This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2029 The bright card! Take the move

Players from both sides are ready, and the first round of BP officially begins.

KT BAN first on the blue side.

KT came up and directly pressed Zeli.

Although I don’t know how good Lu Bu Zeli is, in this version, regardless of red or blue, if you don’t plan to take Zeli first, you have to consider paying the BAN position.

Zeli is a hero that really gives designers a headache. It has gone through seven changes in the five months since it was launched. It is always difficult for designers to balance its strength.

The last version showed too much crotch. In the 12.11 version, Riot has made adjustments to Zeli. The damage of Zeli's critical hit has been greatly increased, and the W skill has a wall-penetrating critical strike mechanism.

You know, compared to the special effects Ruse Rei in the spring game, the critical hit Rize Rei has a lower fault tolerance but is more flexible. The only problem is scratching, which has been made up for by the adjustments in this version.

After this genius change by the designer, Zeli, who originally had the lowest ranked winning rate of only 45%, has a direct winning rate of nearly 54% in the Korean server.

What is this concept?

Zeli's hero mechanism is inherently suitable for the arena but not for RANK. Now that there is such a winning rate in RANK, it means that Zeli is already too strong.

It can pull, harvest, and burst, and it also has a strong poke ability. In the later stage, if a W penetrates to the opposite side of multiple people, there is no need to play anymore.

This resulted in Zeli being banned from the game.

There is no doubt that Zeli will definitely be cut in the next version, or even the next version after that.

Zeyuan: "Zeli! KT doesn't plan to ban the opponent as soon as he grabs it. Anyway, I can't give it to the opponent if I don't grab it."

Wanwan: "Hmm~~~Actually, the main reason is that T1 has Luna who can defeat Zeli. If the blue side grabs Zeli, KT may not think it is cost-effective."

The red square T1 backhanded the knife girl.

"Mr. Lin Cheng, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I still respect you."

T1 coaches changed one after another, and the predecessor left almost no palace fighting experience to the successor. The only lesson is that the news agency war cannot let the sword girl go.

The second BAN slot on the blue side is given to the aircraft.

Thanks to the durability version, all heroes have now become fleshier, and the damage of defense towers has been greatly improved. The risk of jumping over the tower in the early stage has become greater, and everyone is less willing to make too aggressive attempts to jump over the tower.

The pace of the game has slowed down, and Airplane has almost become the highest-priority mid laner hero in the LCK in the summer split.

In the early and mid-term, there is a stable supply of explosives to connect resource groups, and in the later stages, the output capability also explodes, so it is normal for aircraft to be favored.

T1 continued to press down Qinggangying with his backhand.

KT banned the Czar in the third hand.

Zeyuan: "Okay! The Czar and the Airplane are both banned. I can only raise my hands to applaud. KT pressed two late-stage cores in succession to speed up the rhythm. It is in line with their style."

Wanwan asked back: "What if there will be one on each side of the clockwork Victor?"

Zeyuan: "That's so perverted and makes no sense."

Wanwan smiled and stopped arguing.

"Ha ha! Even Wanwan’s arrogance is so cute》

"cute! I think"

"Don't laugh at night, Brother Chengzi is already hugging someone else"

"Brothers, I found the picture. I will go to the live broadcast room tonight to show Wanwan the photo of Brother Chengzi hugging the female host."

"devil! 》

The red side thought for a long time about the third BAN position and got it to the monkey.

Although the Monkey's value was reduced a bit after the MSI, the priority of the Monkey in the jungle has not dropped since W added the wall-penetration mechanism.

In addition, this durability version can easily lead to a late-game team fight, and the monkey's destructive power in team battles is much stronger than that of the average jungler.

The blue side KT grabbed Lucian.

Zeyuan: "Oops! I know KT wants to play offense, but T1 still doesn't choose to deal with Lucian. The pick of Luna is already on the field."

"There's no way! Brother Chengzi puts too much pressure on BP. His sword girl Qing Gangying has a unique carry ability no matter which version."

Wanwan said in a high-spirited tone: "For T1, no matter how much pressure BP puts on them, they can't let go. They don't want to be beaten by a truck to the door of the club building after the game."

The red side locked Senna + Blind Sin with both hands in front.

Zeyuan: "After Senna's chance of losing souls has been enhanced, her appearance rate has also increased, and Senna's hand length has been restored. When paired with Tahm, there is really not much pressure on Luna in the lane."

Wanwan: "But T1 support may not necessarily bring out Tahm Kench. Previously, Keria even used blind monk support to match Senna. This blind monk can also be used."

The KT players have also studied the T1 game, and someone immediately reminded the opponent in the voice that the Lee Sin might be a support.

Keria's blind monk skills are really good. She can do multiple roundhouse kicks in a game, and she may be even more slippery than Cuzz.

Lin Cheng didn't care too much: "Come on! According to our own BP, the most they can do is fish belly and do some extravagant work. I don't believe they dare to do this against us."

"Just treat Li Qing as a jungler."

The blue side presented Nami + cards on the second and third floors.

Galio is locked on the third floor of T1 and has to roam against the card.

Second round of BAN people.

The red team targets the top lane and double-clicks Captain + Gwen.

Although Gwen has been weakened in the summer season, he still has enough strength. During the Busan MSI, Lin Cheng's Gwen and Captain were so scary that T1 decided to target Lin Cheng in the second round.

Zeyuan: "What kind of treatment is this? Taking four BAN positions as soon as you come back. Brother Chengzi puts too much pressure on the opponent."

"Old viewers all know that Faker was often targeted like this during the SKT era."

"But now, T1 has to give Orange Brother this kind of fear in terms of BP, even more fear than others have towards Faker."

The blue side's second round banner choice is barrel + titan.

Both of these hands can actually be used as support, and Keria has used them with Senna.

Senna's best lane partner is Tahm, but after Keria gets Tahm, T1 often lacks a team initiator. If all the team pressure is given to Faker, problems can easily arise.

Start selecting people.

On the fourth floor of the red square, Tamu comes out first.

Zeyuan: "It's confirmed! T1 didn't use blind monk support this time, Tahm + Senna went down."

Wanwan: "I'm curious about how T1's final top laner will come out? Their lineup really needs a top lane core. I don't know the psychological state of T1's coach, but you have to think about it in advance. The top lane core was penetrated by Orange. What to do?”

Barrage explosion.

"unbelievable! If I hadn’t been reminded every night and didn’t pay attention, would this really mean four guarantees and one top order? 》

"Wanwan's script has been planned, 23333"

"Choose a big core on the road and get smashed by Brother Orange, and then it becomes five guarantees and zero, right?" 》

"It doesn't matter, at least I won't see little Lu Bu die suddenly this time."

"With increased durability and protection from Tamu, little Lu Bu won't be killed by Brother Chengzi again this time until he can't even hand it over in a flash, right?" 》

"Auntie, please concentrate! Otherwise the truck will come again》

"Didn't you pay attention to the bottom line of both sides? 》

"Senna + Tamu, Lucian + Nami, what kind of tauren combination is this? 》

"My husband cheated on me with his mistress, and my wife was licked away by a licking dog!" 》

"The God of Pure Love Falls Down!" 》

In the second round of T1, pressing Gwen + Captain repeatedly seemed to be a little too afraid of Lin Cheng, and KT also keenly grasped the opponent's intentions.

The lack of output of the four heroes on the opponent's field in the early stage will not be obvious. Instead, it is because the lineup is solid and the battle is not weak. But later on, these brothers only have the advantage of Senna's hand length.

The only option left for the opponent on the road is to supplement the core.

The prince appeared first on the fourth floor of the blue square, but the fifth floor did not appear for a long time.

Until the moment Calista's profile picture lit up, the whole audience exclaimed.

Zeyuan: "Isn't it? Do you really need to lock it? Doesn't this give Zeus a way to survive? Brother Shai doesn't even know how to play top skates now. If there is still one person in the world who can suppress this hero to the extreme If you don’t have enough power, then it can only be Brother Chengzi.”

Wanwan: "I think Brother Chengzi will take it. This is already a clear sign to tell the opponent: If you dare to take the big core, I will penetrate you!"

Under the camera, Lin Cheng was communicating with his teammates.

He didn't speak quickly and seemed calm and leisurely.

Lip reading experts are crazy about it.

Soon, Callista was locked down.

Originally, Lin Cheng had not practiced together with his teammates for a long time. In order to catch the opponent's desire to produce a big core, rather than thinking about which version to use, it would be better to crush the opponent with extreme suppression.

It's T1's turn to take over.

Under the camera, Zeus's pressure is visible to the naked eye, with his lips opening and closing crazily.

In the end, T1 locked up the Angels.

It is also because of the durability version, and there is less worry about being jungled and jumping over the tower in the early stage. This version of Angel has a greater chance of surviving the early stage safely.

Angel is indeed a hero who can perfectly shoulder the heavy responsibility of four guarantees and one output in the later stage.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Jungler: Cuzz (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Rookie (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Deft (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Support: Beryl (Tide Summoner, Nami)

Red square T1.

Top lane: Zeus (Angel of Justice, Kyle)

Jungler: Oner (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Mid lane: Faker (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Gumayusi (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Support: Keria (River King, Tahm Kench)

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