This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1983 The top laner cried when he saw it

This wave of Lin Cheng's single tower jump to kill Gwen directly extinguished the potential battle in the first half.

After killing Gwen, KT did not intend to continue the attack. Lin Cheng also relied on time difference to catch his opponent off guard.

The blue side didn't dare to chase and fight.

Riven even killed Gwen without using the second stage ultimate move or the blood-thirsty active skill. Even if RNG chased after him with a 4-on-3 before the cat arrived, it would be impossible to defeat him.

Because the blind monk was kidnapped on the road, he was only at level five at this time.

It seems that RNG still has four people in the top half, but they only have Ice Girl with one big move. How can they fight against KT's three upper, middle and jungle brothers who have all the big moves?

The director quickly gave the playback.

Lin Cheng's first-person perspective operation was so fast that he couldn't see clearly. He killed Gwen with two stages of Q at the speed of light, interspersed with a flat A, and a silky smooth movement appeared.

Then the director gave the perspective of victimization.

In the player's camera, Abin was frightened by Lin Cheng's surprise attack and suddenly trembled. In subconscious reaction, he clicked the mouse back crazily and handed E.

The displacement was interrupted, and he clicked the mouse twice more before he could react and feel weak.

As a result, as soon as he moved the mouse towards Riven, the screen went black.

From the God's perspective, the audience will only ask why Abin didn't hand over to Wenwei. Only after watching the first perspective will they know how much pressure there is and how hasty the reaction is.

Miller: "This is too fast! Abin died before being weakened, and Gwen's E under the tower was interrupted by Riven's W. Brother Cheng's W release was really abnormal."

Zeyuan: "No! What do you mean by Brother Chengzi? You're not a human being, are you? You're too harsh! Three solo kills in 8 minutes! It's time to fight level 8 against level 3!"

"Brother Bing's development is actually no different from starting to hang up after three minutes."

"I'll tell you the truth... In this year's MSI group stage, Brother Orange wasn't so ruthless when it came to wild cards."

Wanwan chuckled: "I have to mention Abin's weak performance at the beginning."

Barrage explosion.

"An incredible game, what did I watch?" 》

"I've never seen such a big gap on the road in a game, it's too exaggerated"

"Tell a Joke: The Battle for the Top Rank of the Asian Games"

"Brother Orange: You are better than the wild card!" 》

"Abin Chun is born!" His teammates tried to protect him both times, but he forced it from the tower! 》

"He doesn't know how to play with meat, otherwise Thain would be much more comfortable under pressure"

"Abin hadn't realized it yet, but when he showed off that weak blast at the beginning, the gears of fate had already started turning."

Gwen on the top lane cannot be described as explosive. Although Abin was promoted to level four after resurrecting by running down the lane to eat a pawn, the top laner who was promoted to level four after 9 minutes was enough to be loaded in the entire MSI event. history.

RNG no longer dared to let Gwen and Riven face off. After the duo came up, they stayed on the top lane.

With the existence of the bull head, Kai'Sa's development can be preserved.

But Pioneer RNG was still not qualified to compete, and Cuzz easily controlled it.

And Gwen might not have an easy time going down.

Although there is a W position that can take the tower offline, after all, Xayah and Mao have good skills, and Gwen will be in jail without W.

It's just that he went to jail in a different Feng Shui location.

The midfielder and midfielder need to keep pushing down and protecting, so that Gwen can barely develop, but the coating on the lower tower is still being worn away.

Even so, Lin Cheng still did not let Abin go.

After her teammates finished taking the vanguard, Riven pushed a wave of troops first, targeting the nodes of the next wave of artillery cart lines to return to the city in advance.

At the same time, KT's bot lane duo failed to push the line.

Start executing line change.

Riven leaned down and the duo went up.

Miller: "Riven is down! We still have to catch Gwen in the lane, it's too cruel!"

Zeyuan's tone was exaggerated: "Brother Chengzi~~~~Don't come over! Just stay on the safe side! We are all compatriots! There is no need to be desperate."

Wanwan was amused, "I can only say that Brother Chengzi still hasn't forgiven him! Maybe Abin hasn't understood why the matter is so serious. Why did you say that everything was fine in the beginning?"

Abin had just enjoyed a comfortable line of troops in the bottom lane when he saw Riven showing up.

Lin Cheng came up and pushed the line wildly.

Gwen huddled under the tower and hesitated for a moment, and Riven pressed in with a line of artillery and carriage troops.

Leave far away!

Are you worthy of eating this thread?

Abingo broke away.

It's been 10 minutes. Gwen is only level 5 and Riven is level 9. He is really not qualified to take the line under the tower.

Even though Lin Cheng was weak, he could carry the tower and kill him.

After driving Gwen away, Lin Cheng went directly to the second tower to disconnect and make sure everything was done.

The blind monk was in the lower half of the area, but he didn't dare to come to help in the first place.

Unless Ice Girl finishes pushing the lane and leans down, the two RNG Ueno brothers have no threat to Riven at all.

Gwen huddled under the second tower, watching helplessly as his army line was cut off, and the red soldiers under the first tower continued to die.

It's too awful!

For top laners, there is no picture more miserable than this.

The audience was in uproar, and KT fans were excited and sympathized with Abin.

Anyone who plays games should know how Abin feels.

Not to mention passerby players, many professional players also hung up after being beaten like this.

The director deliberately gave footage of Abin's contestants.

His eyes were dull, he pursed his lips, then picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Put down the water glass and put your hands on the keyboard and mouse as if you have nothing to do.

So, he picked up the water glass and took another sip.

I can’t eat the thread!

What can you do without drinking water?

Putting down the water glass again, Abin started to circle under the Gwen tower, finally letting his hands move.

It made the audience cry.

Realizing that he couldn't take the line anymore, after two turns under the second tower, Gwen got B again and continued to change lines with the duo.

Miller: "No! We still need to change the lane, otherwise Gwen will not be able to develop at all before the first tower is destroyed."

Zeyuan: "But switching like this is still a loss! The side that passively switches lanes will only lose more and more as it switches. It is equivalent to using Gala's development to make up for Abin's development. This is really not an option."

Wanwan: "Indeed! Originally, Kai'Sa's development was normal, but Kai'Sa's development will be stunted if we switch lanes, and Gwen can't connect to the game even if he grabs the lane and gets some soldiers,"

In fact, RNG is in a very uncomfortable situation right now. They need to capture a wave of Riven to alleviate the current situation.

But Ruiwen couldn't catch it.

Cuzz directly showed his card in the middle and leaned in the lower half. The fox kept leaning down after pushing the line. It would be suicide for RNG to collide with KT in the lower half.

There is Tianfei Riwen on the opposite side, and his Gwen can only be OB when fighting, but cannot be beaten.

Therefore, they can only continue to change lines to give Abin some breathing space.

When Kai'Sa and Niu Tou came down, Lin Cheng became less arrogant and turned around to help Cuzz control the dragon.

As a result, Abin, who was switched to the top lane, still died.

Although there was a W, Xayah and Mao had both reached level 6. When they saw level 5 Gwen coming up to grab the line, the two of them went directly to the tower to kill Gwen.

Xia gets close to attack the tower, and uses her ultimate move to attract hatred and easily cooperates with the cat to get past Gwen.


AD is already bullying Gwen, who can he ask to reason with?

Since the disadvantage of the top laner radiated to the entire team, RNG could be said to have no rhythm in the early stage. When the plating was settled, KT was already leading by more than 6,000 gold.

Bad news, both side RNG towers were broken and were full of plating.

Good news, Gwen can grow in the second tower on the top lane.

Originally I wanted to finish writing this chapter about the game, but it still didn’t work. I’m really a waste.

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