This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2059 KT is all operating in C!

Zeyuan: "In this way, with the outstanding performance of orange brother Silas in the vanguard team battle, KT successfully won the game with a big advantage in the early stage, leading 1:0 temporarily."

Remember: "Looking at the DK players, they felt a bit stressed. Strictly speaking, they made no obvious mistakes in this round. It was just that after the explosion of the vanguard team, they couldn't block the gap."

In the post-match footage, DK players have different expressions.

Niu Baocao leaned in front of the screen and stared at the post-match panel, his face unclear in the shadows.

Seeing each other again after a long separation, it seems like nothing has changed.

It seems like everything has changed.

This one actually has little to do with Niu Bao, and Orn didn't have any trouble online in the early stage, but Lin Cheng's key team performance was too good.

Canyon scratched his head in frustration and stood up.

Xu Xiu slumped down on the chair, put her hands over her head, and smiled with relief.

It turns out that KT and the others still can't beat Lin Cheng's return!

Deokdam took a sip of water, and the hand holding the cup seemed to be shaking.

This Lucian has been targeted since the first blood, and in the end it almost surpassed the ghost at 0-7-0. The game experience is extremely bad.

Of course, the statistics of other DK teammates are also ugly. They were all developing the OXO series after being zero-blocked.

Kellin, already blushing, stood up and left the stage in a hurry.

When the camera turned, Beryl's bright smile was in sharp contrast to that of his replacement.

He smiled very happily.

"Ha ha! Brother Genshin is so cool》

"Okay, okay!" Are you happy to defeat your old club Jiang Zi? 》

"If the floor was soft enough, I guess he would have to slide the rails on site"

"Baolu: The most beautiful day in life!" (yeah)"

"Xu Xiu was beaten up (hug)"

"Accept mediocrity and reconcile with your once arrogant self"

"Please know: From the 2020 Summer Split to the 2021 Summer Split, DK lost five consecutive finals in front of KT. It’s time to reconcile with yourself."

"The Legend of the Fastest Wulianya!" It’s normal to feel discouraged”

"Brother Genshin is still smart, if you can't beat him then join"

"But, it seems he was kicked out"

"Beryl: Thank you DK for not getting stuck in the contract!" 》

Unlike Beryl who smiled so obviously, other KT players were very calm.

Lin Cheng took off his headphones and stood up, glancing in the direction of his sisters.

Chi Shengxi and Eunjing were biting their ears. Xiaomin noticed Lin Cheng's gaze and waved to him.

Lin Cheng smiled and nodded.

The alcoholic sister was actually very close to Lin Cheng from the beginning. Later, the relationship between the two of them, who had a crush on each other, was broken immediately.

Compared with Qi Lununa's passivity, the last time he came back from Busan, the drunkard sister deliberately stayed in the car with him...

Now that I think about it, it's obvious that it was Xiao Minnu who took the initiative to kill him.

After his teammates left the field, a young lady in the front row stretched out her popcorn bucket towards Lin Cheng. Lin Cheng took a piece of popcorn from it and threw it into his mouth.

"Cheng! Eat me."

"My coffee for you!"

"Eat me, eat me!"

Fans around him enthusiastically extended their various snacks and drinks to Lin Cheng, and some wanted to shake his hand.

Lin Cheng simply took a few steps around the front of the stage and gave high-fives to the audience in the front row who stretched out their hands.

Seeing Lin Cheng approaching, Chi Shengxi happily stretched out his hand.

"Lin Cheng! Sister, here."

"Hey! Why are you making fun of me too?"

Lin Cheng muttered, but still smiled and reached out to high-five Sister Sheng Xi.

As a result, the moment he stretched out his hand, Chi Shengxi suddenly flipped his wrist.

The little finger and ring finger were raised, and the index finger and index finger were facing Lin Cheng, suddenly turning into a posture imitating a pistol.


Lin Cheng rolled his eyes, turned around and left.

"Oh! Don't leave! It's my sister's fault!"

Chi Shengxi quickly apologized and stretched out his hand again with a smile.

Lin Cheng looked back at her.

The girl with black stockings and glasses has a really friendly smile, so forgive her.

Lin Cheng turned around, ready to high-five her again.



Chi Shengxi smiled and waved his pistol at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng turned around and left.

"I don't believe you anymore, you big liar!"

Next to them, Xiaomin and Eunjing were already laughing.

The scene was captured on camera, and fans at the scene were laughing wildly.

"Ha ha! Brother Chengzi also has today》

"Chief Chi will have to deal with him"

"Brother Chengzi is sad, as if he was abandoned in the end, 23333"

"Last time someone used bugs to scare Sister Sheng Xi, now retribution is coming"

"Inexplicably, I remembered that Guapi was teased by female fans like this"

In a relaxed atmosphere, Lin Cheng was the last to leave the field, and the big screen began to replay the game footage.

The three sisters didn't care about the competition and just chatted with each other.

Suddenly, a burst of refreshing singing sounded.

"Moya? What is it?"

On the big screen at the scene, the wonderful performance of KTV God of War Dolan is being played.

Ghosts cry and wolves howl, like children crying at night.

The soul-piercing singing made the sisters feel uncomfortable all over.

"Who is this? The singing is so... emotional."

"I miss Lin Cheng's singing."

Not only the live audience, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were enjoying Dolan's performance.

The screen is filled with dinosaur emoticons.

The more I listen to it, the more uncomfortable it becomes, but it’s also a bit too much.

After a short intermission, the players from both sides returned to the stage.

As soon as Lin Cheng walked to the stage and was about to sit down, he saw his sisters waving enthusiastically.

Chi Shengxi raised the tablet in his hand.

The subtitles on the tablet were very dense, and Lin Cheng couldn't see them clearly.

Just as the on-site director gave a close-up, Lin Cheng turned around and looked carefully at the big screen behind him.

On July 12, he played against KDF and defeated the first-generation national player Kiin.

Against LSB on July 14, play Dove back to the center

July 1rgan uses flash.

Lin Cheng realized that Sister Sheng Xi was arranging the script for the next three games of KT.

And this was not over yet, Chi Shengxi clicked to turn the page.

The font on this page has turned red, and the row of large characters is particularly eye-catching.

Play against GEN·G on July 21st, turn off Doran’s speakers! ! !

Lin Cheng didn't understand why, and the audience burst into laughter.

"Turn off Dolan's stereo!"

Someone shouted this.

Obviously, the yamen had been tortured by Dolan's refreshing singing just now.

Korean stream barrages exploded.

"? ? ? 》

"What is this?" Director Chi started to organize KKKKK again"

"Turn off Dolan's stereo, what's wrong with you, Dolan?" 》

"The mental attack just now was too powerful"

"But I think it's okay. I feel uncomfortable if I don't listen to it for a day."

"Xingza, get out!" 》

And this is not the end yet, Chi Shengxi continues to click to turn pages.

Play against T1 on July 27 and send trucks to the enemy.

Immediately, KT fans at the scene booed wildly.

They never miss any opportunity to show off their rivals, even if there is nothing happening with T1 today.

"Send a truck to T1!"

Applause and cheers broke out, and even many DK fans were laughing and clapping their hands.

"Ha ha! As expected of a mortal enemy, even the operation does not forget to follow the rhythm of T1"

"Sister Sheng Xi is so interesting"

"KT is all operating in C!" 》

"Why do you target top laners when playing against other teams?" If you hit T1, you’ll get a truck (angry)》

"The stalls are going crazy KKKKK"

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