi, now it's okay... The dead man is Not qualified to replenish troops.”

"Face, 23333"

"Don't be so embarrassed, let's see how many good sisters Brother Cheng has below (funny)"

"Are you the devil?" (horror)》

After the solo kill, Lin Cheng immediately returned to the city to replenish a long sword + mung bean bottle, handed over the T and returned to continue the laning.

"Lin Cheng, please be more aggressive. If I get a chance, I'll climb over the tower."

"OK! You clear the jungle first, and probably the fourth wave of soldiers can advance into the tower."

When facing Gwen, Riven has to put pressure on her Q with unlimited cards. Lin Cheng is still very aggressive when both sides have leveled up to level 2. Taking advantage of Gwen's sharp knife and cutting the layers before they can be stacked up, Riven's three-level Q is directly attacked. Broken bones.

Abin's reaction was not slow, and he used his Q skill's uninterruptible feature to hit the target with his backhand.

But Lin Cheng Ruiwen immediately turned sideways and turned E after landing, avoiding the subsequent real damage from the center of Gwen's Q skill, and retreated after breaking the skeleton.

Abin learned a lesson this time and did not turn in E to continue chasing, fearing that Riven would wait for the next set of Q to counterattack.

Of course, Lin Cheng's blood exchange method cannot be used indiscriminately. When you see Gwen's full layer of Q, you can't directly hit Q3 directly in front of him. Otherwise, you will suffer too much damage and you will lose.

After breaking the bones, Lin Cheng's stance became more aggressive.

Fang Xiaoyou is on the red line, and Riven grabs level three in advance.

Instead of keeping his Q stuck, he seized the opportunity of his opponent's A soldier to advance to level three. Lin Cheng's EW interrupted Gwen's basic attack, and he got close to level A and immediately raised his hand to receive the Q skill.

The golden sword slashed forward, and the dance of broken wings drove Riven forward.

Abing dared to come up to replenish his troops when he was robbed of third place, so he was certainly not unprepared.

He also held a full layer of Q sharp knives in his hand to cut randomly.

Gwen backhanded QE and stepped back to adjust the angle. While shearing towards Riven, she also killed the remaining minion to reach level three.

But Riven is just too flexible.

Lin Cheng moved one Q to Gwen's face and circled his side, then A followed two Q and circled to the other side of Gwen, avoiding the center of Gwen's retreating QE, and then leveled A and then slashed down with three Q.

Before being smashed away, Gwen activated W and wanted to fight back.

But Lin Cheng left after finishing a set, and his opponent no longer had any ability to pursue him.

Miller: "Ouch! What a loss for this blood-changing Bing! Did Riven's Shield break with full stack of Q?"

Zeyuan: "The key is that Brother Chengzi's spiral QA keeps circling the position, and Gwen's full-layer Q cannot cut to the center at all."

Wanwan: "And Brother Orange's EW interrupted Abin's A minion's basic attack first! As a result, Gwen didn't have the A dead minion to upgrade to level three. Otherwise, Gwen would not be able to activate W as soon as he reaches level three to add resistance. It will lose so much blood.”

"I'm really sweating on the top lane. Cuzz is right on top. Abin's health may be exceeded."

"F*ck!" This Riven blood exchange is great》

"Spiral QA blood transfusion made Abin numb (dog head)"

"Smiling!" Gwen knocked down Riven's shield after a wave of skills! 》

"Is this Gwen the dog?" Why do you look like RBQ in front of Ruimengmeng? 》

"Gwen the Dog Talks!" Besides sex pictures, what else do you have? 》

"What is Riven the dog pretending to be?" After seeing Orange Brother Riven, you wouldn’t think you could do it yourself, right? 》

"Give me the hair color chart and I can speak for Gwen!" 》

Lin Cheng's exchange of blood gave him a big advantage, and Gwen retreated to the back to make way for his troops.

Brother Cuzz has already moved closer and sent out a GANK signal.

Zeyuan: "You have to jump over the tower! You have to jump on the road! Brother Bing, nothing can happen this time. If you die without TP, you will lose a lot of troops."

Miller: "Serena is leaning up and has realized it. Fortunately, this blind monk is brushed upward."

Maintaining communication with the jungler, when Brother Cuzz got into the opponent's jungle area, Lin Cheng was also preparing to push a large wave of lanes with the remaining cannon trucks into the tower.

"Wait for me to come and carry the tower, you can jump over as you like... Oh! There is someone!"

Brother Cuzz's Wei just got into the triangle grass and met the blind monk inside.

The two got into a fight.

Since he was the one being attacked, Wei would obviously suffer a loss.

Lin Cheng immediately went around from under the opponent's tower to prepare for support.

As a result, it was probably because Lin Cheng was too arrogant when he walked over to him, or because he saw that the enemy was trying to trouble his teammates in front of him, and Abin felt that it was not good to ignore him.

Gwen walked up directly, leveled A and stacked four layers of Q skills to take action.

White numbers danced wildly over Riven's head.

grass! Do you still dare to take action first?

You know, Lin Cheng's Riven is already at level 4, and her blood volume is still very healthy even if she eats a full layer of sharp cuts.

He didn't know why the half-blooded Gwen dared to come up and touch him under the tower.

This amount of HP may be relatively safe against other heroes, but not necessarily against God who is fast enough.

Especially Abin greedily hit Riven first.

Now you have to carry the troops!

Lin Cheng's reaction was extremely quick. Gwen's Q skill had just been released. Riven directly used Q to get close to her, using the second stage of AQ to press the position at the speed of light.

Abin dared to show off because he had E in his hand, so he quickly handed E and pulled himself back.

However, the moment Gwen started running intermittently, Riven raised the golden sword in her hand.

A clear roar.

Gwen's E skill was interrupted!

After stunning his opponent, Lin Cheng was not too passive after the third AQ hit Gwen, and immediately handed over E to brush the shield and pull him out of the tower.

Riven just took off the aggro after receiving the second attack from the defensive tower.

Gwen stood under the tower with residual health, and the soldiers helped Lin Cheng make up for the damage.

Another solo kill!

It was less than two minutes since the last solo kill.

At this moment, there is still a large wave of troops under the tower.

The dead are not qualified to replenish troops. (End of chapter)

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