This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2277 Here comes the unlucky guy!

After the promotional video, the director cut to the scene.

It happened to be the RNG fan area, and various signs with support slogans were waved. The international student fans at the scene were very arrogant.

The most conspicuous sign read: Send (oranges) home.

"Huang Za has gone crazy!" 》

"Don't say it! Brother Chengzi supported RNG in real name while watching the game. He won't really serve the country with loyalty today, right? 》

"Come on! Brother Chengzi is just talking, it’s a heavy blow to start with”

"Tan Za and Huang Za are just two pieces of shit to Brother Cheng, he just picks the less smelly piece of shit to support (funny)"

"These two families are considered the most ferocious group of Pencheng brothers in China and South Korea (dog head)"

KT fans at the scene were equally enthusiastic. The camera turned to reveal a coser girl wearing a mask. She stood up and held up a light sign with Lin Cheng's ID in her hand.

Purple rhombus gemstone on forehead, white battle skirt, black silk stockings.

It is clear that the COS one is Lin Cheng’s first generation black stockings and long legs champion sword girl skin.

"Won! Brother Chengzi wins”

"The young lady is so beautiful!" Are all Brother Cheng’s fans so supportive? 》

"Why is the quality of Orange Miscellaneous Girl powder so high?" "Admired"

"If I were the orange brother, Gil would be scrapped (face has a fever)"

"There were so many people writing in Chinese to support KT at the scene, they are traitors! (gritting teeth)》

"Confiscating their nationality"

Miller: "It's already on fire! The two teams have met in two consecutive MSI finals in the past two years, and now their entanglement continues."

Wanwan thought for a while: "Instead of talking about the dispute between RNG and KT, it should be said that it is the showdown between the entire LPL and KT. In the past three years, the LPL team has played against KT for 27 rounds in international competitions."

After a pause, she added: "I haven't won a single game in LPL so far, 0:27."

Miller: "..."

Do you remember it so clearly?

The commentator's seat fell silent for a moment.

"? ? ? 》

"So many family treasures!" Hahaha"

"Has Brother Chengzi already reached 27:0LPL?" Depend on! 》

"What happened to the commentary?" Ruining the place, right (angry)》

"Why is there no sound?" Is the sound muted? 》

"Don't say anything that is not conducive to the unity of the masses, just give me a warning (dog head)"

"This is how RNG still has the nerve to say that it is an old enemy with KT"

"Are Zhuge Liang and Meng Huo considered old enemies?" 》

Finally, under the atmosphere of the host, the contestants from both sides appeared on the stage.

There is no doubt that Lin Cheng won the biggest cheers when he came on the stage.

He crossed his arms and raised them toward the camera, showing a bright smile.

The audience didn't understand the meaning of Lin Cheng's action, they just thought he was going to torture RNG.

Probably torture RNG and beat him?

On the other hand, Chi Shengxi in the lounge rolled her eyes helplessly.

That guy is real!

How can I be on stage...

She remembered that Lin Cheng seemed to have grabbed her wrist like this last night.

It was obvious that my sister was still twitching uncontrollably, but the guy grabbed her hand and...

She could feel that Lin Cheng was particularly excited at that time.

Inexplicably thinking of the astringent scene, the bespectacled girl's cheeks turned red.

In fact, at that time, my sister really felt like she was about to die...

Players from both sides finished playing, and soon the first round of BP began.

Since KT advanced first in the group, they had priority to choose the side in the first game and took the initiative to choose the blue side.

"KT comes up and kills the male gun first. He's done some research!"

"RNG likes to give Serena a male spear in this World Championship. Xiaohu can play a tool mid laner in the middle."

"Qinggangying! RNG's first BAN was given to Brother Chengzi's signature Qinggangying."

KT gave Ice Girl + Rock Bird the two BAN positions behind the blue side.

It is to limit Xiaohu's rhythm.

Although the limited version of Xiaohu in the World Championship is often humorous, it has to be said that he is the most important rhythm point of RNG. When something goes wrong with him, RNG often struggles very hard.

The red side banned Yuumi in the second move, and then looked a little hesitant to ban Yumi in the third move.

Even though I simulated multiple sets of BP before the game, I still found that the BAN position was far from enough once I got on the field.

There are many people who want to BAN.

Xiaohu: "What do you mean? I don't care about Daoshu BAN Dashu anymore?"

Xiao Ming: "What about the Sword Demon? The opponent may not necessarily take the Sword Girl. I think Lin Cheng might snatch the Sword Demon."

Brother Breathing: "It's okay, it's okay! Anyway, I'll choose second, Sword Girl and the weapons are all outside."

Therefore, the red side disabled the big tree in the third hand.

Wanwan: "Dao Mei is really free! When choosing between Dao Mei and Dashu, RNG still chooses to kill Dashu."

Miller: "Well~~~ This big tree must be targeted. RNG does not have a big tree system, but the LCK team's big tree has to be defended. This hero is too functional."

Seeing his opponent releasing Dao Mei, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The bad guy is here!

There are really people who are not afraid of death and dare to let his knife sister go.

EDG made great contributions.

Start selecting people, the blue square locks the sword girl in seconds.

"I'm invincible! You can do whatever you want."

Lin Cheng turned around, "Remember not to grab the five kills later!"

The four teammates all looked at him.

Is this human language?

Since the people next to him would block his view, Brother Cuzz was the only one who didn’t need to probe.

Rookie leaned forward slightly.

Mr. Dai leaned over and tilted his head.

Beryl even put her face on the table.

The teammates all turned to look at Lin Cheng, seeming to be exploring his mental state.

Just like that, one person and four people looked at each other.

The camera just caught this scene.

The searching eyes of his teammates and a smile on Lin Cheng's lips popped out.

The scene was in uproar.

KT fans cheered wildly.

God's Irelia is coming!

"Here you go! Nice to meet you again, Irelia!"

Wanwan's voice was slightly excited: "It's been a year! We finally saw Brother Chengzi's sword girl again on the stage of the global finals."

"I knew it! Even if this version of Sword Girl is really not strong, if the opponent dares to play Sword Girl in BO5, Cheng Zige will definitely choose it."

"RNG wants to free up a BAN slot. Brother Chengzi will definitely continue to block this BAN slot."

"His understanding of this hero is really unimaginable to outsiders. I look forward to Dao Mei's style!"

Miller took a deep breath: "It's very important to hit the road in this game! No matter what, we must focus on killing the knife girl, otherwise RNG's subsequent BP will be very difficult."

Shinichi: "There is also good news. RNG can get the strongest version of Sword Demon."

The barrage is very lively.

"Ha ha! All the teammates turned around and looked over, it was too much.」

"What did Brother Cheng say?" This picture is so powerful》

"Why do my teammates look so crazy?" 2333》

"The World's Strongest Sword Girl!" RNG waits to die》

"Brother Cheng, promise me, be gentle"

"Brother Chengzi is too insidious. Last time I played EDG, I didn't choose Sword Girl, so I kept it to cheat RNG."

"This is awesome. I swore in the interview that I don't even need swordsmen and dogs. RNG really believed it."

"Brother Orange: Woof woof woof!" (Dog Head)》

Seeing KT locking Dao Mei in seconds, the RNG team was both relieved and nervous.

She was relieved that when she released Dao Mei, she considered the situation of the opponent's selection.

Nervous because of the ID on the other side.

Last year, Lin Cheng's knife girl wreaked havoc in Iceland. Four of them were at the scene, and they were the ones who were killed indiscriminately.

"Chen Chen, hold on!"

"come on!"

"Let's go on the road and use Sword Demon to develop. Wait until we fight in a group. Sword Girl is not very good at fighting in a group."

Breath Brother took a deep breath, "It's okay! I can handle Dao Girl."

Naturally, the blue side did not hesitate too much, and took down the sword demon first with a backhand.

It makes no sense not to take the Sword Demon in this version. Except for Lin Cheng, who grabs the Sword Girl first, everyone else takes the Sword Demon first if they have one.

Miller: "Here it comes! Brother Breath's Sword Demon. The priority of this version of the Sword Demon is self-evident."

Wanwan asked in a faint tone: "T0 versus T5, should it be okay?"

Miller: "..."


It seems like someone is acting strangely!

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