This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 234 Classic Tower Jump

Putting aside the jungle factor, no one in the Crocodile Fighting Iron Man lane has an absolute advantage. Whoever has the initiative to push the lane will be better at fighting.

Tetsuo, who had been drained of half of his health at the first level, had lost the qualification to come up to replenish his troops and could only watch from a distance.

At this time, the second wave of soldiers has arrived.

The crocodile will definitely be able to steal the two, and soldier A turns red with anger.

If Tetsuo continues to be stubborn, the crocodile will find an opportunity to deal with him without the spider coming over.

Since the troop line has not been pushed forward substantially, Lin Cheng continued to move forward while replenishing troops after reaching the second level.

Level 1 Tetsuo doesn't even have the courage to come up and throw a Q right now.

The crocodile is scary when it's angry, and if you just show off now, it's easy to lose its HP and force out TP.

Dropping TP at this time basically declares that you are on the road and ready to disconnect.

Junri: "Well done, Brother Chengzi! There's nothing wrong with this little detail. He moved close to avoid Tetsuo's single-target enhanced Q, which resulted in a big profit from the blood exchange. This anger made Canna feel very uncomfortable, and she started not to dare. Come here to gain experience.”

Corgi: "In the last game, Orange Brother's crocodile didn't play so fiercely. Unexpectedly, this game had a clear suppressive effect. The most terrifying thing is that KT's jungler is a spider."

Junri: "Canna still doesn't understand. The opposite jungler is a spider. Why did you mess with him? So what if you win through a blood exchange? If it were an experienced top laner, A might not even think about it. Go to A Crocodile twice."

Corgi: "When the troops line enters the tower, the spiders will definitely come over. Cuzz will have to find an opportunity to counterattack."

Junri nodded: "Originally, T1 chose Tetsuo in the hope that Canna could withstand the pressure. It is true that after level 6, Tetsuo is not afraid of KT's Ueno coming to jump the tower, but before level 6, Tetsuo is still afraid that these two people will jump. Tower’s.”

When he gained the advantage, Lin Cheng had already begun to communicate with Bono, and he planned to brush the spider he caught in the early stage to level three and move directly up.

Since Lin Cheng deliberately did not push the line after reaching the second level, he only replenished the remaining health of the soldiers to maintain their anger. The third wave of soldiers was stuck on the corner wall outside the red square tower.

Lin Cheng suddenly started pushing the line with his A soldiers.

Bono's spider has already descended into the river and touched the red square grass with the scanning function on.

Regardless of whether he has vision or not, Lin Cheng's actions basically tell the opponent that the spider is coming and we are ready to kill you.

Canna still stood under the tower and watched.

Everyone was very experienced, and Bono also realized that Olaf might be around, so he touched the stone man bush while the scan was not over.

Olaf's figure was not seen.

Lin Cheng has already pushed the line into the tower.

"No matter! It doesn't matter whether Olaf is here or not."

As the crocodile pressed forward, the spider came out of the stone man grass and forced Tetsuo under the tower.

At this time, Cuzz's Olaf figure appeared from behind. Olaf must have been stuck behind the wall just now to avoid the spider's scan.

Olaf showed up, slowed down the spider with an ax from a distance, and rushed up with the ax.

But the two of them had no intention of backing down.

The distance was enough. The humanoid spider used its Q skill first to throw neurotoxin at Tetsuo under the tower, attracting the hatred of the defense tower.

Bono also showed off a penguin expression in great detail.

Do you get angry when your jungler overshoots your tower?

Lin Cheng was a little doubtful whether Canna had hung up on him during RANK, or had sprayed the jungler when the situation was not right.

Without thinking much, when the spider started to attack, Lin Cheng's crocodile E shot directly towards Tetsuo under the tower. There was a glimmer of light on his head, and he shot out with W Cold Hunting.

Lin Cheng was very angry.

Crocodile Red Fury W knocked out Tetsuo, who was close to the face, and Spider took control of the cocoon.

Even Bono's spider didn't pounce at all. He just threw out the explosive spider and dealt electrocution damage at the same time. After the crocodile drew A, he completed the kill with Red Fury Q.

Tetsuo was held under the tower until he died, and he didn't hand over anything.

"First Blood!"

At this time, Olaf has already stuck to the spider's face, and Bono hangs in spider form to remove the aggro from the defense tower.

Lin Cheng's second stage E rushed towards Olaf on the right side of the tower. After hitting Olaf with A to attract the hatred of the defense tower, Lin Cheng quickly pulled away towards the stone man's bush.

Just as the spider dropped from the sky, it fell next to Olaf. At this time, the defense tower's hatred had been attracted by Lin Cheng, who was standing on the edge, and did not attack Bono, who had little health.

Lin Cheng's crocodile was successfully pulled out of the tower after only being attacked by the tower once, and Bono's spider was successfully pulled away even after being struck by Olaf with an axe.

Seeing the two people coming out of the tower, Cuzz didn't dare to chase them.

You must know that Olaf chose F6 to open the wild, and his own health was not enough. Although the spider did not have much health, it made no sense for Olaf to go out of the tower to chase him.

Junri: "KT Ueno's cooperation is so good! When he saw Olaf, he directly chose to beat Tetsuo. With Canna's health, there was nothing he could do, so Olaf could only watch.

The main reason is that Canna failed to maintain the health line when she came up. It was really unreasonable for these two people to jump over the tower. "

Corgi: "I was wondering if it would be better if Olaf came out earlier? He crouched too far back, and Tetsuo was already beaten when he rushed up."

Junri: "There is indeed a problem with Cuzz's choice. I feel that he is thinking too much. Do you think he has a chance to counterattack when the opponent crosses the tower? If Cuzz stood with Tetsuo under the tower from the beginning, his opponent may not be able to win. Dare to take action."

Corgi: "The replay is here... Well~~~ I have to say that the follow-up anti-tower details of KT Ueno and Tetsuo who killed Tetsuo were really well coordinated. The spider first used the E skill to attract hatred, and then the crocodile used the A skill to attract Olaf. If the defense tower's hatred is further increased, the spider will not be attacked by the defense tower again if it falls.

The tower jump in front of your jungler didn't even drop a flash. KT did a very good job with this wave of tower jump. "

Junri: "Then the question is now! With Crocodile and Spider Flash in hand, what will happen if Canna comes in the next wave? KT's military training will not end with just one wave."

"Here we go! Desert Spider Classic Tower Jump."

"The details of this resistance change are really detailed. The eye-catching tower jump in the previous APK made me numb."

"Spider-crocodile is so disgusting. Military training for this thing is too easy."

"Canna: You bitch, can't you afford to play with it? It only lasted three minutes and you shook people."

"So spiders are so good at catching people at the third level? I think of Teacher Ma's spider that doesn't catch people."

"Teacher Ma's top understanding: Spider is a hero that has no advantages, so I just have to brush it. Even if my teammates call me retarded, I still want to develop it, but I just don't catch it."


After getting first blood, Lin Cheng went back and bought two small long swords, and the extra gold coins bought a control guard.

Saving TP, Lin Cheng ran to the line while communicating with Bono.

"Jin Jifan, later you come back to the top lane and kill the opponent once. If you try again, the opponent's top lane will collapse."

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