This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2057 Early Design! perfect start

KT's final addition to top laner Silas was a stroke of genius. The opponent's greater control helped KT make up for its shortcomings of not having a stable first mover.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of precision: conqueror, calmness, resilience, perseverance, and the secondary series of enlightenment: magical shoes, astral insight.

Entering the game, both sides had a smooth start for the time being.

Lin Cheng ran to the river and gave Niu Bao a gentleman penguin expression in the grass.

Niu Bao was also very friendly. He walked out and gave Lin Cheng a wink in return.

These two emoticons were very popular in the LCK arena two years ago. At that time, no one was always showing off or showing off, and everyone interacted with each other more friendly.

The two of them got closer and closer to each other in the river with bright expressions, their bodies were completely close to each other, and then they started to circle around.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Very friendly! Brother Chengzi and Nuguri met again in the LCK after two years, and they greeted each other in this way."

Zeyuan: "What a pity! Friendship is only temporary. The more friendly you are now, the more serious Brother Chengzi may be later."

"Brother Chengzi seems to like Niu Bao, Errenzhuan 23333"

"No stickers allowed!" Disgusting! 》

"If someone activates automatic attack at this time, the nature may change"

"If Niu Bao makes a weak backhand...(funny)"

The two people on the top lane are dancing duet, while the bottom half is a completely different style.

With the existence of scorpions, everyone had something to do at level 1. Canyon's Poppy stepped on the scorpion altar in the upper half of the river, and Cuzz stepped on the scorpion altar in the river. Mr. Dai took the opportunity to insert a jewelry eye on the back of the red BUFF on the blue side in advance.

The army line has set off, but the KT duo and jungler are still staying in the lower river.

Zeyuan: "With this ward, I feel like KT is going to enter the jungle! Are they really going to invade? But I feel like Scorpion is not a very powerful hero for invasion, right?"

Remember: "Level 1 Luna is very weak, KT may want to swap jungle areas."

The three KT brothers were hiding in the river. The middle line of troops was almost there, and Seraphine was still standing next to F6.

Canyon's Poppy chose blue to open, and Xu Xiu was going to look at KT's blue BUFF after arriving in the middle lane to confirm the Scorpion's opening route.

The mid laner's first ward to catch the jungler's movement is what the leading LCK team likes to do. Faker will put his first ward on the opponent's F6 in nine out of ten games. Other players have different habits.

Generally speaking, if the level one dares not invade for vision, the mid laner will push the line and move closer between the first and second wave of soldiers if he has line rights.

If there is no line right at the middle level, like in this game when Xu Xiu's Seraphine plays the Czar, you can look ahead when the first wave of troops arrives.

Anyway, I don’t have the right to go online. It doesn’t make any difference if I go online a few seconds later.

As a result, when Xu Xiu just approached the river, Scorpion and Kalista also showed up and prepared to invade the wild area.

Seraphine immediately turned around when she saw someone.

But Beryl's Lenata stood in the middle of the river in advance.

I had no vision just now and didn't know that Seraphine was standing on the wall. Now I knew the opponent's position. Beryl decisively made a blind Q move after losing the vision.

The iron fist grabbed Seraphine accurately.

The Tsar blocked the line, and Kalista came up to throw her spear.


Xu Xiu did not hesitate. After the control of Iron Fist Jinghe was over, he immediately dodged and pulled away in the direction of the defense tower, but was poked twice more by the sand soldiers.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Seraphine was knocked out of the way! Xu Xiu was very decisive and knew not to be beaten too much."

Remember: "Luna's level one is online in advance, and the second half of DK has to be released."

I'm afraid DK didn't even expect that KT's Scorpion would invade at the first level. When he found that the opponent had entered his jungle area, Nami quickly filled the triangle grass with a ward.

The KT duo helped Scorpion get a good start.

After confirming that the opponent will not compete for the red buff, Rookie's Czar returns to the line.

Beryl brought the scan with her when she went out. On the way back to the line, the duo blocked the blue square field of view of the triangle grass.

The first-level Kale was much stronger than Luna. Lucian saw that his triangle grass ward was blocked and he could only retreat. He refilled the accessory eye at the intersection below the triangle grass. He didn't even dare to take a few steps forward to remove the ward. Put in the triangle grass.

It is worth noting that after discovering KT's tendency to invade the jungle, Luna, who originally stood in line early, did not push the line immediately.

The opponent's jungler is in his own jungle area. As long as Lucian clicks two more minions and pushes DK forward, the two brothers in the bottom lane have no experience.

In this way, Deokdam couldn't fire a single shot just now, and he could wait for the line of troops to slowly push over if Kalista came back to hit the target.

But the line rights were easily handed over.

Zeyuan: "What a design! KT invaded the lower jungle so that Luna didn't dare to push even if she stood in the lane early at level 1. Once the level 1 started to be controlled by Kallie, DK had no choice but to fight back and scold her in the bottom lane. Mouth."

"Because the scorpion is in your jungle area. If you dare to fight back, the troops will overrun your tower as soon as they come in."

The red side in the bottom lane slowly pushes the hoarding line, and the tsar line control in the middle lane is very stable at this time.

In the first wave of Rookie's line, he used sand soldiers to push wildly. He went out at the first level and placed it on the red square F6's eye position in advance. Before disappearing, he discovered that Bobby had entered his own jungle area.

At this time, Scorpion has finished using the red BUFF and is using F6 to attack the opponent's stone man.

The Czar finished pushing the second wave line and immediately leaned down.

Zeyuan: "I want to go lower! In two minutes, KT wanted to go lower. I already saw Poppy entering his jungle."

Remember: "Rookie is also rushing down. What is the concept of the Czar running to the bottom lane to support in two minutes and twenty seconds? But this is Rookie!"

As soon as the third wave of troops from the blue side arrived at the tower, six long-range creeps from the red side and three melee creeps from the red side poured into the defense tower.

And the Tsar has drilled out the blue square triangle grass.

Cuzz: "I'll be promoted to the third level after defeating the Golem! Wait for me!"

Beryl: "No, no, no! Come directly! I don't have enough time to wait for you to reach the third grade!"

Although Grapefruit Thieves competed with Faker for command last year, he was very obedient in KT. He listened to Lin Cheng at the top and listened to the two big brothers at the bottom.

Therefore, after beating the big stone man, Scorpion decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing to beat the small stone man to advance to the third level, and came out from the stone man bush to block the opponent's duo.

"I'll carry it!"

Luna was blocked under the tower, and Lenata's precise Q skill hit Lucian and started to carry the tower.

Lucian's purification released the control within seconds, but Kalista had already kept up with the output.


Deokdam dodged, but Lucian, who was blocked under the tower, dodged and got close to Scorpion's face.

The tsar directly sent soldiers via WQ.

Scorpion's E skill has been activated, and he knocked Lucian unconscious with a pair of pincers.

Kalista drew her spear and got first blood.

The damage of the defense tower in this version is indeed high. Lenata's health bar was empty after carrying the defense tower twice. Fortunately, she was rescued in time and successfully revived Lenata.


Lin Cheng didn't expect his teammates to be so awesome and act as the atmosphere team on the top lane.

Mr. Dai: "This wave of Qianxi's pioneers and tower bearers are so cool! I'll give you the first credit!"

Beryl: “My recent efforts are worth it.”


Lin Cheng remembered that Beryl was really serious about ranking last night.

But, that was last night.

This guy averages only thirty per month, and his RANK has nothing to do with hard work.

He worked really hard on playing Genshin Impact.

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