This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2031 Explosion Speed ​​Run! 1557

Faker was severely suppressed on the top lane, and soon the two sides started to hit each other very hard.

The main reason is that Kalista has a strong ability to suppress the tower, and Garriott will have a hard time offline without anyone to help him.

In 4 and a half minutes, Galio only made up 17 knives when he was knocked out of TP.

Kalista's last hit count was 32.

But Faker's performance cannot be considered bad. The last time Lin Cheng took out Kalista, he only beat his opponent 3 times in 4 minutes.

This is probably the difference in thinking between the mid laner and the single player.

In the middle, Faker often chooses short-handed heroes like Galio to fight long-handed heroes, so he is very accustomed to using his own state to trade for last-minute hits and push lanes. Even when Faker faced Superpower last season, he could almost win with short-handed heroes and long-handed ones. knife.

That is to say, Lin Cheng put too much pressure on him.

Although Chaowei is also very powerful in laning, he focuses more on his own development. Lin Cheng develops himself while putting pressure on his opponents.

Zeus, who switched to the middle, lived up to his father's trust.

It was actually difficult for Angel to play cards in the middle, but Zeus was stunned to bite the last blow and delivered a passable result in the early stage.

One is because the middle line is short and it is not easy to suppress, and the other is because Rookie is not used to suppressing people when playing cards.

He is not very good at using cards to suppress. This hero was chosen just because of his strong mobility and can help both sides very well.

In other words, when Rookie chooses cards, he usually tries to clear the lane and roam around, without considering suppressing people at all.

In this way, the tactical purpose of T1 in the early stage can be regarded as achieved.

However, the disadvantages quickly became apparent after Galio was switched to the top lane.

"The pace in the early stages of this game is still very slow, and the double jungler doesn't do much...the cards are opened up!"

At six minutes, Rookie launched the first wave of roaming.

At this time, Galio was half-healthy and pinned under the tower.

The rotating deck of cards emerged behind the red square tower, blocking Galio's retreat route.

The prince came around from the flank.

This is a wave of three over one. The vision of the card's ultimate move allows KT to clearly know the opponent's movements.

Faker knew he couldn't escape, so he could only hand in Q to clear the line as much as possible.

The yellow card gave stable control, and the prince connected with EQ to fly away.

Kalista rubbed the floor and drew her spear to easily kill her.

"First Blood!"

At this time, the blind monk was still farming.

The Angels in the middle are still taking the line.

Zeyuan: "This is the problem with Galio being replaced! Originally, Galio could fly against the cards when he was in the middle. After switching to the top lane, he became a pure anti-pressure position and lost strategic significance."

"Just like this wave, when the card reaches six, the Angels can't support themselves in the middle lane. If the top lane is suppressed so badly, something will happen."

Wanwan: "Angel can only continue to push the line, okay! It seems that he can eat a layer of tart skin, which is equivalent to Galio using his life to gain development for Angel."

"$26 in six minutes, 0-1, Galio has collapsed"

"Brother Li, isn't this too miserable?" 》

"This is totally wiping Zeus's ass!" "I cried watching it"

"Just look at the last hit and KDA, ha! Hot chicken Faker, he tricked four little ones again》

"Oner is still farming!" 》

Galio's death was very damaging, and he lost a large wave of troops and made Kalista eat two layers of tarpaulin. The pressure on the line will only increase.

T1 took it for granted that by replacing Galio, with Zeus's excellent laning ability, as long as they ensure development in the middle, their lineup will be easy to play.

Indeed, KT's lineup is too hard-working, and it is impossible to play without an advantage.

But the problem is that KT's first wave of attacks in the early stage came too decisively.

When the card reaches level six, it will go up as soon as possible, without giving the opponent any chance to prepare.

As T1's most important rhythm point, Faker was sacrificed to take a beating on the top lane. Although it seemed to gain room for development for Angel, it was equivalent to T1 giving up its own rhythm.

T1, who had just reacted at this time, once again executed a lane change, letting the angel who had been promoted to level 6 move up. Galio went to the middle to prepare to use the time when the card was not strong to find some rhythm.

This is a good idea. After Galio was promoted to the sixth station, the initiative in the second half came to the red side.

However, bad news came one after another.

After Zeus had grown up for a few minutes, he went to the familiar top lane for the first time and was killed by Lin Cheng alone.

It was Angel who made the first move. He Qed Kalista first, and then used AE to give himself W speed to pull.

But Lin Cheng used his backhand to hang the spear and use the soldiers to directly refresh and draw the spear while slowing down the angel. Kalista chased and slid to rub.

Lin Cheng's cornerstone runes carry a deadly rhythm, and his ability to stick to people will only get stronger if he uses the attack speed boots first.

Zeus turned around and counterattacked, and before his health was over half, he used his ultimate move.

This early-release ult just ensures delay.

The blind monk has already rushed to the scene from the side.

This is also the capital that makes angels dare to be aggressive when they come up.

Seeing the blind monk and facing an angel with a big deck and pushing forward, Lin Cheng retreated and stepped A, a full-blooded minion.

The advantage of the second-level shoes allowed Kalista to successfully use two soldiers to pull out the range of Angel's ultimate move. At the moment when Angel's ultimate move exploded, Lin Cheng found the right angle to QE to take action.

The feature of the Piercing Spear that piercing the soldiers will transfer layers of tear is very scary during the laning phase. Lin Cheng just used A twice to pull the melee soldiers with full health, and his Q skill accurately passed through the minions and hit the angel, which added three layers of tear.


The angel was almost out of health, and the tear was refreshed again.


Zeus quickly dodged and pulled back.


Lin Cheng followed and pierced with a spear.

Blind Sin's W shields his teammates, and E hits the floor to slow down Kalista.

Lin Cheng knocked down the angel shield with another flat A, and then backhanded A to the blind monk.

Lin Cheng's Kalista was too slippery, and Oner's Q skill was useless.

Seeing that the angels were about to pull away after entering the tower, Lin Cheng decisively drew his spear.


The angel died suddenly in front of the tower.

The blind monk is slowed down, and the tear is refreshed at the same time.

Kalista slides wildly.

The blind monk was only level 5 and didn't even buy shoes. He couldn't run in front of Kalista who had attack speed shoes at level 7.

Even with the flash, Oner was still stabbed to death by Kalista, who drew her spear and slowed down the attack.

"Double Kill!"

Zeyuan: "Zeus is selling on the road! What will the blind monk say when he comes... The Q in the face is crooked! Huh? It seems like they are both going to die? No! Can you two be killed by both of them?"

"Brother Li is about to cry when he sees the teammate in the middle. This teammate who has been raising him for a long time just goes up and sends him off. It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense!"

"Without Galio's control, how could these two dare?"

"Although Galio is miserable, the big brother in this lineup who can lead the rhythm in the early stage can only be Faker! Don't come up with ideas when the big brother is not around."

Wanwan chuckled: "I suggest T1 send Faker to the bench and let the other four calm down."

Lin Cheng's 1-on-2 double kill ignited the enthusiasm of KT fans at the scene, and cheers came from the broadcast screen.

Teammates are also making crazy calls.

"Nice! Lin Cheng is beautiful!"

"This is our top laner Kalista!"

"We're going to win! Everyone, work harder."

"Coach isn't going to be able to sleep today."

In the camera, Lin Cheng smiled.

"He laughed! He laughed! 》

"Brother Orange: Lee Sang Hyuk, is this the teammate you raised?" It’s funny enough》

"Really born!" Brother Li takes the most dangerous line and gets the most brutal beatings, and his teammates will give him away if they go up."

"Oh shit! How do you deal with Brother Chengzi’s single skateboard shoes? Too cruel! 》

"This spear-drawing refresh is so enjoyable to watch!" He is so good at making use of his soldiers."

"My suggestion is to go straight to the dog's head!" Level 6 impotence can be beaten at will (insidious)"

Lin Cheng's double kill had a huge impact. He single-handedly knocked down the top tower in 8 minutes.

Calista's ability to snowball as her economy takes off is exaggerated.

The first dragon and vanguard were both captured by Cuzz.

In 10 minutes, Lin Cheng suddenly switched to the middle.

At this time, he has learned the ultimate move and is bound to the Jungler Prince. Brother Cuzz doesn't have to worry about his fallback when starting a group.

Taking advantage of the presence of people on both sides of the road, Brother Cuzz directly EQ+ultimately forced Galio to open the tower. After killing Faker, he released the three vanguards and took advantage of the situation to pull out the middle tower.

The red team duo did not come over, and the three KT brothers covered the vanguard and continued to advance.

"T1 didn't come back from the bottom lane, and the Pioneer could hit again."

"How dare the angels and blind monks with their short hands dare to defend? Hey! The second tower is about to fall."

"Calista also has a big move. If you dare to look at the prince, I will jump over the tower and kill you."

After reacting, T1 already knew that the second tower could not be defended. In addition, Mr. Dai's Lucian took the initiative to attack the opponent's bottom lane and exchanged a wave of health. T1 could only let go of the second tower.

In 11 minutes, the second tower on the red side of the road fell.

KT's familiar invasion of the jungle and vision suppression make T1 very uncomfortable to play. Once the red side's lineup is at a disadvantage, it lacks damage, and the eldest brother is still a stunted angel.

There is no way to play in the mid-term.

The biggest difference between this T1 and the old SKT is that they can't hold their breath and become anxious whenever they are at a disadvantage.

The four young men are anxious, and Faker is also anxious. What they like to do most is to steal the baron at a disadvantage, either by eating the big dragon or sending the big dragon away.

It had only been more than ten minutes at this time, and the dragon hadn't spawned yet. When they got anxious, they could only think of ways to actively find the rhythm.

Keria and Tamu kept using W to find opportunities to attack people. This situation is either a tailwind for T1, or a headwind for T1 and panic.

Apparently, it's the latter now.

However, the red team's lineup is not worthy of playing too proactively.

As a result, the red square's collisions on top of each other made its disadvantages worse and worse.

In 14 minutes, KT won the second generation Pioneer.

The middle lane has always been the advantage of the blue side's troops. The cards were opened up and the prince captured Galio, who was doing the vision. When he saw that the middle lane was advantageous, the people gathered by the blue side directly gathered together to put pressure.

"Gario is dead! No one on the other side has cleared the line, you can give it a try."

"You can raise the high tower! Come here, everyone."

"Lin Cheng, look at me! If the other side dares to defend, I will shoot."

The high ground must not be easily released, and everyone in T1 is ready.

At this time, little Lu Bu stood up again.

Seeing that the prince was arrogantly taking the lead when he walked to the high ground, little Lu Bu came up and clicked the prince inexplicably with Tam beside him.

Brother Cuzz also has a bad temper. He uses his backhand EQ to pick out Flying Angel and Senna, and directly uses his ultimate to cover Tahm Kench and Mercy at the same time.

Lucian's Baptism of the Holy Spear is full.

Nami is great.

Kalista's Q starts and outputs.

Keria Tam was afraid that the angel would be killed, so he swallowed Zeus as soon as Nami came over with her ultimate move.

Then, little Lu Bu died suddenly.

The damage done by the two sides at this time was simply not of the same magnitude. The prince who carried the tower first took full damage and was taken back by the Kalista Poké Ball, and Brother Cuzz entered the field for the second time.

Because Mr. Dai carefully used passive cooperation with the vanguard to demolish the highland tower, KT went all-in.

T1 was beaten into a 1-for-4 teamfight on the high ground, and KT only killed Nami.

In the fight just now, no one on the red side dealt with the vanguard. After hitting the crystal in the middle, the vanguard continued to follow the minions.

At this time, the time was only 15 minutes and 33 seconds.

"Hey! It seems like there's going to be a wave!"

"Gario is alive, but there are four people on the opposite side. Card and the prince stand forward. Galio cannot deal with the vanguard."

"It's only been 15 minutes..."

Seeing the exact time, Zeyuan took a breath, "Oh my God! Isn't it going to break 1557?"

Wanwan shouted loudly: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

There are two ADs on the field, and the card also contains explosions. The advancement speed with the vanguard is far beyond imagination.

Although the vanguard was killed by Faker when he knocked off his first front tooth, there was still a gun carriage present at this time.

The explosion of the card cooperates with teammates to quickly pull out the last front teeth.

The four gathered to set fire to the main fort.

After looking at the time, Lin Cheng reminded.

"Everyone stop! Everyone stop! Listen to my order."

Suddenly, his teammates stopped.

They still didn't understand what Lin Cheng meant.

"You go and stop them, I'll break them down."

Teammates blocked the entrance of the spring, preventing the resurrected personnel from approaching.

Lin Cheng disabled the opponent's base A several times, then pressed the S key and stopped moving.

The four people on the opposite side were resurrected, and their teammates could no longer stop them.

Finally, when the four opponents rushed towards her, Kalista threw her spear again.

T1 base explodes.

No more, no less, the time was fixed at 15 minutes and 57 seconds.

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