This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2012 Abu: This Lin Cheng is a thorn in the side

The atmosphere in the group chat is lively.

Although many people in the group did not participate in the chat, generally speaking, Lin Cheng felt that the teammates in the training camp were very enthusiastic.

It happened to be dinner time, and the staff rang the doorbell outside.

"Dinner! Come out and pick it up in one minute."

After waiting for a while, Lin Cheng opened the door and saw that the dinner was placed on the shelf at the door, and the delivery person was gone.

Lin Cheng felt a bit like going back to the isolation in Iceland last year.

Of course, quarantine here is at your own expense.

One day's room fee + meal fee is 600 yuan, and I don't know if the competition official will reimburse it.

Although it is not much for Lin Cheng, 600 a day is equivalent to a few minutes of his salary, and he can earn it back just by going to the toilet, but it is too outrageous to return to China at his own expense to play online games in isolation without being reimbursed!

Originally, Lin Cheng thought the quarantine meal would be very Cantonese-style, but when he opened the lunch box, he saw that it was nothing like the Cantonese cuisine he imagined.

The portion is moderate, three dishes, one soup + a small box of watermelon.

Except for the lotus root soup, the other three dishes didn't seem like what Cantonese people often eat.

Stir-fried beef with an attractive red color, chicken nuggets piled with peppers, and shredded green peppers and potatoes.

Lin Cheng tasted the fried beef.

To be honest, it's a bit spicy.

It was pretty good for Lin Cheng, but he was still a little sweaty after eating a few more mouthfuls.

Didn’t Xiao Tong say that Cantonese people don’t eat spicy food?

Is she from Cantonese?

Is Shenzhen special?

The hotel actually also provides self-service ordering, and you need to scan the QR code in advance to place an order on WeChat. However, since it was already late when Lin Cheng checked in today, the hotel delivered dinner directly according to the blind box standard tonight.

Lin Cheng posted his dinner to the WeChat group and asked his teammates if there was something wrong with the hotel he stayed in. He always felt that Cantonese people's tastes should not be like this.

As a result, when Lin Cheng sent photos of the dinner, his teammates even expressed envy.

Li Yuanhao: It looks really good! Quite appetizing.

Yu Wenbo: I'm a little greedy for spicy chicken.

Liu Qingsong: This beef is very similar to the Hunan way. Is it the spicier kind?

Tanano: Bujin! I want to eat this!

Zhuo Ding: I thought people in Shenzhen didn’t add oil when cooking. So it turns out that it’s just our training team that eats like this?

Shi Senming: To be honest, as a Cantonese, I think the diet is too bland. Can anyone explain it?

Li Yuanhao: If there is still no oil in the dishes tomorrow, I will stop training!

Li Xuanjun: @Abu, speak!

Abu: Don't complain! The training team's diet is prepared by professional nutritionists.

Zhu Kai: Although your food is tasteless, it is healthy! Don't envy Lin Cheng.

Li Xuanjun: Are you talking in human language? We all stay up late every day training, and you still talk to us about eating healthily?

Bai Jiahao: I have never seen the coaching staff eat with us. I seriously doubt that they eat differently from us.

Liu Qingsong: Stop training, stop training!

Because of Lin Cheng's start, the group was in a state of excitement.

A few thorns began to jump up and down, shouting that the food should be improved or they would go on strike tomorrow.

Lin Cheng also followed suit and supported the strike in the group.

He is also a little curious, what are the conditions of the training team? Are the accommodation and food really not as good as his isolation environment?

In fact, everyone can tolerate the accommodation conditions, and most of the players are not that delicate, but the food of the training team seems to be really not to the taste of most people.

You must know that many players in this training camp are from Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and other places. They are all areas with heavy food. The training team's light diet every day is really unbearable for the players.

Before Lin Cheng came, the others had endured it for three days.

On the other side, Abu also had a headache when he saw the rioting players in the group.

"It seems that this Lin Cheng is a thorn in the side!"

Hearing this, Zhu Kai next to him felt a little strange, "It has nothing to do with Lin Cheng, right?"

Abu spread his hands: "I just came here today and caused everyone else to go on strike. Isn't this a thorn in the side?"

"He just posted a photo of the dinner and it aroused the anger of others. If he posted a photo of the room, wouldn't everyone ask for a deluxe single room?"

Zhu Kai felt that there seemed to be some truth to it.

But it doesn’t make sense.

Of course, these are secondary.

Zhu Kai vaguely remembered that Lin Cheng didn't return to China alone. It was said that he was with his girlfriend?

What if other people find out and make a joke to ask Abu to send a girlfriend to a single guy?

Could it be...that Abu should be asked to engage in online dating with the team members one by one?

Eh? This seems to be an area he is familiar with?

Zhu Kaiyin glanced at Abu, who was frowning and thinking beside him, with a strange smile on his lips.

Abu turned his head and looked around inexplicably.

"Why is it so cold? Is the air conditioner turned on too low?"


After triggering a riot in the group, Lin Cheng continued to eat his dinner slowly, while making a video call with his eldest wife.

In the video, Han Seoyan was eating the same dinner as Lin Cheng.

Good-looking people, ordinary actions are enjoyable in the eyes of others.

Especially in the eyes of my sweetheart.

"Sister Shuyan, are you used to dinner? Is it spicy?"

"Fortunately, sister can eat spicy food now."

Having said that, after taking a bite of beef, Han Seoyan was still so spicy that she inhaled slightly and stuck out her tongue.

Those moist pink lips and fragrant tongue made Lin Cheng a little dumbfounded.

"Sister Shuyan."


"I really want to kiss you now."

"Ouch! What are you talking nonsense about?"

Han Seoyan blushed immediately.

Even though she was extremely familiar with him, she would still be moved by Lin Cheng's love words every time.

My face felt hot, as if the beef just now was spicier.

She subconsciously stuck out her tongue again.

Lin Cheng smiled and smiled, feeling that Sister Shuyan looked really cute.

Lin Cheng still remembered that Han Shuyan was not very good at eating spicy food before. Although she was better than Xiao Tong, she didn't like eating particularly spicy food.

But later, Han Shuyan gradually became accustomed to some Sichuan food flavors, and Lin Cheng felt that it was entirely because of his own influence.

Or is it some other factors?

Lin Cheng remembered that he once joked with Sister Shuyan in a convenience store, saying that his mother likes spicy food?

"Don't be brave! As a Sichuanese, I think it's a bit spicy. I'll tell the hotel later not to prepare such spicy dishes."


The two of them just had dinner through video chat, and the picture was so sweet that they were toothless.

"By the way, Sister Shuyan, has Xiaotong called you?"

"Hit! We were chatting just now."

"Eh? Really? Why didn't she hit me?"

Lin Cheng took a big mouthful of rice fiercely and complained vaguely, "Damn it! I am still not as important as Sister Shuyan."

Han Shuyan tucked her long hanging hair behind her ears, "No way... You know that Xiaotong cares about you very much, and she is waiting for you to take the initiative to call her."

"Really? Then I'll call her right now?"


"I hit?"


"Then I'll hang up first?"

"hold head high!"

Han Shuyan was eating her dinner elegantly while looking straight at Lin Cheng on the screen, as if waiting for him to take the initiative to hang up the video.

She didn't take the initiative to hang up anyway.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng finally couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister Shuyan is also jealous of Xiaotong, right?"


"Then why don't you hang up the video?"

"Isn't it your turn to hang up?"

"Then why don't you hang up? Sister Shuyan is really jealous, right?"


Lin Cheng laughed heartily, "Ouch! Stop pretending! I know my sister will be jealous too, hahaha!"

Then, Han Seo-yeon really hung up the video.

"Hey! Are you really dead?"

"I was wrong! Sister Shuyan!"

"Talk to me about five bucks again."

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