This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2034: Pulling back from the brink

In the second round of KT's selection, KT came up with a lineup that surprised everyone. The combination of Syndra + Senna in the bottom lane appeared in the professional arena for the first time.

Even the commentators are curious about how KT will play the game with such a lineup.

Although the top two big Cs in Angel + Airplane are very explosive in the late stage, KT's top, middle and jungle strength is really low in the early stage, unlike their usual way of fighting in the top half.

"Although KT's lineup has no pressure on all lanes, it is also difficult for Cuzz to do things in the early stage. He can only immerse himself in the jungle by himself."

"Although KT has many cores and can be C, everyone has to eat for development, which is actually unreasonable, and the overall tankiness is much worse than T1."

Although KT's side is swinging in a flashy way and the laning is comfortable, after careful analysis, the commentators are still more optimistic about T1's lineup.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng’s angel chose the main system of precision: fatal rhythm, triumph, joy, and perseverance, and the secondary system of resolute: bone plating, and firmness.

In the current version, Angel is considered a very good core hero in the top lane, and his win rate in the Korean server ranks among the top three in the top lane.

As long as it can develop smoothly to the mid-to-late stage, this hero's stable and continuous damage-causing ability is completely unmatched by other single-line cores.

Because Captain Gwen also depends on the skill hit rate, Angel will have explosive output as long as it can hit people.

Another important point is that Angel can adapt to almost any lineup. If the team lacks AP Angel, it can use AP equipment. If the team lacks AD damage angel, it can also use AD equipment, which highlights its versatility.

"I'm not good at ganking this game, so you should develop well in the early stage."

"OK! OK!"

"Don't even think about killing people when playing Kyle Linkeng. Just do last-minute hits."

"Don't worry! I like to develop when playing Kyle."

Lin Cheng's words made his teammates laugh.

But he doesn't think there's anything wrong with his.

Brother Cheng's angels originally like to develop. They slowly pull and test in the early stage, step by step on the long steps to ascend to the gods, stir up waves of flames, and then go crazy A...

The team members communicated their early game ideas, and both parties entered the game with a tacit understanding to position themselves parallel to the river, preparing for a peaceful start.

Lin Cheng stood in the river under the triangle grass and gave a thumbs up.

Ornn of Zeus walked out of the grass in the river and gave Lin Cheng a thumbs up.

The two were quite friendly.

However, the director suddenly cut to Zeus's first-person view playback.

Zeus hesitated just now when he walked out of the grass and called up the expression roulette.

At first, he pointed the mouse at Weak Explosion. After hesitating for a second, he moved the mouse to Like.

Zeus's expression was interesting.

The last time I was tortured, my face didn’t look good, but when I liked it, I seemed to want to laugh a little bit.

Enjoy the misery!

Zeyuan: "What do you mean? He wants to show off his weakness, right? He must want to show off his weakness. His default expression is to like. When the mouse circled around the roulette wheel, I don't believe that he was originally planning to like it."

Wanwan smiled and said: "Zeus may have thought of Abin's failure in Busan and stopped at the cliff. It may not be beneficial to have the mentality of Brother Orange."

Zeyuan: "Hmm~~Although the bright and weak burst may have a taunting effect, the line has not started yet, and the bright and weak burst is to increase your strength."

"It's better to wait until the later stage to light it up! In the later stage, it will attract Brother Orange to hit you."

The barrage is very lively.

"Laughing to Death!" This little hand was so hesitant that it almost exploded before it was released.」

"juvenile! This expression is not bright! (funny)"

"Breaking Back"

"Show this expression to activate the ultimate hell laning mode (dog head)"

"Reminds me of the scene where Brother Chengzi was weakly beaten by A Binliang and showed his furious expression. It's so classic! 》

"I'm curious, did Brother Chengzi bring a weak blast this time?" 》

Lin Cheng didn't know that the opponent was already hovering on the edge of weak explosion, and they were waiting for the start of the laning with friendly interactions.

Ornn is currently one of the easier heroes for Mercy to play in the top lane, because there is no pressure to develop. This is why many players like to choose Mercy Counter Ornn as a back-up player.

The same is true for Thain.

If Ornn is treated as a unit, the difficulty of facing heroes like Thane and Vampire against Mercy is roughly equivalent to that of a Sheep.

Galen and two sheep.

Green steel shadow three sheep.

There are four sheep in Nuoshou.

Raven Five Sheep.

Jess Liuyang

Jax seven sheep.

Bear and eight sheep.

Dao Mei Jiuyang.

Anyway, all said and done, Mercy can't beat most heroes on the road.

Dog Tou is a rather special opponent. The difficulty of laning depends entirely on the two players. A stupid angel will definitely be killed violently against a stupid Dog Tou, but for an experienced old angel, Dog Tou can put much less pressure than Sword Girl Gou Xiong.

Of course, Dog Head Base Camp doesn’t think so.

Who is the only person in the Gotou Bar’s essential research post who has sniffing experience without going up to the Gotou level?

"Remember: The dog head beats the angel from level 1 to level 18"

The two sides entered the laning, and the start of the road was relatively peaceful.

Lin Cheng didn't plan to exchange blood with his opponents too much in the early stage, and he tried his best not to let Ornn touch Immortal.

It's a mixed game anyway, and it's basically impossible for Angel, a hero, to kill anyone before he reaches level 6, assuming he's a normal person.

The level up to stand and fuck with an angel to the end is another matter.

Because Brother Cuzz’s monkey must reach level six as soon as possible, and the line cannot be given too much care in the early stage, so if the blood exchange is too aggressive, it will be detrimental to the angel.

When the director came up, he showed the shot of the top laner. He found that the two brothers on the top lane were not passionate enough, so he quickly handed the shot to the bottom laner.

Luna versus Syndra + Senna, this bottom lane matchup is very novel.

At level one, Syndra + Senna have an obvious advantage. They can clear the lane with long hands and consume the opponent's health at the same time. After holding on to the lane, the KT duo chooses to control the lane and push slowly.

Senna went to the river and took two more steps to gain vision. When the third wave of soldiers arrived, the duo used skills wildly. Syndra emptied her mana and sent the third wave of soldiers into the tower and immediately looked for an opportunity to return.

Syndra went home and replenished a blue crystal, then came back and started to gradually increase the pressure.

Senna's view from the river just now saw the time when the blind monk was fighting the river crabs. The red party knew clearly that the blind monk was definitely not down there at this time.

Although the army line was temporarily pushed back, Syndra and Senna were still very active in consumption.

At 4 and a half minutes, blood broke out in the bottom lane.

After Senna's Q through the troops consumed Lucian, the W was blocked by the minion. Syndra had just handed in the Q skill to replenish the troops. Lucian seized the opportunity and directly slid to the flank and drew his gun.

Click E and click Q to trigger a strong attack.

Put the gun away and turn around.


Xiao Lu Bu seemed to have seized the opportunity well with this set of consumption opportunities.

However, just before Lucian turned around, Syndra grabbed the minion hit by Senna's W with her backhand and smashed it over.

Lucian was hit by a small soldier falling from the sky.

Just then the endless love broke out.

Lucian was imprisoned in place.

Saina committed domestic violence.

Syndra's Q skill CD was extremely short, and her backhand draw with A+QE knocked Lucian out again.


Mr. Dai dodges Nami's blisters in advance.

Lucian, who was still alive, was hung up and set on fire.

This little Lu Bu didn't bring purification, so he didn't need to pay for flash. Syndra took the first blood.

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