This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2114 You are going to die, brother!

Due to the strength of Nuoshou, GEN·G still did not dare to take over the team head-on after the second vanguard was refreshed.

But the blue side did not just give up resources. When the monkey moved the vanguard, GEN·G Nakanosuke launched an attack on the fox defending the bottom line.

Rookie has the ultimate skill to easily escape GANK, and the abandoned lower tower can only be demolished by the Czar.

Zeyuan: "It's a pity that the fox is too difficult to catch. Knowing that the top half is difficult to fight, GEN·G chose to give up the vanguard and focus on the bottom lane to gain development for the Czar."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi still has no TP! In order to ensure that the powerful Nuoshou at the vanguard in the upper half cannot go too far, we can only let the fox eat the bottom line. Otherwise, if Nuoshou defends the bottom tower in this wave, there will be no chance at all. Dare three people to overpower you."

The trio of GEN and G put pressure on the bottom lane, and KT responded quickly.

Beryl: "Forcing the tower! There are few people on the other side!"

Lin Cheng: "I'm circling, don't let Zeli clear the line."

The mid lane duo quickly pushed the lane to put pressure on them.

Also knowing that the opponent must press the middle, Ruler Zeli relied on the tower to release the W-piercing laser to hit the minion, and took the initiative to step forward and try to clear the line of troops.

Although the middle tower was knocked down by the vanguard and its HP was very low, GEN·G did not want KT to easily take down its middle tower without releasing the second vanguard.

Realizing that Zeli was in the front, Amumu decisively flashed R and just managed to control Zeli outside the tower.

Sivir presses forward and prepares for output.

Ruler was bold and careful. He purified Amumu's ultimate move in an instant and moved sideways to avoid the pull of the bandage. He moved two consecutive QA positions against the wall to clear out three melee minions.

Mumu stored the second bandage and pulled it out, just as Zeli opened the wall on the side of the E defense tower.

At this time, the red side only had three long-range soldiers left whose health was suppressed by the powerful piercing laser. It was impossible for KT to rely on this wave of soldiers to threaten the middle defense tower.

Zeli's line defense was very exciting... I only saw this.

"KT took advantage of the few players to attack the tower, and Ruler tried to defend the line. It was purified so quickly! He quickly controlled the tower and then moved to avoid Mumu's Q, which was very beautiful..."

After noticing the map information from God's perspective, Zeyuan suddenly shouted: "Don't climb over the wall! Don't climb over! It's dangerous!"

But it's too late.

Ruler Zeli had just walked over the thick wall when she turned over and found a burly figure wearing a black cloak and holding a giant ax waiting for her.


Lin Cheng's promise hand raised the ax and showed Jinx's grimace expression at the same time.

Zelijiao suddenly wanted to run away.

But after the flash, Zeli was still slowed down by the advance.

The 40% deceleration that lasted for three seconds made Ruler very uncomfortable. Lin Cheng didn't even want to fight while sprinting, so he forced himself up to face Zeli.

A connected to W, then the outer circle scraped the ruthless iron hand, and dragged back an ax stack full of blood rage.

The Noxian guillotine activates.

Zeli died suddenly on the spot.

Ornn was leaning toward the middle after clearing the upper route. When he saw Zelie being attacked by a sneak attack, he was already calling the sheep, but the distance was too far. Zelie was beheaded by the guillotine before the second stage sheep's head could hit her.

"Your takeout has arrived!"

Wanwan said in a high-spirited tone: "Brother Chengzi is so smart! He stood in the grass on the back of the wall waiting for Ruler in advance. He obviously guessed in advance that Zeli wanted to climb over the wall."

Zeyuan: "Oh! This wall is really impossible to climb! My teammates are below, how can I hand E here if I have no vision in the upper half?"

Wanwan: "If Zeli dodges to the back of the tower, E may not die, but there is no way, this is Zeli! Zeli players always feel safe leaning against such a thick wall, maybe they are used to E It’s over.”

"Ha ha! This is a very accurate gift from Emperor Chi"

"My evaluation is not as good as peeing in the playoffs!" 》

"At least Emperor Chi didn't know there was anyone on the other side, but Brother Shuizi dared to climb over even though he knew there were five people on the other side of the wall."

"Wanwan's takeaway is really funny when it arrives"

"When I think of the door-to-door delivery service of small movies, I'm sold on it!" (funny)"

"unbelievable! 》

"It would be great if Wan Wan could knock on the door and say this to me (Insidious)"

"Don't think about it! This sentence is for Brother Chengzi (crying)"

Zeli died in battle, and Ornn also handed over his ultimate move, which meant that GEN·G completely lost the qualification to defend the middle.

Cuzz has taken out the vanguard and moved towards the middle.

"Don't let go of the vanguard! Wait for the next wave line! Secure the middle tower."

Saving the vanguard, KT waited for a wave of minions and successfully pulled out the first tower in the middle of the blue side.

The opponent's mid-tower fell outside, and KT's familiar vision invasion began.

Nuoshou switched to the bottom lane to lead the lane.

In the middle, Sivir has absolute lane rights, and Fox still has TP in hand. His teammates group up and move down the lane, allowing Lin Cheng to easily get to the next tower.

LOL's neutral resources are usually refreshed in half zones. Lin Cheng's Nuo Shou relies on the half zone where a fight may break out to lead the line, ensuring that he is on the frontal battlefield during the fight, which makes up for the problem of not having TP to the greatest extent.

The key is that this KT has Monkey and Amumu, and there is no need for Lin Cheng to go around the back. In the late game, you will not feel uncomfortable because of the lack of his TP.

At 17 minutes, the third dragon was refreshed.

GEN·G knew that this would not be good for the Solitaire group, so he had no intention of coming over to see it.

Cuzz took down the dragon and then released the vanguard to help Lin Cheng improve the economy of the second tower.

Next, Lin Cheng frantically cooperated with his teammates to invade the jungle. The situation on the court was completely dominated by KT, and Tianfei Nuo's swimming in the jungle was very intimidating.

GEN·G did a good job of avoiding battles. They only wanted to delay the development of their double C, waiting for a comeback in the later team battles.

The time came to 21 minutes.

"Two pieces from Zeli! GEN·G can already try to pick up the dragon group."

"As long as Zeli and Tsar have output space, this lineup will be able to win a team battle."

Before Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the blue Fang brothers walking around to the grass on the upper river.

Wanwan: "The eye position just happened to disappear! We are going to catch Brother Chengzi, but can we catch him to death?"

Zeyuan: "With a troll doing damage, it will definitely be enough! And Brother Chengzi has no magic resistance... It depends on whether Nuo Shou realizes it or not!"

Since there was no information about the location of the opponent's personnel, Lin Cheng just pushed his troops across the river and then leaned down.

His teammates were all in the middle and upper half, so he didn't realize the danger at all and just dug into the grass with his face.

As soon as they entered the grass, Lulu's sheep came.

Ornn called the sheep.

"Fuck! They're all people! Help!"

The troll erected a pillar and turned it on to absorb Noshou's resistance.

Zeli's electric fire burst out.

Ornn's blazing charge hit the pillar and knocked Noshou away.

Three sand soldiers stabbed him in the face.

Then the second section of sheep came.

Chaowei didn't use any skills at all, and Nuoshou was pushed up by the wall of the Forbidden Army as soon as he landed.

The output of five people is too explosive. Even if Lin Cheng has a three-piece suit, his health is still losing rapidly.

Bloody Hand's shield almost bottomed out as soon as it was triggered.

But after all, Lin Cheng was really crushing him with his equipment, and he was able to withstand the concentrated fire from five people with only his remaining health.


The moment he was knocked to the ground, Lin Cheng flashed into the river to adjust his angle, and pulled four with his E ruthless iron hand with his backhand.

Staggering and slashing to slow down Zeli, who was not pulled aside, Nuoshou waved the giant axe.

Kill all around!

EQ was sure to hit. Lin Cheng's movement adjustment outer circle not only scratched the four people who were pulled back by the ruthless iron hand, but also Zeli next to him was scratched by the ax blade.

Even though he was killed and ignited, Nuoshou still regained a lot of blood when Q hit five people!

"Brother Chengzi seems to be completely unaware of the danger. He is going to die... You are going to die, brother!"

Zeyuan originally thought that Lin Cheng was dead when he saw Nuo Shou probing the grass, and his tone was firm, but when he saw the next scene, his tone changed again, "Wow!!! Five Q's! It seems like he's going to be locked up." Already?"

Wanwan's voice became louder, "The support is here! We're going to fight back this time!"

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