This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 219 Ji Cao, sit down

On the bottom lane, Brother Li performed a wave of perfect K head skills. On the top lane, Lin Cheng took the initiative to seek stability, but there was no big conflict again.

Of course, there was no major conflict, but there were still many small moves by both sides.

The two of them twisted wildly around the line of soldiers, taking advantage of Seti's opportunity to last a last strike. Nuoshou directly used the extra attack distance brought by W to slow down and turn around.

Lin Cheng didn't use the E skill when he had the chance. In this case, if he drags Noshou over, even if he stuns Seti, he can only hit two punches at most. Later, Seti can't directly follow up with the W skill. If the opponent's E There is nothing Lin Cheng can do if he turns around and walks away from Q.

Nuoshou engaged in whoring twice in a row.

Lin Cheng didn't take action, but Nuoshou saw Seti being slowed down for the second time, and finally couldn't help but use the Q skill to adjust his position.

Seti's backhand E, Strong Skull Splitting, dragged Noshou over just in time to stun him. He didn't take the damage from the outer circle that killed all the enemies. He punched down with two punches and turned around to retreat.

Nuoshou looked at Seti's pride value again and again, but finally did not use the E skill.

He also knew that the most he could do with E was A, and a backhand punch wouldn't be worth it.

In this way, no matter how small moves the two sides make, there is always room for leeway.

However, at 7 minutes, the junglers of both sides sent signals to launch a GANK on the top lane.

This time, the top laners of both sides started fighting first. When Seti pushed the lane, Noshou stepped on the face and started AW.

Lin Cheng took a step forward and counterattacked with backhand left and right uppercuts. His E skill, Strong Skull Cracking, just pulled back Nuoshou who activated Q skill, without taking any damage from the outer circle.

Nuoshou applied another layer of bleeding effect, and after receiving two punches from Seti, he took two steps away, maintaining an ambiguous distance.

Lin Cheng turned around and retreated.

Nuoshou maintained his position and pursued.

At this time, the blind monk emerged from the river.

The rock bird also rushed to the battlefield from below the river.

The blind monk reached out to Seti, slapped him to slow him down, and equipped Seti with his Q skill.

Lin Cheng ignored the level 5 blind monk and took the initiative to face Nuoshou and raised his left fist.

Nuoshou just used an ax to create four layers of passive. Seeing that his Q skill was cooling down, he directly put his E to the face.

Lin Cheng launched his ultimate move and amazed everyone.

The moment Noshou launched his E move, Seti used the unselectable feature of his R skill to dodge Noshou's face-to-face E skill, and suddenly picked up Noshou and threw it to the back.

Crows fly.

The basic damage of Sett's ultimate is very high, even numerically speaking, the level one Breathtaking is higher than No's level one ultimate with a full stack of Blood Rage.

Of course, since Noshou's ultimate move deals real damage, it will definitely hurt more, but this value can already explain the problem.


They hit the ground together, and both of them's blood volume was already very low.

Lin Cheng's Seti punched out quickly with his right fist, and his Q skill "Conquering Power" reset his basic attack and hit him with two more punches.

Although Nuoshou landed on the ground and hit blood rage with A, he was unable to move out of position to shoot the Q due to being slowed down.

At this time, Yanque had penetrated the stone from a distance and attacked Nuoshou.

In desperation, Nuoshou activated the Noxian guillotine and slashed at Sett, who saw only a little blood left.

Lin Cheng raised W close to his face and punched deliberately.

A thick white shield easily blocked Nuoshou's ultimate move, and the real damage from his backhand combined with the damage from the rock bird directly took away Nuoshou.

The blind monk finally activated his second Q and kicked him over.

At this time, the shield on Seti's body has disappeared, and he has the opportunity to complete the kill with the blind monk's second stage Q.


At the moment when the blind monk model was about to kick Seti, Lin Cheng flashed and appeared next to Yanque.

The blind monk's second Q didn't do any damage! Lin Cheng dodged and dodged.

Canyon has released the rock spur at Sett's feet in advance, preparing to press the blind monk Q's position.


Cuzz's hands were also really fast. After Lin Cheng flashed away, he flashed up to avoid the rock ledge, and then applied oil on the soles of his feet without even looking at Seti, who was still alive.

At this time, Lin Cheng's live broadcast room was filled with question marks.

"Dodge to avoid the blind monk's second stage Q? Damn it! It's really possible."

"Brother Cheng, show off, this hand speed makes me cry."

"I know it's possible, but I haven't seen anyone do it in the game."

"Brother Chengzi's reaction is outrageous, he's too calm."

Lin Cheng took a sip of water while returning: "Basic operation, don't make a fuss, there is nothing to say about this kind of operation, just react quickly."

"Are you talking human language? Just respond quickly? Okay?"

"I'm sorry! I'm not worthy of playing this game. I'll uninstall it later."

"You always give me soul-crushing blows in your understatement, bitch!"

Lin Cheng took another two gulps of water and put down the cup: "That flash is indeed a little difficult, but in fact, didn't you realize that my ultimate E to avoid the Nuo hand is the key to this victory?"

Lin Cheng explained: "I always remember the time. When the opponent's Q skill is good, he must use E to connect with Q. Since Nuoshou's E skill will cause a period of stiffness, at this time, it is best to move to connect with Q in the outer circle. A sure hit.

It’s really hard to say if Nuoshou heals me and hits Blood Rage at the same time. My blood volume is too low. If I am forced to cast W first, I will definitely be directly hacked to death by Nuoshou’s big move. "

"It makes sense! Do all professional players think so far ahead?"

"Are you a fortune teller when you step on a horse? Take one step and think three steps?"

"I seriously suspect that the opponent's opponent, Nuo, hasn't figured out how to operate next. Brother Chengzi has already planned it for him."

"Brother Cheng's W is so tight, and he dares to hit A twice when he lands. He's really brave."


After killing Nuoshou, Yanque counterattacked and controlled the Canyon Pioneer. After Lin Cheng ran back to the lane, he directly placed it on the top lane to supplement Lin Cheng's economy.

Three minutes later, the red side's wave of four-pack-two in the bottom lane achieved results.

Because Brother Li and Mr. Dai had some advantages, they relied on the rock bird in the lower half of the area to have a big move, so they jumped over the other tower to suppress others.

As a result, Syndra had moved to the bottom lane in advance and launched GANK with the blind monk.

This time, the blue team duo was in trouble. Canyon realized that the situation was not good in the middle of the ride, so he jumped off the car and sold the duo decisively.

After being resurrected, Brother Li sent a signal to go on the road. After communicating with Lin Cheng, he chose to come from the line to ensure that the other side had no vision.

Seeing that the bull's head had reached behind him, Lin Cheng, who was pressing the line, activated his Q skill to accelerate. He took one step across the line and started using his E strong hand to crack the skull and pull Nuoshou out of the tower.

Nuoshou and Xiaobing collided and fell into dizziness.

Lin Cheng took a step around, launched his ultimate move, and knocked Nuo Shou backwards with two punches.

There had been friction between the two of them just now, and Nuoshou's blood volume was already very low.

At this time, Brother Li's bull's head swayed and rushed over from behind and pushed it over.

Then, he saw Nuoshou, who was almost out of health, being pushed straight back to his own defense tower.

Nuo Shou, who had been nervous just now, suddenly realized that he was safe.

Lin Cheng slowly raised a question mark.

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