This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2087 Stop pretending! Weak burst

The Oner troll arrogantly crossed the center line and snatched away the monkey's three wolves. It also knew that it could not stay for long and immediately turned around and retreated.

But Beryl arrived just in time.

Even before Cuzz made a sound, Beryl moved to the wild area as soon as he saw the troll passing in front of the second tower on his home lane, and just happened to block the troll outside the grass behind the Three Wolf Pit.

Yutong: "Beryl came very quickly! But the monkey is only level one, so he shouldn't be able to kill it."

Wanwan: "Not necessarily! Amumu is very good at level 3!"

Normally, if your own jungle monkey doesn't learn E at level one and is forced to run away, the auxiliary who comes to the jungle can at most help with cover.

But the problem now is that the troll level is lower than the opponent's support.

Oner's troll took a bite of Amumu and slowed down before running away, but was pulled back by Beryl's backhand Q bandage.

After setting off the fire, Amumu shed tears of sadness and jumped up to the troll's knee with a headbutt.

Oner ran desperately towards the blue BUFF wall.

Cuzz's monkey came over and was ready to help.

The troll had already carried the defense tower in the middle line, but when it reached the wall, it had been disabled by Amumu.


Oner flashed into the blue buff pit.

Although Amumu's second Q shot across the wall that he had been holding did not hit the troll, the blue BUFF from Q still allowed him to pass the wall smoothly.


In the end, Beryl flashed A+E and took away the troll head.

Monkey didn't even get an assist, but that didn't stop the proud Cuzz from being proud.

He immediately ran to the troll corpse and used a weak explosion.

I learned this from Lin Cheng.

I can not use the weak blast, but I can't not bring it.

Now every KT handsome boy wears this emoticon when entering the game.

Yutong: "Hey! I'm going to be single-killed! Oner!!! I'm really being single-killed by the support! What's the point of being aggressive for a long time?"

Wanwan: "This is the price of being too arrogant. Although the troll is very capable in the early stage, he has no movement after all... Ha! Cuzz is so weak! He seemed really angry when F6 was robbed just now. "

"send! The auxiliary can single-kill the jungler in the jungle, which is quite explosive》

"unbelievable! There is no lane in the bottom lane and I need to send it to the jungle? 》

"It's just a parody of peanut butter!" 》

"The combined level of the two junglers on the field is equal to that of the support, that's awesome! 》

"All I know is that once this weak point explodes, the nature of the game may change."

KT fans at the scene started to boo when they saw this scene.

I don’t know if it’s because of Oner’s program effect or because of Cuzz’s weak performance.

On the road, Lin Cheng has been under pressure since the level 3 lane kill. This version of Immortal + Scorched Sword Princess has a very high line intensity, and the crocodile's health cannot be maintained.

However, after the previous troll's torment, the monkey was in a hurry to replenish its level and had no time to attack the crocodile.

As 5 and a half minutes approached, Lin Cheng once again seized the opportunity to kill the crocodile alone. Oner's troll emerged from the river with just a pillar to push away the Sword Princess who had taken advantage of the flaw.

"Orange Brother W slows down and hits the crocodile. He wants to seize the opportunity to kill alone... The troll comes to the rescue. This wave of Oner is very spiritual."

Just when everyone thought Oner's wonderful rescue was about to begin, Lin Cheng's Sword Princess suddenly turned around and pressed into the river.

Lin Cheng didn't clear this wave of minions online, but because of the previous solo kill, he had more experience than normal.

The soldier next to him happened to be killed in battle, and the Swordswoman was promoted to the sixth level.

The Q skill brings her closer, and Sword Girl launches an unparalleled challenge.

The trolls were on their way to the Frozen Realm and had already passed each other. Seeing the opponent approaching quickly, Oner turned around and counterattacked with AQ.

Sword Girl had just eaten a set of Crocodile's Red Fury, and her blood volume was very low. She eliminated the flaw in the front and returned the blood. Lin Cheng continued to adjust his position.

Oner was pulled to take a step forward, but when he realized something was wrong, he turned around and retreated.

If you keep standing against the troll and rely on the fatal rhythm, you may still have a chance to kill the bloody Sword Queen, but Lin Cheng's small movement and pulling after recovering the blood volume after the flaw in A makes it difficult for the opponent.

After hitting two flaws in a row to stick to his opponent, Lin Chengyun completed the kill easily.

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi wanted to try to get promoted to level 6, but he knew that Oner didn't dodge... Alas! The troll has turned around, level 6 against level 3! What do you mean?"

Yutong: "Just leave! Oner, how dare you look back?"

"Hard Delivery, Right?" Big O is afraid that Brother Chengzi will take off too slowly"

"unbelievable! This troll is braver than Yuzu’s Pantheon"

"Here comes a level 3 troll, don't hold back 23333"

"Zeus: Oner, please turn on the microphone to communicate"

Troll was originally a very strong jungler in the early stage, but Oner turned himself into a self-destructing warrior. He was resurrected and farmed a wave of jungle until he was promoted to level four, and immediately sent a signal to the bottom lane.

On the way!

Seeing this scene, Zazai in front of the screen tightened his heart.

Please, don't reverse GANK.

Mr. Dai's Sivir has run out of mana, and after communicating with Cuzz, he wants to push the line back home quickly.

Oner ready package.

Just as the troll bypassed the triangle grass, Beryl's Amumu Q skill penetrated the army and hit Zeli.

The troll laid down the frozen field to accelerate.

Sivir had no mana, and when he saw the hoarfrost on the ground, he didn't dare to go up and deal damage immediately.

Amumu was ignited by Youmi and turned around to run away.

The troll blocked Amumu's retreat path with a pillar, and Beryl pulled to the side.

T1 went to the wild and the three brothers pursued.

At this time, Brother Cuzz squatted in place from behind.

Amumu turned around and Q-trolled to give control to the troll. He turned around and continued running to the toilet.

Monkey WE rushed over and knocked on the troll.

Yuumi used the weakness to the monkey, and the T1 staff stopped caring about the monkey, wanting to deal with the residual health of Amumu as soon as possible.

"Cuzz counter-crouched, but it's hard to predict this wave. Sivir has no mana and Amumu's health is very dangerous."

Everyone on the blue side focused on Amumu, and the cat also got out of the car to deal damage.

But the troll was pulled away by Amumura, and Zeli and the cat were unable to deal with Beryl quickly.

Zeli's Q skill is divided into multiple stages of physical damage, and each stage can be reduced by Amumu's passive. As a result, the damage of Zeli's Q on Amumu in the early stage will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the monkey clone was able to block Zeli's Q, which caused Beryl to twist and turn around for a few more seconds despite her remaining health.

It wasn't until the Troll was tapped by Sivir first that Zeli finally took over Amumu with a flat A.

The cat managed to get up even though its health was still low, but Zeli was chased by KT's two brothers from the field and beaten until she had one-third of her health before pulling away.

Yutong: "Oh! Beryl's remaining health has been delayed for a long time! This is just Zeli. Little Lu Bu would have been dead if he had been replaced by AD Amumu."

Wanwan: "At first, T1 seemed to have a great advantage. When this wave of monkeys entered the field, Sivir had no blue Amumu and no health. The result was a 1-for-1 fight, which was a bit difficult for T1 to accept."

This wave is not over yet. After the two KT brothers sent their troops into the tower, Cuzz didn't want Zeli to take the tower and get offline. EW went up to carry the tower and forced Zeli to push back.

By the way, he also flashed a sign.


"Haha! What's going on Cuzz? He's showing off again!"

Wanwan joked: "Oner died just now, what are you showing off to Gumayusi? Is the delay so high?"

Yutong: "You're not pretending anymore, are you? Are you still worried about T1 kicking you out?"

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