This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2132 She doesn’t even pretend anymore!

After checking in at the cafe, Lin Cheng took Wanwan to the team peripheral store.

In addition to peripheral products such as team uniform stickers, the peripheral store also has photo stickers that fans must check out.

“Here you can take photos of photos similar to the four dimensions of life, and you can also take photos with the contestants.”

The portraits of the players have been entered into the machine in advance. As long as fans come here, they can take photos with their favorite players and even perform many actions that are difficult to do in person.

For example, among the samples displayed on the wall, there are many photos of fans kissing players.

Lin Cheng gave a demonstration first and chose to take a photo with Mr. Dai.

He stood in front of the machine, and a bust of Mr. Dai appeared on the screen. Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and punched the air, exactly where Mr. Dai's cheek was on the screen.

"OK! Hold for five seconds."


A photo of Lin Cheng beating Mr. Dai was released. Of course, from Mr. Dai's expression and the light and shadow effects, it can still be seen that it was synthesized in post-production.

Wanwan found it interesting and wanted to take a photo with Lin Cheng.

Looking at Lin Cheng who was smiling on the screen, and then looking at the samples on the wall next to him, Wanwan leaned forward slightly and made a kissing gesture.

"Hey! If you want to take this kind of photo, tell me, I'm right here."

Lin Cheng's joke next to her made Wanwan laugh a little unsteadily, and she tried her best to hold back her laughter and remain still.


The photo came out, and looking at herself kissing Lin Cheng's cheek, Wanwan suddenly felt a little shy.

"show me."


Wanwan showed the photos generously.

It's a very normal photo. More than half of the female fans who come here will take photos with Lin Cheng like this.

Lin Cheng joked: "The spatial dislocation is too obvious. Do you want us to take a real person photo? I won't charge for it!"

"Ha ha!"

Wanwan smiled broadly, and somehow felt less embarrassed.

Barrage explosion.

"Orange Brother A is out!" It’s going to be mailed later (horrified)”

"Don't promise him! Wanwan! My Wanwan (crying)》

"Didn't Wanwan take the initiative to give it to me for free?" She attacked first (funny)"

"It's a big deal!" No more acting! She doesn't even pretend anymore! 》

"With so many people watching her in the live broadcast room, she dared to kiss her. If there was no live broadcast, I don't dare to think about what she would do (crying)"

"This photo shoot is a bit interesting. Can you take off your pants and take a photo with Brother Cheng?" 》

"Invite Brother Chengzi to eat chicken, right?" Be careful of being arrested as a pervert (funny)"

After visiting the surrounding stores, Lin Cheng took Wanwan upstairs to visit KT's office area.

"This is the content production room... This is our content director Luo PD. You often see some more abstract video works being born here, including my COS River Crab video."

Lin Cheng pointed at the fat middle-aged man with glasses, "Generally Chief Chi is the mastermind, and he is the accomplice."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, PD Luo smiled and waved to the camera: "Hello everyone! I am PD Luo Yanxing...but I am just a part-time worker! Please don't bully me online, I am only responsible for keeping Director Yi Chi and the others Make the planning plan provided.”

He was smart enough to stack up his armor when he came up.

Sometimes the content produced by KT does not completely satisfy fans, and they will be held accountable if something goes wrong, just like fans of LPL teams often attack their own clubs.

PD Luo first put the blame on Director Chi. Anyway, KT fans are tolerant of Director Chi.

After Wanwan interviewed PD Luo for a few words, Lin Cheng took her to the operations department for a tour.

It's a pity that Sister Sheng Xi is not here today, and the friends in the live broadcast room are very disappointed.

The two visited KT's honor room again.

KT's honor room is now filled with trophies, and almost all of them are Lin Cheng's achievements.

Then Wanwan and Lin Cheng went to the dormitory building.


Just as he opened the door, a burst of movement came from upstairs.

The two kids sprinted with all their strength, but the congressman running in front lost his footing and rolled down the stairs in a rolling posture.

It rolled and screamed, making a trilling sound.

Ju Ya took advantage of the opportunity to overtake the car and quickly ran to Lin Cheng's feet and pulled up his trousers.

The congressman fell to pieces, struggled and rushed over to pull at Lin Cheng's trousers in an attempt to climb up.

"It's Juya and Congressman! Hello!"

KT’s official website also has a dedicated Vlog for the two little boys. They are also considered the club’s mascots. There are so many barrages in the live broadcast room that they almost freeze.

All the water friends became idiots, clamoring to prepare sacks.

Either the cat is lured away, or Wanwan is lured away, or Lin Cheng is lured back to fencing.

Wanwan squatted down to get close to the two cats.

Juya has a good personality and takes the initiative to rub her head against Wanwan's hand.

The congressman was a little unruly, stretching out his hand and pushing him in disgust, but this guy would not scratch anyone casually because he had been beaten by the mother cat many times.

"They're so cute!"

Lin Cheng was not as gentle as Wan Wan. He picked up one in one hand and threw it aside, "Let's go! Let's go up first and agree to have a gift from me."

On the third floor, Lin Cheng took out the team uniforms prepared for Wanwan.

The size of the clothes is not too big, and the ID on the back is printed:

Cheng\u0026Wan Wan

Wanwan couldn't hide the joy in her eyes. She originally thought that Lin Cheng was talking about two people's IDs arranged one above the other, but she didn't expect that they were side by side.

"Would you like to try changing on? Go to my room and change."

"May I?"

"Of course, I'll take you to my room."

Taking Wanwan to her room, Lin Cheng closed the door and backed out.

Wanwan looked around curiously.

Lin Cheng's room is neatly tidied, without many small decorations, simple and refreshing.

Putting the team uniform aside, Wan Wan threw herself on the bed.

"Wow~~~ It feels so comfortable! I'm so exhausted today."

She was too embarrassed to lie down on the bed to rest in the hotel with Lin Cheng just now. In fact, Wanwan felt a little tired after flying over from China today.

It's rare to be able to lie down without any image.

My head was empty. After about ten seconds, Wanwan felt that it was not good to just lie on someone else's bed.


This is Brother Chengzi's bed.

I'm not some weird girl.

Get up quickly and start changing clothes.

Lin Cheng was playing with the cat outside at the moment, and took a look at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The smell was so strong that he rushed in to change his clothes during the live broadcast.

"You are all really wretched...what did I teach you?"

Lin Cheng taught the friend a lesson with dignity, and Wan Wan finally came out.

The team uniform is still a little loose, and the jeans are carefully tied at the hem, and the slender and straight legs stand out under the jeans.

"It looks good! Wanwan is dressed beautifully."

After receiving the compliment, Wanwan turned around with a smile, revealing her ID behind her.

"show off! 》

"Ha ha! The Great Demon King's Battle Robe"

"The figure is really good! 》

"Is this leg a foul?" (Face has a fever)》

"Brother Chengzi is serious, the ID is really great"

"ID: Chenghe Wanwan!" The needle doesn’t poke! 》

"Attack Speed ​​Equipment (Insidious)"

"Brother Chengzi remembers to be gentle when sprinting at night, I feel bad (crying)"

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