This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2052 Every encounter is a reunion after a long separation

"Mo? What the hell?"

Rookie was stunned when he saw the message on his screen.

Because the congressman sent out three meaningless English letters in a row.

A passerby teammate said in Pinyin: Are you sick?

The congressman probably thought that the mechanical keyboard was fun to step on. His little white paws stepped on it happily, and he just typed a string of English letters with unknown meanings.

Then the teammate started interacting in Pinyin.

"Are you sick?" 》

"You can shut up if you don't know how to type"

"Holy crap! Look, the congressmen are actually on the line!"

Rookie's first reaction was to surprise his teammates.

Since everyone was playing games, no one cared about what the congressman was doing on Rookie's keyboard just now. Now they all turned their heads and couldn't stand it.

The congressman meowed and stamped on the keyboard happily.

The Enter key is relatively large and seems to feel good when pressed. The cat accidentally hit it and sent another message.

Someone had already broken through the defense and started spraying, but when I saw this guy was still sending garbled words, it seemed that all the teammates were a little unstable.

The military line is almost here, and Dan is sending random messages in the spring, deliberately messing it up, right?

Rookie finally remembered that this was his own account, and quickly left Amy behind and went up to drive away the congressman, but Amy jumped up first and slapped the kitten staggering.

Amy is a relatively friendly kind of Buddhist cat. She never causes trouble on weekdays. She just rests and plays in her own territory and bask in the sun. She tries to avoid people as much as possible, but she is very dignified when it comes to disciplining her little cubs.


The congressman was very unruly. He held his neck and shouted at his mother.

Then it received another slap.


After understanding the situation, the kitten's meows became kinder.

The orange cat mother drove her cubs to jump off the table.

"Amy is great! Good job in disciplining you."

"As expected of Mother Cat."

"Old Song, please explain quickly. Your teammates said they are going to report you."

Rookie then silently sat in front of the computer and controlled his character to run along the middle route.

He sent a message:

I said, the cat was pressing the keyboard for me just now. Do you believe it?


After playing ranked for two hours, Lin Cheng said goodbye to his teammates and returned to the dormitory. After washing, he sat on the bay window holding his tablet as usual.

Thinking of Brother Jing's phone call in the afternoon, Lin Cheng sent a message in the group.

Lin Cheng: Eun Jung is so angry! Will you come to watch my game tomorrow?

Lin Cheng: Where is Zhiyan? Ju Li Nu Na? Is Xiaomin angry?

As a result, none of the sisters responded, and they didn’t know what they were busy with.

Lin Cheng looked at the forum first.

Netizens are still talking about the two T1 brothers catching Cicada at the KT base in the afternoon, and many people are also paying attention to tomorrow's game.

KT's opponent tomorrow is DK. In the first round, KT was bloodbathed by DK because of Lin Cheng's absence. Fans are threatening to take revenge.

There are many concerns in this game.

The first thing is to hit the road.

Nuguri returns to face Lin Cheng for the first time in the summer split. Everyone is looking forward to the passionate collision between the two.

Niu Bao rested for half a season and although his condition was not satisfactory, he was still a world-class top laner after all.

In the year Lin Cheng debuted, he was playing under the pressure of Niu Bao, but that's not to say that Niu Bao was inferior. During that period, Nuguri put a lot of pressure on other top laners.

It can be said that in 20 years, Lin Cheng was the only top laner in the LCK and even the world, and Nuguri was the second level.

Except for Lin Cheng, who was ranked above Niu Bao that year without top lane.

And compared to Lin Cheng, Nuguri will be more willing to sacrifice for the team. Heroes such as top laner Orn Lulu can afford it. Canyon's jungle core was able to thrive at the time and had a lot to do with the sacrifice on the road.

Later, Niu Bao's trip to FPX became a turning point in his career. The current state visible to the naked eye is no longer the same as before, but Lin Cheng still dominates the top lane.

How much trouble Nuguri can cause Lin Cheng this time has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Lin Cheng was also looking forward to meeting Niu Bao this time, so he posted a post on Instagram:

Brother Niu! Every encounter is a reunion after a long absence.

The comments section is lively.

"Ha ha! Cheng is also looking forward to the duel with Nuguri.」

"Why is this sentence so familiar?" 》

"Little Peanut: Mr. Mingkai, every encounter is a reunion after a long separation (Dog Head)"

"However, every time Peanut Butter meets the factory director, he is cruel. Brother Cheng is not hinting at this, right?" 》

"Niu Bao!" Run! 》

In addition to the top lane, the jungle duel is also very interesting.

Canyon is very strong this summer split.

Although DK was only ranked third in the standings at the end of the first round, he was considered the best jungler in the entire LCK at this stage.

It will also be interesting to see whether Cuzz can defeat Canyon this time with Big Daddy.

This year's Cuzz's overall GANK and resource rhythm are very stable. Even in the summer season when Lin Cheng was not at the start of KT 1-4, Cuzz can't be said to have major problems.

When facing DK in the first round, Cuzz's early rhythm was actually not bad. He also tried his best to do things even when the second team's mid laner was in the middle.

It's just that Lin Cheng is not here and Brother Cuzz's old illness has relapsed. He can help the team establish some advantages in the early stage, but in the mid-term, the CPU will be overloaded and it will start to give away a few waves. In the later stage, the CPU will be scrapped and it will be a big one.

Last time, DK took advantage of Cuzz's illness in the mid-term and killed a few more waves to easily win the game. This time the big daddy returned on the road, and netizens were curious about whether Cuzz would be sick again.

Of course there is something to watch in the bottom lane.

Beryl was holding her breath after being kicked out. She didn't even play Genshin Impact tonight and worked hard to rank. Obviously, she will be preparing to give her old club some color tomorrow.

In the middle, there is a duel between LPL famous Korean aid and LCK Wolf Warriors.

There are quite a few things to focus on.

In addition to competitions, news about the Asian Games is also occasionally mentioned on forums.

The Asian Games Tour has ended. As a preview event of the Asian Games, the South Korean team did not participate because it will not affect the quota for the main draw. However, the Chinese team sent the entire WE team to compete.

Other countries were too weak, and WE's relatively easy victory ensured that the Chinese team could start directly from the knockout rounds at the Asian Games without participating in the group stage.

The game content of the Journey Tournament is nothing interesting to talk about, but the Chinese commentary is quite interesting.

Players' and commentators' IDs cannot be read, but their names must be read.

You can't use words like "kill", you have to say "defeat".

Points are counted for each head.

Contrary to their usual commentary habits, the commentators stumbled. Wang Duoduo even remembered his partner's name when he started, but he didn't realize what his own name was for a long time.

Lin Cheng is looking forward to the Asian Games main event. How does it feel when the commentator calls him by his real name?

I wonder if Wanwan can explain it?

It is worth mentioning that Korean commentators do not have so many restrictions.

Probably because no parents reported it, the broadcast here still reads player IDs when they should, and kills when they should.

While Lin Cheng was browsing the forum with great interest, there was finally some movement in the group.

Eun Jung: Lin Cheng is sorry! I was taking a shower and didn't see the message just now.

Lin Cheng: Really? I don’t believe it... Show me the video!

Eun Jung: (hits head)

Lin Cheng: (funny)

Eunjing: My sister is free to watch the game tomorrow, so you have to work hard.

Lin Cheng: Where are the other sisters?

Eunjung: Hyomin is going with me. Gulioni and Jiyeon are both free tomorrow.

Lin Cheng: Okay! I'll do my best.

Eunjing: Tell me! How do you want me to support you tomorrow? My sister will pick up the support board and DIY it.

Lin Cheng: I want to see black stockings (love)

Eun Jung: (Toilet plug gags)

Eunjing: Who asked you this?

Eun Jung: (beating) (beating)

Eunjing: I’m asking you what is written on the support board? Not asking what to wear.

Lin Cheng: Oh.

Eunjing: Oh what do you mean?

Lin Cheng: So, sister, do you want to wear black stockings to support me?


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