This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2119 I won all your championships with you

Seeing the crocodile in the middle die so quickly, the audience didn't even freeze.

The crocodile emoticon filled the screen.

The director gave the replay.

In fact, Rookie played well in the lane from the beginning.

Crocodile almost cleared the first two waves of soldiers and Silas was only level one. Rookie seized the opportunity to penetrate the soldiers with E and consume a wave of Silas's health before pushing the line into the tower.

Here the crocodile has a clear advantage.

Then Rookie took advantage of the troop line to enter the tower and ran to the F6 wall on the red side to take a look. He saw that F6 was still there, which meant that Pig Girl opened in the lower half.

However, in the replay from God's perspective, Xiao Peanut happened to see the scene of the crocodile crossing E in the middle just after beating the three wolves.

Pig Girl went straight from the lower half of the wild area to the middle. Her Q skill went through the wall and into the grass in the river. The crocodile came back after looking away and was swinging in front of the red square tower.

Silas has been promoted to the second level, and he decisively gets close with E before the third wave of troops from the blue side arrives.

Super powerful EAWAEA silky smooth play.

Pig Girl came around and used a whip to activate E Permanent Freeze Field to control the crocodile that wanted to retreat.

After Rookie was out of control, he chose to dodge with remaining health. He also wanted to wait for his E skill CD to struggle for a while. Without saying anything, Chaowei followed up with a flat A and took the kill.

Wanwan: "Ah~~~ Crocodile handed over E in advance. Little Peanut has a very keen sense of smell. After finishing the three wolves, he came over to gank immediately."

Zeyuan: "Obviously Rookie didn't expect Pig Girl to come so quickly. She may have misjudged the speed of the GEN·G duo to help open the jungle."

"6666! Chicken Allah’s crocodile has its own effect and will die in two minutes”

"Don't be embarrassed! This wave is not a crocodile dish, the opportunity to catch the little peanut is good"

"The crocodile will not be destroyed by Silas, right?" 》

It had only been two and a half minutes, and Lin Cheng received the bad news just as the third wave of soldiers on the road reached the defense tower.

Rookie just said before the game that he was going to send it out because of the pressure, and it started in just two minutes?

"Old Song, be careful! Don't give it away!"

"It's not my problem, I'm being targeted!"

Rookie also felt aggrieved.

How can this version be caught in two minutes? Is there something wrong?

It’s all the jungler’s fault!

Little Peanut was very active. After finishing the first half, he moved to the top lane again before hitting the river crab. However, after taking a look at the status of the top laners of both sides, he did not choose to GANK.

Xiao Pao's HP is very healthy, while Sword Demon's HP is less than half and he is pushed out of the line and cannot be caught.

Zeyuan: "I'm starting to sweat profusely in the top lane again! Dolan's comet seems to have not been triggered yet, right? This is so uncomfortable."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi's positioning is really good! He has been stealing some points from the Sword Demon to cheat Q. This means that he knows that Zhu Mei was probably in the top half just now, otherwise the pressure on Brother Chengzi will be even greater."

Lin Cheng is very familiar with Sword Demon. He is particularly good at using his hand length and positioning to create pressure on his opponents.

Twice in a row, Dolan saw Xiaopao trying to steal some points and directly use his Q. However, Lin Cheng was fooled by Lin Cheng's positioning left and right, and then Xiaopao moved back and forth to deceive the Sword Demon's second Q.

Move left and right to avoid the Sword Demon's first Q, and move forward and backward to avoid the second Q. This is a detail that many veteran top laners know, but no one does it as well as Lin Cheng.

Except for using E to find an opportunity to consume the comet once, Dolan didn't touch the small cannon even if he started with QE.

However, as long as the sword demon hands over QE, the small artillery with the advantage of the military line will definitely turn around and chase, and the pressure will be full.

In fact, the lethal rhythm cannon's laning suppression power is not as good as the swift footwork. Lin Cheng simply relied on operation to suppress the Comet Sword Demon.

More than 4 minutes later, Brother Cuzz who went out in the second wave went straight from the back of the blue BFFF to the upper river.

Seeing the river crab altar on the red side, Morgana moved around to the opponent's F6.

At this moment, the artillery carriage line in the middle was just pushed into the tower by Silas.

Silas, who had received first blood, had already returned home. Cuzz judged that the opponent's wave was unlikely to be B. Morgana stood in the opening next to the red square F6 and crouched.

"Silas might be able to make an eye. I'll squat on him."

Although Tanza kept criticizing Brother Cuzz for being brainless, this guy was very good in terms of rhythm and judgment in the first fifteen minutes.

Silas has a true eye that he hasn't released yet. If he pushes the line, he will most likely find an opportunity to use his vision.

So where will Chaowei look?

In the early stage of the game, the mid laner's normal wards are nothing more than the two central grass patches on the upper and lower rivers, or wards at the opponent's F6. These wards provide a large amount of information near the middle.

At this moment, Pig Girl is in the lower half, so Chaowei will most likely take advantage of the push line to gain vision in the upper half.

Morgana squatted behind the thin wall at the F6 intersection, just as Silas walked up through the grass in the river.

Everything is under the grapefruit thief’s plan!

Chaowei lowered his real eye to the grass in the central river, and saw Morgana getting stuck in the shadow of the thin wall corner and coming around.

Morgana, who successfully circled back, started with A and used the red BUFF to slow down.

Chaowei had just exchanged blood with the crocodile in order to push the line. At this time, his health bar was only about two-thirds, and he was driven by Morgana to run above the river.

Cuzz didn't even use Q, he just chased A and slowed down.

Wanwan: "Red BUFF slow down! What do you say? Silas didn't dodge."

Zeyuan: "Pig Girl is in the lower half. Chaowei can only run up. You must not take Q!"

Wanwan: "But Brother Chengzi is here! The little cannon on the road is wired."

When Chaowei runs up the river, there is altar acceleration, which can increase the success rate of his positioning.

But Lin Cheng had been paying attention to the map, and the cannon was already approaching from above.

The terrain at the entrance of the dragon pit is very narrow and it is easy for Morgana to Q. Knowing that the cannon is coming, Silas doesn't care so much and turns around to squeeze in.

Morgana uses Dark Imprisonment to predict the opponent's position.

Silas, who didn't dodge, couldn't use his E to dodge, so he had to use his E to get into the dragon's pit. He could use his super power to turn his head and move around to avoid Morgana's Q skill.

But Silas's move delayed time again.

The small cannon launched W in the river to jump to the dragon pit, and E exploded and sparks hung in the air for Silas.

Once down, stack a layer of electric sparks and then fire the cannon.

The super powerful W sucked blood and leaned against the wall of the dragon pit to withstand the damage of the small cannon, and successfully handed E onto the wall.

However, the small cannon has detonated a full layer of sparks and refreshed W.

The cannon took off again.

Silas, who was still in full health, had no choice but to run away, so he turned around and fought hard with E in the second stage.

The magic shield given by Brother Cuzz hadn't been broken yet, and Lin Cheng didn't bother to move, so he stayed put and hit Chaowei twice with A to death.

Lin Cheng showed a Poro grimace.

Chaowei lay on the ground and nodded.

"It's easy! Brother Chengzi kills the traitor with his own hands!"

Wanwan said in a hoarse tone: "Humph! Want to run away? I took you to win your championship!"

Zeyuan really couldn't hold back, "Haha! Well~~~ This is the advantage of having lane rights on the top lane. My top laner is here and your Sword Demon is still eating lanes under the tower. Brother Chengzi will take off again as soon as he gets the kill."

"Wanwan, hahaha!" 》

"I helped you win all your championships, that's so cool!" (laughing and crying)》

"Be careful every night, there are many great and filial sons!" 》

"I have one thing to say, if it weren't for Brother Chengzi, Dachao would indeed not be able to win the championship."

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