This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2072 Brother Chengzi fights against South Korea alone

It's not that Lin Cheng didn't think about the rhythm that cheering Zhu Quan would cause, but he didn't care at all.

In e-sports, food is the original sin.

It was in vain for the stallholders to set the pace, and Lin Cheng thought that he was already in an invincible position.

In competitive events, as long as you can perform well enough and don't make any outrageous mistakes in principle, it won't be a big problem.

In fact, the root cause of this matter is that the e-sports circle is not as developed as traditional sports. The East Asian e-sports circle generally does not separate commercial events and national teams like Europe and the United States.

In particular, the leagues of China and South Korea are already in opposition. Lin Cheng, as the first Chinese player in the LCK league, will inevitably have a rhythm when he competes with South Korea at the national team level.

This is equivalent to Viper cheering for the Korean team. Domestic netizens can understand it, but they still feel unhappy.

Someone may even launch an attack.

EDG pays you a salary to train you, but it’s wrong to cheer for the Korean team!

In fact, fans automatically ignore the return a player brings to the club.

He is not a player like Feizha who is just lying around and collecting his salary and waiting to die. It is not a unilateral contribution from the club at all.

In fact, the current Internet environment will inevitably create a group of netizens who are divided into black and white.

Basically, the views of domestic netizens are very extreme. People can be sentenced to death based on their nationality. Even if you are a Korean and support the Korean team, you will be criticized.

Switching to South Korea, it was no different. Lin Cheng was still criticized for supporting the Chinese team.

To put it bluntly, everyone is good at being a demon!

In fact, the reason is because Lin Cheng is too eye-catching.

As a Korean athlete, Zhu Quan represented China and no one criticized him. Why was Lin Cheng beaten when he shouted "Come on"?

It’s not just because of Lin Cheng’s attention and strength, but him representing the Chinese team will actually bring huge pressure to the Korean team’s LOL e-sports journey.

The more attention you receive, the more people will naturally dislike you.

After kicking off the ball, Lin Cheng had no time to comment online because he was once again forced to dance with the cheerleaders to support him.

With his stiff limbs, depressed expression, and convulsive shaking, Lin Cheng alone attracted the attention of the audience. The on-site director kept staring at him in a playful manner and refused to move the camera.

Chi Shengxi was sitting on the sidelines at a close distance, holding up her mobile phone and almost laughing like crazy.

"Lin Cheng, look! Sister Sheng Xi is laughing at you."

Mr. Dai was twisting clumsily while whispering to Lin Cheng.

"It's you she's laughing at!"

Lin Cheng frowned and curled his lips, and watched the young lady dance while twisting along perfunctorily.

Don't say it! The young lady opposite him is pretty good.

Although her face feels technological, her smile is really sweet, and her figure is also very good, with a pair of long, white legs that are healthy and well-proportioned.

The most important thing is the facial expression, that sweet smile makes people feel happy just looking at it.

Even if you know she has technology on her face, you can't help but take a second look.

A whistle blew, the intermission ended, and the game continued for half an inning.

The cheerleaders were waiting on the sidelines. Lin Cheng was about to go find Chi Shengxi, but the young lady took the initiative to take a photo with him.

Lin Cheng also knew her INS account and name.

Li Yaying, pay attention secretly.

It's not that Lin Cheng is lustful, it's mainly that her smile is so healing.

After watching the game, Lin Cheng went to Zhu Quan to take a photo with him.

"Come on for the Asian Games! Try to win a medal on behalf of the Chinese team."

"Come on! You guys in LOL have a higher chance of winning a gold medal than I do of winning a bronze medal, haha!"

Lin Cheng has kicked the ball for the team many times before, and the two are very familiar with each other. Zhu Quan said that he must work hard to win medals in the Asian Games this time.

In fact, Lin Cheng wanted to ask this guy: If you represent the Chinese team, if you win the Asian Games gold medal, will you be exempted from military service?

However, the probability of this happening is too small. The probability of the Chinese LOL Asian Games team being captured by Vietnam is even greater, because Chinese baseball is really weak.

Yes! Zhu Quan is still a Korean national and faces military service issues.

In theory, only one country can participate in the Asian Games, but baseball is a bit special.

Since the baseball level gap between countries is too big, starting from the WBC, the baseball world has a blood representative rule:

As long as a player can trace back three generations and one of his grandparents has the nationality of a certain country, then the player can represent a certain country in international events.

Zhu Quan’s parents are both Chinese. As early as 2017, he represented the Chinese team in the WBC Classic.

Therefore, Zhu Quan can still represent China in the Hangzhou Asian Games. Zhu Quan is not the only foreigner in the Chinese baseball team, including Japanese and Americans.

Of course, Lin Cheng was really curious about why Zhu Quan didn't just become a Chinese citizen.

Limited by the strength of the national team, Zhu Quan cannot hope to be exempted from military service by winning the Asian Games gold medal when playing for China. In other sports, Koreans go to China to avoid military service. This guy got Korean citizenship by himself and found that he could not escape.

It was originally a normal business trip, but the subsequent impact of Lin Cheng's kickoff for the Wizards was not small.

After returning to the club, Lin Cheng realized how lively the online quarrel was.

In just a few hours, the DC forum was filled with war posts from Tanza and KT fans.

Even his cheering for Zhu Quan became a hot search topic.

"Why is this Chinese person ranked first in the hot searches?" BTS can't beat him? 》

"Going against the Korean national team with a salary of tens of billions?" This is the core of KT"

"Laughing to Death!" Is there any problem with people supporting the Chinese team? 》

"It is recommended that KT not let anyone go during the Asian Games! Make some contribution to the Korean LOL team》

"You expect KT to stop someone?" Don’t you know that Cheng is the biological father of KT’s top brass? 》

"If you expect KT not to let go, you might as well expect KT not to cheer for the Chinese team during the Asian Games."

"K Zai has already said it!" They support the Korean team, but also want Cheng to win the gold medal"

"classic! Everyone at KT is a traitor! 》

"Fortunately, the Asian Games is not in South Korea. It would be so embarrassing if a group of Koreans came to cheer for the Chinese team! 》

"Don't say it! K bastards can really do it, they really believe in it"

"The KT baseball team has traitors, the e-sports team has traitors, even the fans have traitors, KKKKKK"

"It is said that T1 can represent Korea. If you are a Korean, support T1!" 》

"Now I have to support the Chinese team!" 》

"Although I don't like KT, to be honest I hate Zaza more, so please stop jumping"

"China has Hanza, Korea has Zhongza, we are all the same (yeah)"

When Lin Cheng was live broadcasting at night, someone came to the live broadcast room to set the rhythm, but he was very calm.

"It's normal for me to support the Chinese team! What's the problem? I received KT's salary... How about you go discuss it with Representative An and kick me out?"

As soon as Lin Cheng's words came out, KT fans in the live broadcast room became anxious.

One by one, they began to curse loudly while playing rhythmic trumpets, and some even threatened: If Representative An lets Cheng run away next year, he will be prepared to be attacked by terrorists!

It can be seen that the people who lead the rhythm are all stalls and fun people, and KT still supports Lin Cheng internally.

And the news soon spread to the country.

"In tears!" Brother Chengzi is fighting against South Korea alone! 》

"Who dares to call Brother Chengzi a traitor? The stance is very firm》

"I think there is nothing wrong with Brother Chengzi's position, but his emotional intelligence is too low. I would also feel bad if Doinb said he supports the Korean team."

"Classic Korean Miscellaneous Comments!" Are the spiritual Koreans here again? 》

"Why do we compare monkeys with oranges?" 》

"A Chosen Chinese Son and a Wandering Chinese Son, Why Can't They Compare (Funny)"

"I support Brother Chengzi until the S game, who dares to scold him?" 》

"On behalf of RNG, I return the nationality to Brother Chengzi"

"Don't come here to get involved, Huang Za!" 》

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