This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2285 This is the confidence given by the fatal rhythm

RNG's selection of Kai'Sa + Titan afterward can be regarded as breaking the LPL audience's defense. The first one was because Foego had no lane right in the bottom lane, so it was so uncomfortable at the beginning of the jungle. They forced a variation to GANK and gave the sword girl a double kill.

As a result, RNG chose the prison combination as the back-up player when KT had a clear card in the bottom lane, and the barrage was full of curses.

But in fact, RNG really had no choice. The defeat of the first knife girl meant that their BAN position in the first round was definitely not enough to deal with KT's strong bottom lane combination.

After pressing Ashe, KT also had other lines AD+big head.

By pressing the big head, KT can let Han Bing play support.

Anyway, as long as Lin Cheng's two signature cards are not used, RNG will be at a disadvantage in the bottom lane no matter what.

Unfortunately, they have no choice in the bottom lane to seize the lane.

And even if Big Ice is banned, KT still has the female police system in the bottom lane, as well as the Varus system, and EZ Karma...

It can be said that as long as KT wants to seize the lane in the bottom lane, unless Wei helps to catch the lane and create rhythm, RNG will naturally be at a disadvantage in the bottom lane.

This has nothing to do with the strength of the players, it is the consequence of the gap in the hero pool.

RNG doesn't have a tactical system for bot lane at all. The policewoman Lux doesn't play. Ashe and the others, who are valued by the LCK team in the World Championship, don't play either. Karma EZ also hasn't been used by RNG this year. Other more unpopular combinations Not to mention.

In fact, not only RNG, but all teams in this year's LPL World Championship have exposed more or less problems in the bottom lane hero pool.

Maybe this year Zeli and Aphelios are used to playing the core version. Previously, when JD faced DK, no matter the red or blue version, they had to ban the policewoman themselves, and they were sweating profusely.

Similarly, when EDG faces RGE, they also have to ban the female police. Even European teams like the Meat Pigeon can use the female police system.

RNG didn't need to target the policewoman today, because the bottom lane couldn't BAN at all.

It was already very difficult to deal with Lin Cheng's BAN position on the top lane, and there was still such a big hole in the bottom lane. I obviously felt that I had planned many sets of BP before the game, but when I actually came on stage and started to game, the RNG coaching staff found that it was completely different from what I thought.

Don't look at the two old guys in KT's bottom lane who can't keep up with the young people now. Everyone uses the regular lineup. Maybe their laning ability can only be said to be average, but when they start to fight for tactical reserves, their deep hero pool is also Create a stage for carries to the greatest extent possible for teammates.

The RNG lineup is confirmed, and it’s KT’s turn to make the final choice.

In the camera, Lin Cheng talked to his teammates for a while, and he smiled a little bit.

The red side locked Yongen on the fifth floor.

I heard that Yongen, the younger brother of Zeus, is good at fighting sword demons?

I'll be a thief!

Wanwan: "Yongen! Sure enough, he's here! Previously, Zeus chose Yongen to fight the Sword Demon, which was very effective. Brother Chengzi also practiced this hero."

Miller: "Although the effect of Yongen is not yet known, I have to say that Brother Orange's hero pool is really deep! Heroes like Yongen cannot be trained quickly."

Wanwan: "That's right! Some players are still green after practicing for a long time, but for Orange, it shouldn't be difficult for Yongen. His RANK record is pretty good."

"Another new hero, is there any shortcomings in Brother Chengzi's hero pool?" 》

"Yasuo?" ? ? 》

"Don't be embarrassed! Cheng Ge Yasuo competition 100% winning rate (funny)》

"It really is! This forces Yasuo to have a RANK winning rate of 30% and a game winning rate of 100%》

"Tiger General Bless, come the hilarious Yongen!" (pray)"

"Just a poor imitation of Zeus (hum)"

"Brother Cheng's Yasuo has an explanation, but Yongen doesn't know if he has an explanation (Eating Melon)"

"Yongen has no dotted lines, Brother Cheng will not lose his IQ (dog head)"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue Square RNG:

Top lane: Breathe (Darkborn Sword Demon, Aatrox)

Jungler: Wei (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Middle lane: Xiaohu (Thorn of Outliers, Akali)

Bottom lane: Gala (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Ming (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Demon Sealing Sword Soul, Yongen)

Jungler: Cuzz (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Mid: Rookie (Reliever, Silas)

Bottom lane: Deft (Ice Archer, Ashe)

Assistant: Beryl (The Great Inventor, Heimerdinger)

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Yone chose the main system precision: fatal rhythm, triumph, joy, perseverance, and the secondary system resolute: wind of revival, overgrowth.

As a fighter with the same flexible mechanism and face-to-face, Yongen is stronger in continuous output ability compared to Riven's high burst, which happens to restrain skill-based fighters like Sword Demon.

However, the biggest shortcoming of Yongen in the top lane is that he is too fragile and has a numerical gap. In the early stage of the laning, he actually has no obvious advantage against Sword Demon. After equipping Yongen, he can easily fight Sword Demon in single lane.

Entering the game, neither side has done a level one design.

However, just when the army lines in the middle met, Lin Cheng's Yongen touched the blue square Ueno area alone.

The blue BUFF was refreshed, and just as Sword Demon stepped forward to help Pig Girl start playing blue, Yongen showed up.

Lin Cheng originally came over to take a look to confirm Zhu Mei's jungle route, but he happened to find that Zhu Mei had learned W to brush the jungle, and he immediately pressed forward arrogantly.

Watch me harass the other side!

Yongen moved in a zigzag shape and twisted the first Q of Sword Demon. He took two steps forward and swung his Q, which missed Yukiri's ultimate hit. He immediately turned around and just happened to twist the second Q of Sword Demon.

Lin Cheng turned around and pressed forward again.

Brother Breathing could only push forward, trying to drive away Yongen and prevent his opponent from harassing the pig girl to play blue.

Sword Demon also has a passive, longer attack range. He raises his hand to perform a basic attack and immediately receives three Qs.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, tried his best to keep his face and did not raise his hand to attack immediately. He only took action with AQ after seeing the sword demon's three-stage sword raised.

Yongen was knocked into the air, but Cuo Yuqi also made a move to create a whirlwind.

The third Q of Sword Demon's level 1 actually doesn't do much damage. Lin Cheng deliberately made a mistake when he landed and immediately exchanged a basic attack with Sword Demon and turned around to retreat.

Because the pig girl next to me gave up and BUFF came over to help.

Seeing Yongen retreating, Pig Girl continued to play blue.

Although Lin Cheng's positioning in front was very good, Yongen and Sword Demon's exchange of blood did not actually make any money after taking advantage of Sword Demon's third sword edge and Death Granting Sword Qi + a basic attack.

However, just when the two RNG brothers turned around to play blue, thinking that Yongen had given up, Lin Cheng suddenly turned around.

The two swords cut across each other, and the whirlwind knocked the two of them into the air.

Yongen stabbed the pig girl with a deadly rhythm.

Open and chop.

The blue BUFF next to him was not knocked away by Yongen, and was still following to help deal with Pig Girl.

Lin Cheng has murderous intentions!

Isn’t it enough to fight 1 and 2 with hands?

This is the confidence given by the fatal rhythm!

Miller: "Orange Brother is a bit fierce! A man came to harass RNG in the wild. Yongen moved very well in the first two moves, but he forced himself to eat Sword Demon's third stage Q and passive. This wave of blood exchange and breathing brother didn't do it. deficit!"

"Then Yongen should give up..."

Wanwan suddenly shouted: "We're going to fight! The wind blows up two of them! The fatal rhythm is triggered, now it's over! Both of them have to run."

"These two people can't beat Yongen!"

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