This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 205 Unless the opponent is EDG

After confirming that there were only spiders and sword girls on the opposite side, Lin Cheng was not too weak, so he turned around and touched the direction of the triangle grass.

At the same time, Lin Cheng signaled his teammates in the top half to fight the Baron.

Zeyuan: "I want to capture the Angel. Isn't that bad? The Angel has a big move, and even if you capture the Angel to death, you won't make any money. The Tsar will definitely hit the Baron directly."

Cat: "Discovered by the red side's vision, KT directly pinged the baron. This reaction was so fast! The signal was sent out as soon as the spider appeared in the vision."

Lin Cheng touched the triangle grass, and when the spider was about to touch his face, he struck with Q Yaoyan.

The blue side's field of vision was really poor, and Lin Cheng, who was originally preparing to launch a sneak attack, was attacked by Lin Cheng and quickly used his E skill to form a cocoon.

However, Lin Cheng had already anticipated his opponent's reaction when he made his move. He just moved to twist away the cocoon at close range, and swung out with a basic attack.

At this time, Lin Cheng already had the three-piece set of Endless, Ruined, and Green Cross in his hand. The damage was extremely explosive. The moment they met, a critical hit knocked out a large amount of the spider's health.

Xiaofu quickly jumped into the sky to avoid a wave of damage.

At this time, a blade flew into the grass from the shadow behind the wall.

The light blade passed by.

Because his vision was blocked, Lin Cheng was unable to move ahead of time and was stunned by the sword girl's twin blades in the shadows.

The knife girl just happened to come over from the direction of the stone man, which Lin Cheng had no vision of.


The Sword Girl directly Q comes up to crush the flaws in the Angel's body. She raises her hand to perform a basic attack and throws out the Vanguard Blade at the same time.

The angel was still fragile in nature, and he lost more than half of his health in one fell swoop.

Lin Cheng got out of the dizziness and used his backhand to use his ultimate move.

Cover is not stupid. He suffered several losses in a row and knew that his opponent would definitely block his burst. After launching his ultimate move, he did not rush to use his Q skill and stacked Conqueror against Angel.

Obviously, Dao Mei wants to kill the angel with her ultimate move.

The spider landed on the ground, and before it had gone far enough, it was killed by the exploding sword blade combined with Lin Cheng's E Star Fire Talisman Blade.


While killing the spider, Lin Cheng saw Dao Mei making a forward motion with a normal attack and turned on the stopwatch.

Lin Cheng himself has a habit of using the Q skill to cancel the basic attack when the sword girl is passive and not stacking up, and then swinging to increase the instant burst.

This time Cover happened to connect with the sharp blade impact after the flat A.

But he found that in a flash of light and shadow, the angel turned into a golden man, and the sharp blade impact went into cooling down.

The sword girl has cut off her Q!

Theoretically, turning on the stopwatch before Dao Mei breaks the mark can allow Dao Mei's Q to enter the cooldown, but it is actually very difficult for a golden body to break Dao Mei's Q.

Because the impact speed of the sharp blade is too fast, let alone in such a situation where it is almost close to the face.

Lin Cheng pressed the stopwatch in advance with the nature of gambling. If this operation did not cut off Dao Mei's Q, he would have waited to die.

Even though Angel's equipment is better than that of Sword Girl, just now Sword Girl knocked out more than half of Lin Cheng's health with just a face-to-face encounter. Even when she was approached, she still had marks on her body. Sword Girl with a three-phase outfit will have to cut her down. It's very simple to kill this crispy skin.

However, once this Q skill is interrupted, Lin Cheng has room to operate.

Cover took a look at Angel's HP and didn't want to give up, so he directly pressed W to press him up.

The fully charged Dance of the Breaking Spell perfectly suppressed the rise, and the sword girl used the cursed blade to knock out the shield of the green fork.

However, Lin Cheng was not too panicked because Dao Mei failed to produce a full layer of passive extra damage due to Q cut off.

Angel draws A and is decelerated at the same time. W accelerates and pulls A away.

The knife girl's knife was blocked by the green cross's shield again, and then she realized that she couldn't touch the angel.

Take a step back and do an A.

The already stacked high-spirited effect and the movement speed brought by the green cross passive are almost equivalent to the early sprint. In addition, the angel's attack speed and A rhythm are quite devilish.

Although the critical strike angel's skill damage is not as high as that of the AP angel, its continuous output is much higher.

The angel was seen waving the long sword continuously, causing waves of flames, and the sword girl's blood plummeted.

Due to the blood-sucking effect, the angel's blood volume keeps rising.

Cover realized that the situation was wrong, but it was too late to run away. He penetrated the sword girl with a light blade. Lin Cheng chased her twice and then activated his E skill to finish the kill.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Brother Chengzi! One to two double kills! Jin Shen broke Dao Mei's Q. This is so cool. My husband's mentality is broken! I have been training him in the early stage, and now two are fighting one Can't beat them."

Cat: "Angel's golden body is very beautiful. If the sword girl is not cut off, she can definitely kill the angel. If the sword girl wants to kill such a fragile creature, she can kill it even if it is one big piece behind, but there is nothing she can do if her Q is cut off. "

Zeyuan: "I think this decision to capture is very unreasonable. Your jungle area is full of people's vision. If the spider dares to show up in the lower half of the area, KT will definitely beat the baron."

Cat: "Hmm~~~You can't say that there is something wrong with my husband this time. He has no vision at all. He doesn't know where the vision is on the opposite side. But doing nothing will lead to a slow death. It's better to just go and catch a wave. Angel who is alone, what if the other party doesn't react?"

Zeyuan: "A classic bet on a dream? Just bet that the opponent has no vision. As long as the angel is killed at the first opportunity, the opponent may not dare to fight the dragon, right?"

Cat: "What else can I do? You always have to have dreams. If my husband doesn't have dreams, what's the difference between him and Nobita?"

"The classic two-on-one was counter-killed. Do you know how to play the game?"

"Show off, Brother Chengzi! This can break Dao Girl's Q."

"I saw Sword Girl Q coming over and I didn't even have time to press the gold button on her body. How could he hide even if he touched her face?"

"The description of Cat King made me laugh to death. What's the difference between Xiaofu and Nobita?"

"Nobita:???Did I fucking mess with you?"


Lin Cheng killed Dao Mei and Spider, and KT's teammates on the front also successfully captured the baron.

Now the blue side's hope of comeback is almost nil.

Taking advantage of the undefended situation, Lin Cheng directly led the Baron BUFF minions to demolish the second bottom tower of the blue side, and then returned to make up for a wave, just as the Fire Dragon was about to refresh.

At this time, the economic gap on the field has exceeded 10,000, and the equipment gap is too large.

Unless Lin Cheng suddenly kills APK before the team fight, he can win the team fight.

Even this is not safe. If Lin Cheng dies suddenly and Kuro drifts, it will be difficult for APK to win the team battle.

Of course, if APK is like their last round game, Ornn and Titan have four and five players at the same time and cooperate with the female gun's ultimate move, there is still a chance of a comeback.

But the reason why the Miracle Team's comeback is called a miracle is that it certainly doesn't happen often.

Unless the opponent is EDG.

Of course, KT was not so outrageous that such a high fault-tolerance lineup led by 10,000 and was overturned by the opponent. It easily destroyed the opponent in the Xiaolong team battle.

Now they didn't bother to take the dragon soul, and the five of them directly gathered together in the middle to advance.

The blue side does not have a second tower, and KT flattened the opponent's base in one wave.

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