This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2262 It’s broken! KT has a lot of things

Lin Cheng didn't choose when Dao Mei was released. Even after entering the game at this moment, commentators in various language streams were still frantically discussing whether EDG's BP today would bring changes to the subsequent knockout rounds.

Being able to free up an important BAN position against KT is simply the ultimate good news for other teams.

If there is really a team that overthrows KT from behind, I'm afraid EDG will have to set up a memorial tablet.

Of course, the premise is that what EDG produces is not false information.

And back to the game.

This version of Sword Demon is definitely the most OP character in the top lane. He is not weak in the lane, can resist and fight in team battles, and has almost no shortcomings except for being unable to stand in the late stage.

Lin Cheng dared to choose Riven not only to promise his sisters, but also because Riven could fight the Sword Demon himself.

Although Sword Demon is considered a warrior, he is actually very afraid of heroes who can get up close and explosive. The highly skilled Riven Light will not be at a disadvantage when facing the T0 version of Sword Demon in a laning battle.

Of course, the sword demon who knows how to play is not so easy to get close to, it still depends on the level of pulling between the two parties.

The main reason is that this version of Sword Demon still has more room to play in team battles than Riven. On OPGG, Riven can win the lane but not the game. I guess no one except Lin Cheng dares to use Riven to fight Sword Demon in the arena.

At the beginning of the game, KT found the big tree in the invasion ward next to the blue square F6. Lin Cheng chose to help Cuzz.

Because the bottom lane was the Luna combination of KT Aphelios + Lulu playing EDG, Lin Cheng took the initiative to tell Cuzz to take care of the bottom lane in the early stage.

Riven went online at night, and EDG also guessed Zhu Mei's jungle choice.

Any tricks?

Generally speaking, Lin Cheng almost never helped Cuzz clear the wild area. He was afraid that Zhu Mei would directly invade the upper half of his jungle area after being red. Jiejie chose to finish playing F6 and then turn around and go to the upper half area.

He knew that he couldn't give Cuzz a chance to switch to the jungle, otherwise Li Xuanjun would explode on the road.

Holy Spear Brother Sword Demon went online first, but there was no A soldier to grab the line. Similarly, Lin Cheng did not rush to try to grab the line after going online.

One is that his own jungler has a bright red BUFF to start with, and the other is that Riven's level 1 push will give Sword Demon excellent room for development in the early stage.

The two sides were simply testing each other, with Riven taking the lead by one step and two.

Catching the gap between the Sword Demon's passive and the skeleton, Riven stepped forward to press the position, and the Holy Spear brother backhanded A. The dead soldier also rose to level two, and wielded the Q Darkin Blade.

Lin Cheng's movement was very subtle. He took a sideways step to easily avoid the falling direction of the giant sword, and didn't even take any damage.

Riven's Q close-up Sword Demon retreats after hitting AW.

Brother Holy Spear refused to accept and lost blood in vain, so he chose the second stage of QE to move forward and try to deal sword damage.

But the movement of Jian Mo raising his hand was too big for Lin Cheng. Riven just turned around and made the second Q to hit the face in the inner circle to hit the passive. He moved around and dexterously avoided Jian Mo's third Q to the face after the A level.

After using his skills, Sword Demon was already very weak. Riven followed up and fired Q3 and passively pulled away with the remaining two shots.

The sword demon was knocked out of more than half of his health.

It can be seen that the proficiency of Holy Spear Brother Sword Demon is not very high. The reason why it is difficult for master Sword Demon to get close is the use of E skill. If you hand over E too casually, Riven, who still has the skill, will easily find an opportunity.

After finishing the upper half of the area, Jiejie Dashu took a look at the blood volume on the top lane and had no intention of GANK.

He didn't even know why his Sword Demon was half-healthy, but Riven's health was still so healthy. It was not conducive to capture people if the army line was stuck in the middle.

Dashu turned back to the lower half of the area to get his own red.

At this moment, Cuzz's pig girl has entered the lower half of the blue area in advance.

Brother Cuzz's jungle route is red → F6 → toad → blue BUFF, and then enters the blue jungle area.

Arriving there one step ahead, Cuzz inserted an eye into the red BUFF pit through the wall.

Dashu came back to hit his own red, but he happened to not notice the disappearing eye position.

Jiejie was not lazy either. He first threw saplings into the red BUFF grass to make sure no one was around, and then used the red BUFF with peace of mind.

However, just after Jiejie handed over his skills and fought for a while, Cuzz's pig girl got stuck on the wall from the left and came around, arched up and beat the big tree.

There was nothing he could do, so Jiejie recovered his health and ran away.

The red BUFF was taken away by Pig Girl.

Cuzz continued to chase Jiejie towards the blue square stone man.

At this moment, KT's Erlu combination in the bottom lane is suppressing EDG's Luna under the tower.

Although the EDG bottom lane duo first went to the Stoneman bush to support, because Lucian wanted to take the tower, the frontline output did not follow up to kill the full-blooded pig girl. On the contrary, the KT duo, who was in better condition, quickly arrived to support.

The tree was killed, and Aphelios took first blood.

"Wow! KT did a good job of linking up in the jungle."

"When the two junglers in the jungle encountered each other, the bottom lane was under pressure. The synchronized exchange of blood meant that Luna was unable to support the jungle for the first time. Pig Girl just chased the big tree to the stone man."

"Although this position is better for EDG to support, the two sides' off-field status is too different."

"It's been calculated! Cuzz is a completely different person compared to the first two games today."

Just as Miller and Wawa were lamenting the collision in the lower half, bad news suddenly came from the top road.

Level 3 Riven single-handedly killed Level 3 Sword Demon.

"Hey! Why was Brother Holy Spear killed alone again?"

The barrage is very lively.

"send! Cracked on the road》

"Laughed! Sure enough, Brother Chengzi is in good condition today》

"Don't be embarrassed! The commentator said that only Brother Chengzi was in good condition, but in the end he never played any more.》

"It doesn't really matter if one dies on the bottom road. Once the gun ÷ dies on the top road, I know I have to support my father again."

"Fighting against Brother Chengzi, it's hard not to be a father in this year's Qianbao state"

"Uncomfortable, even though EDG cracked Dao Mei, they were still beaten violently on the road"

"Good news, KT's stuff has been released"

"bad news! KT has a lot of stuff》

This wave of solo kills on the road was actually very sudden.

When Riven fights Sword Demon, it's more accurate to say that it's more about changing skills than changing blood. Lin Cheng likes to move left and right to deceive Sword Demon for one Q, and move forward and backward to deceive Q for the second Q. Brother Holy Spear finally couldn't bear it after emptying Q continuously. QE consumption is paid in front of the tower.

But the sword demon only had half health at this time, and Lin Cheng immediately judged that the damage he had done was enough.

The disadvantage of using Dolan Shield is here. When you are at half health, you will often not be willing to take medicine, because Dolan Shield itself is an equipment with lower health and higher returns.


Riven directly flashed the hand to the face AQ started, spiraling around to pull away the evil fire chain. At the same time, Riven's second stage Q also dodged the third stage sword edge of Sword Demon's close to the face.

Lin Cheng's damage speed was too fast, and he consciously stayed back.

When Holy Spear Brother finished the third stage, he found that the Q was wrong and he flashed. Riven, who was stuck in the position, crossed the E just enough to touch the sword demon who entered the tower.

The long legs in black stockings are flying, which is a sexy killing intent.

The dance of broken wings hit the ground, and the bunny girl raised her knife and fired the last rune blade.

Lin Cheng showed the Riwen expression of Soul Lotus.

Don't tell me, it would be a foul if this blushing expression appeared on Brother Jing.

That stubborn, shy, and trashy look in his eyes...

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng continued to flash the emoticon in a coquettish manner.

Nu Na is optimistic!

Not only the COS skin, but also the COS expression.

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