This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1998 Truck Truck! Korean version of Bath Sutra

Every time KT wins the championship, the most uncomfortable thing is Taza.

In the past, when talking to others, the biggest advantage of Tanza was that he could open the family tree to show off his honors, and ask arrogantly: How many champions do you have?

But now their mortal enemy KT is infinitely close to them in terms of honor.

In the history of the T1 team, there are a total of 8 league championship trophies, 2 MSI trophies, and 3 S-match trophies.

As for KT, they have 7 league championship trophies, 2 MSI trophies, and 2 S-match trophies.

In other words, KT may tie T1's honor record after this year.

It took Faker ten years to achieve glory, allowing T1 fans to mock their sworn enemies without restraint.

But Lin Cheng will lead KT to turn around three years after their debut.

Being ridiculed by his sworn enemy, his old hatred and some jealousy put Tanza at an emotional point of explosion.

Someone happened to bump into me.

The matter also originated from a live broadcast of Xiao Lu Bu yesterday. When he saw KT winning the championship, Xiao Lu Bu made a statement:

"Ah! I really envy Brother Deft, who can get a lot of salary and win the championship."

"My salary? I can't disclose it...but including Brother Deft, Brother Ruler and other top AD players, I am considered the top AD with the lowest salary."

"Obviously my performance is very good, why can't I win the championship?"

"Ah~~~ Thinking about Brother Cheng's debut trajectory, it feels like he has taken away my life. Such a dazzling life should belong to me."

Xiao Lu Bu is famous for his loud mouth during live broadcasts. Maybe he just expressed his envy for Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai without thinking too much, but it would be different when these words fall into the ears of fans.

In Tanza's view, these words of Xiao Lu Bu meant his teammates.

If the world's No. 1 AD couldn't win the championship, wouldn't it be because of his teammates' lack of strength?

There is also salary. Mr. Dai and Chi Di are both champion AD players. What kind of champion are you?

Even if T1 hadn't won a news agency battle this year when Lin Cheng didn't play, Gumayusi's career winning rate against Deft would still be 0.

Dai Yi'er's position may not be available to you even Uzi!

Why should you compare your salary with others?

Since last night, someone has been posting on the DC forum accusing Xiao Lu Bu of speaking out.

But there are also many fans of Xiao Lu Bu, and there are still some people who are trying to counter him.

"The year before last, Teddy started T1 and didn't even make it to the World Championship. Last year, Gumayusi took T1 to the semi-finals. What else are you going to do?" 》

"You are already the runner-up in the Spring Split, what else do you want?" 》

"It's already very difficult with four small players and only one mid laner holding back."

"Gumayusi is the future banner of T1, Faker is already old"

It was originally just some sporadic internal rhythms, but these comments from AD fans completely angered core Tanza and Keza.

It is true that Faker's data when he was first in the spring regular season was not very good, so some people always felt that Faker was dragging down the four teams.

But can Faker's role data be reflected?

Ke Zai is full of blood and anger.

As for the team fans, the reason for dissatisfaction is also very simple.

They are T1!

Although the past two years have been miserable, when did you get to the point where you feel comfortable talking about the runner-up?

AD fans have offended the two most powerful fans of T1 at the same time.

Early this morning, a truck was blocked under the T1 headquarters building.

Trucks create a face, and the content above is all directed at Gumayusi.

The electronic screen on the side of the truck was showing live slices of little Lu Bu.

The year before last, Gumayusi boasted in a live broadcast:

"What should I do when I reach my peak at the age of 25? Something big will happen, right? I have won three world championships, my appearance is at the top, I am the number one AD AD in the world, and my popularity has reached its peak. Ah~~~What should I do when I am so dazzling? Is that good?"

Little Lu Bu is really cool. Apart from Lin Cheng, he is the only one who dares to say such narcissistic words in a live broadcast.

Fans didn't care much about this kind of thing before, but now they were found out by Tan Za to settle old scores.

Then, the live broadcast on the truck screen went black and subtitles appeared.

"As expected of the God of the Canyon, Cheng Cheng is only 23 years old and has almost completed the ambitious goal he set two years ago... Oh!" So this was said by Gumayusi? 》

Obviously, Tanza can also be eccentric.

Little Lu Bu's bullshit showed no signs of it, and Lin Cheng happened to have almost three S crowns. Those words seemed to be addressed to Lin Cheng.

Then, Lin Cheng’s interview appeared on the screen again.

Lin Cheng once made a sharp comment in an interview: Gumayusi is very good at laning, but that's just because he is very good at laning. He has big teamfight problems.

At that time, Tanza was immersed in Xiao Lu Bu's fierce laning style and Shunfeng's war-god-like performance. Now looking back, he realized that what Lin Cheng said was absolutely right.

Little Lu Bu's team battle problem is really big!

When he was pushing ahead in the lane, he looked very fierce and full of suppression. However, when he couldn't gain an advantage, Lu Bu's sense of smell problem in team battles was amplified during the frontal pull.

He always has trouble finding the output position, and often has to risk sudden death to play output. He has a completely different style from Korean ADs like Ruler and the elderly Deft.

In particular, problems arise every time they encounter KT. Zeus is used as a breakthrough by Lin Cheng. Little Lu Bu is often helped by his teammates in the bottom lane but cannot deal any damage.

It can be said that every time the news agency fights against Xiao Lu Bu, he can be ahead of Mr. Dai's equipment in the early and middle stages, but the final damage conversion is always far behind Mr. Dai's.

"Gumayusi!" Stop doing damage off the court and do some damage! 》

Then, on the screen was a collection of various violent deaths of little Lu Bu.

Most of them came from this year's finals against KT.

Still warm.

In the finals, KT easily crushed T1. At first, they didn't want to pass the blame to AD, but after reviewing the game, they found that Lu Bu died suddenly six times in the entire BO5 due to non-handling.

"As expected of a fan of Uzi! But you can save more than Uzi. The flash you save in a BO5 is enough for your idol to complete the entire S8."

Lin Cheng didn't laugh just now, but after seeing this part, he finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Uzi probably couldn't have imagined that his fans would be whipped to death in a foreign country.

In fact, Lu Bu's overall performance this year is very good, but he can't stand this guy and only gives away key things. He also likes to talk nonsense off the court, and often leads his teammates to the rhythm without even reacting.

T1's teammates don't care, but fans may not.

Especially on the topic of Faker, Xiao Peanut and Brother Han were very good at interviews about Faker in the past, while Xiao Lu Bu had no sense of risk aversion.

No wonder the e-sports media, apart from Lin Cheng, likes to interview little Lu Bu, and they can always make something big happen.

But Lin Cheng's bragging came true anyway, while little Lu Bu always got slapped in the face when he bragged. The program's effect was even better than Lin Cheng's.

Zaza who started the truck was really unhappy with Xiao Lu Bu and was very aggressive.

The content on the other side of the truck is even more heavyweight.

Based on the Seven Deadly Sins of Uzi spread from the LPL, Zaza created a Korean version of the Seven Virtues on the truck, with the subtitles scrolling in turn.

Seven virtues of Gumayusi:

1. Humility: Be careful to reach the peak of your life at the age of 25 and only win three world championships. Do not overestimate your own honors.

2. Generosity: Give victory to players in need.

3. Self-confidence: Facing strong players who beat you in the live broadcast, you don’t have any sense of inferiority.

4. Bravery: Every time when facing KT, he always died heroically in front of Cheng.

5. Tolerance: Faced with trash talk time and time again, choose to forgive.

6. Moderation: Eat a lot of economy, but be very restrained in limiting your output in team battles.

7. Sincerity: After being repeatedly lectured by Cheng, he finally spoke his mind: Brother Cheng, can you be gentler this time?

It can be seen that the taunting of the grocery truck was very strong this time.

T1's trucks have never specifically targeted a specific player before. This situation occurred entirely because Lu Bu usually talked nonsense, and in addition, when KT won the championship, he said something he shouldn't have said, which directly detonated Tan Za. of anger.

Of course, the bigger reason is that Xiao Lu Bu's fans are too excited.

Just like the original Uzi.

It's not necessarily true that Uzi is hated by many people, but it is true that some of his fans are disgusting.

If a fan doesn't like you, why can't he just slap it on you?

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