Fifth Avenue is located in the center of Manhattan. The Tiffany flagship store at No. 727 has a history of more than 80 years, and its appearance still looks bright and bright.

"Wow! This place has hardly changed since 60 years ago."

Chi Shengxi's sigh attracted strange looks from everyone.

"Sister Sheng Xi is not much older than us, why do you sound nostalgic?"

"Maybe Sister Sheng Xi is actually a vampire hiding in the city, and she is already a thousand years old!"

"I heard that vampires need to drink human blood to stay young?"

"You guys! Are you asking for a beating?"

Chi Shengxi's eyebrows were raised. Now the fools no longer dared to joke about her age and quickly went into the store to visit.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, winked mischievously.

The thousand-year-old royal sister vampire... Why does she seem to be more excited?

Chi Shengxi gave someone an annoyed look.

In fact, she watched a lot of old movies in order to learn English when she was studying. This was also the filming location for Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Unexpectedly, 60 years later, the decoration of the store still remains the same as it was when the movie was shot.

On the second floor of the flagship store, everyone finally saw with their own eyes the Summoner's Trophy in the glass display case.

"How about it?"

Chi Shengxi asked Lin Cheng about his first impression of the new trophy.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "It's impossible to buy it for 0 yuan. The glass is so thick."


The new trophy looks like Tiffany’s design style, simple and unique.

Compared with the round cup mouth in the past, the new cup mouth has become a regular pentagon. The five sides of the trophy have the image of the summoner carved with sapphires, and the tops of the five corners are also engraved with the positions of the five players in the game. icon.

From the five columnar lines extending from the top downward, there are five summoner crystals closing together at the bottom, symbolizing the honor achieved by the joint efforts of players in the five positions.

Other than that, there aren’t many design details.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with Tiffany’s design concept, but the minimalist style of the championship trophy still makes some veteran LOL players complain.

Trophies pay attention to the sense of history, and the complexity and exquisiteness are more pleasing to the eye than the minimalist style.

On Hupu, netizens have already commented on it.

"Is INS trendy?" Too simple? 》

"This new trophy feels a bit lame, Taobao will probably grab a lot of it if it is re-enacted"

"Struggled for a year, just for such a piece of stainless steel?" 》

"The trophy represents the championship, shouldn't it be as gorgeous as possible?" It’s so simple, isn’t it? 》

"Not as good as the old version"

"ugly! 》

"I vote for Gangzi Flower Pot"

"The Immortal Shield Next Door hasn't changed in 12 years, why do we have to change it?" I have a sense of history that has been passed down for many years."

"There is no way, the sponsors give too much"

Teammates were also taking photos around the trophy and commenting on the look. Lin Cheng thought the new trophy was pretty good.

That's not his focus.

The base of the trophy will be engraved with the IDs of previous champion teams and players as usual.

Lin Cheng found the IDs of himself and his teammates from the previous two years.

He pointed to the blank space at the back: "Old Dai, we have to continue to engrave our names on it this year! As agreed, that will be your birthday gift this year."

Cuzz: "Then Hyukkyu hyung will be a double AD!"

Lin Cheng: "Please call him Shi Yi A! Who is Bang? Imp is no longer qualified to talk about you in the live broadcast room every day."

Beryl: "Then what skin will Brother Hegui choose this year?"

Seeing his teammates popping champagne like crazy, Mr. Dai was very embarrassed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's not something that has happened yet. The most important thing is to play well in the following games."

Everyone was laughing, but Rookie was staring blankly at the place where the names of the IG players were engraved on the trophy.

Old teammates who climbed to the summit together in Incheon!

Is everyone okay?

Of course, people in Incheon are generally not good people now.

Those who retire are retired, no one wants what no one wants, and those who can still play are always at the forefront, which really makes Rookie sigh.

He was also very happy that he made the right choice.

After this year, he may become a double champion mid laner.

Not knowing what Rookie was feeling, Beryl's champagne was getting louder and she discussed the details of the skin with Lin Cheng: "If I win the championship this year, I must let Riot make a two-dimensional style skin, otherwise I won't want the skin."

Lin Cheng suggested: "Let Riot designers design based on my senior's professors. I'm sure there will be a lot of inspiration."

Beryl was a little moved, but felt that it was hard to say such words.

Chi Shengxi asked curiously: "What professor?"

Beryl: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Just like when a bunch of girls in middle school were discussing the seventh dimension and Sophie, suddenly a male classmate asked out of curiosity what the seventh dimension was.

Everyone had a tacit understanding to ignore Sister Sheng Xi.

Lin Cheng looked around the trophy again and again, and suddenly discovered a problem.

The new trophy is only engraved with the names and player IDs of the championship teams after S7, and none of the previous ones are engraved.

In other words...the new summoner trophy does not have T1's name on it, nor does it have Faker's ID.

In fact, there were T1 fans who came to check in with great interest before and were devastated when they found out that T1's name was not on the trophy. They launched complaints online one after another, which made Tanza angry.

The explanation given by Riot Games is that the champions behind it should be considered. The base is only so big, and it would take up too much space to engrave all the champions in the front.

Of course, the previous glory will not be forgotten, and the old summoner trophies will be permanently collected at Riot headquarters.

KT fans are ecstatic now.

From now on, they will seize this trophy and no longer have to see the disgusting T1 name on it.

As for Tanza, there is also the angle of self-comfort.

According to Riot, the old Summoner’s Trophy is sealed and no new names will be engraved on it.

This means that SKT will be the only Triple Crown winner on the old version of the Summoner's Trophy. Even if KT wins the championship this year, they will not have inscriptions on the old trophy.

On the ships of the old era, they could still beat KT.

Thinking about it this way, I felt inexplicably better.

Poor stall!

After seeing the trophy, everyone had dinner and went to watch a musical on Broadway.

They are lucky, "Hamilton," the most influential musical in Broadway history, opens today.

It's a pity that you can only buy standing tickets on site, and you have to stand at the top of the second floor. It must have been quite miserable after nearly three hours.

But Mr. Dai still wanted to see it.

Although these fools have little education, stage plays are not a niche in Korea, and they have also heard the most popular "Hamilton" on Broadway.

Lin Cheng thought for a while and asked his teammates to wait where they were. He ran to ask one by one if they had any refunds.

Of course, no one refunded the check, but Lin Cheng had the money ability.

He found a black guy who looked very energetic.

"Sorry! Brother, I grabbed the tickets a month in advance for this show. I don't want to let go of my dream..."

"I'll give you a thousand knives!"

"Dreams are nothing! Brother, the ticket is yours. I will wait for the next time to grab the ticket."

This guy's ticket cost less than 200 dollars in the middle of the second-floor box. Seeing Lin Cheng was so sincere, he decisively gave it to him.

Then Lin Cheng used the same method to impress others one by one.

Of course, not everyone is motivated by money.

But there are always people who are motivated by money.

Until the last couple couldn't resist the temptation.

Under the crazy encouragement of his girlfriend, he handed over the two tickets to Lin Cheng for US$2,500. The old man couldn't help but secretly sighed to Lin Cheng:

"It's great to have money. You can even buy the surprise I prepared for my girlfriend. I'm even afraid that you have so much money that you can even buy it for her."


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