This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2308 Just tell me whether you won this wave or not?

Seeing that he was in jail as soon as he got off the road, Hongmi in the Jingdong lounge couldn't help but sigh.

When preparing for the game, he studied a lot of videos of the quarter-finals. He believed that the main reason why RNG was so badly suppressed in the bottom lane was because they took the Titans by force.

Therefore, deliberately pressed down the big head this time and selected Aphelios + Lulu. Lulu has a strong laning ability and just wants to protect the bottom lane.

Even if you can't beat the laning, you can't be overwhelmed like RNG. Aphelios's ability to deal damage with a little normal development is not comparable to that of an AD like Ice.

Once the opponent's strong pressure line combination in the bottom lane can be broken, it will be much easier for JD BP in the future.

As a result, I didn't expect the opponent to backhand a hot male support, but he still had to press down to death.

Why did the bottom lane become like this in the World Championship?

There is no such thing as an auxiliary soul!

Can't you just play games?

But it’s actually a headache for KT to play JD like this.

They can't come up with any strong line combination in the bottom lane. Hope has been playing Zeliyue Nan and Sivir for a year. likes to use a strong overall lineup, which is not suitable for KT's scientific research.

In KT, there is a big father who has the bottom line. The two old guys in the bottom lane can grab the lane as much as they want and feel comfortable. They only need to play the lane and control the resources. There is no need to worry about the extreme pursuit of lane play in the bottom lane without the ability to hold the bottom line.

Jingdong, who was on the bottom road, saw that he was in jail. When the camera turned, the sword girl above was also being beaten.

Just as Jian Ji's Q was showing off, she wanted to use W to block Sword Demon's third Q. Lin Cheng handed E in time and moved sideways to avoid Jian Ji's Laurent's Heart Sword.

Sword Girl failed to hit the porcelain and immediately retreated, but was still stabbed by the sword demon with his death-giving sword energy.

Sword Girl was half-blooded and already taking drugs.

"Hey! Here comes the camera. Why did Brother 69 lose so much blood? The pressure seems a bit high."

"It's not right to go on the road! Logically speaking, the sword demon shouldn't be able to overwhelm the sword queen in the first three levels, especially this kind of immortal sword queen."

The rhythm in the early stages of this round was relatively smooth, and there was no early kill kill, but KT actually played more aggressively on the line.

Lin Cheng had to look for opportunities to develop when he was suppressed at 369 on the road. Even the Immortal Sword Girl didn't dare to Q casually. If he couldn't find a flaw, he would be chased by the Sword Demon. Even if he could find a flaw, there would be a blood exchange because there were too many minions. deficit.

To put it bluntly, if the top laner is suppressed in a 1v1 push, he will basically lose the right to actively exchange blood.

Moreover, the hero Sword Demon has long hands and is very capable of harassing the opponent's tower-replenishing sword. It is also uncomfortable to grow in front of the 369 tower.

Although Mr. Dai in the bottom lane missed a shot due to too much pressure and had no obvious last-hit advantage in the matchup, his lane rights were very stable. Brother Cuzz and Zhumei Qed down the wall to steal the dragon in five minutes, and in the middle of the fight he asked his teammates to come over and cover. He successfully captured Xiaolong.

As 8 minutes approached, KT finished pushing the line in the bottom lane and advanced to the top.

Pig girl activated the vanguard on time. did not let the duo get closer and chose to let go of Pioneer.

"It's so uncomfortable.'s number one dragon can't compete with Pioneer."

"Originally, after level 6, Foyego + Ice Girl were very strong in a fight, but since both the upper and lower wings were suppressed, we had no choice but to let go of the vanguard."

"KT saw that JD didn't plan to fight for the vanguard, so the duo went to the middle and then returned. Aphelios couldn't even take the tapi, so he lost a vanguard."

The first wave of fierce collisions occurred in the 9th minute.

Lin Cheng's Sword Demon pressed Sword Girl in front of the tower, and Jingdong Nakano leaned up one after another.

Since Foego came out from the flank and harassed the Czar twice, it was Ice Girl's forward push for the time being, and Toothpaste found an opportunity to roam.

"Here he comes! The sword demon is about to be attacked."

"Before, the Sword Lady was suppressed too hard. Her army line was not good and Foego's GANK was not good. This time, Toothpaste is also behind."

Not long after the ice girl disappeared, her teammates gave her the message. Lin quickly turned around and retreated, but Kanavi's Foego had already detoured out of the river first.

Kanavi charges up W Qianzai Youyan in person.

The E skill was still on CD, Lin Cheng activated the Great Destruction, and with a sudden acceleration, the Sword Demon turned around and just dodged Foyego's close range W. He turned back with his Q sword edge and smashed the Sword Queen behind him, and the Sword Demon turned around and pulled her back. .

Sword Queen Q moved, but she couldn't touch the fast-running Sword Demon immediately.

The Sword Demon continued to retreat at an accelerated speed and did not try to release the second Q.

The ice girl had already come closer, her crampons stuck to the thick wall at the corner of the river.

Seeing Jingdong forming an encirclement, Beryl's hot boy suddenly emerged from under the blue square tower.




Three sound effects sounded almost at the same time.

Beryl flashed over and tried to use EQ to control the Ice Girl to prevent the Sword Demon from being focused.

But just as Toothpaste also flashed decisively to think of the Great Sword Demon, Huo Man's Q was short.

As for Lin Cheng, he dodged in advance to get out of position, allowing the ice girl to dodge over and not reach him immediately.

Then, the three of them flashed down, and the Ice Girl backhanded her ultimate move to the Fire Man who was running towards her in both directions.

Lin Cheng's E skill improved and he tried to use the second stage QE to save the fire man, but after all, Beryl couldn't escape without dodge.

Freed from the freeze of the Frozen Tomb and the shackles of the Ring of Frost, Beryl only had time to use the remaining two skills before being killed by Foyego.

Even with three people on their faces, Huo Man's W was still empty.

"The Sword Demon is being chased and intercepted by three people... The Fire Man comes quickly! Then Beryl will die for Brother Orange!"

"KT made an mistake in this cooperation. The Sword Demon has already flashed and pulled away, and the Fire Man has flashed over and sent it off again!"

"It's not bad! The first blood was given to Foego, and the 2-on-1 fight in the bottom lane was temporarily relieved."

"But the Tsar is coming..."

Just when the commentator thought that this wave of Jingdong had killed one and was about to retreat, Rookie's Czar rushed over in time, drifted over from a super distance, and the Czar flashed his ultimate move to attack the Wall of the Forbidden Army.

The Ice Girl and Foego, who had transformed into a Fire Man, were pushed towards the Sword Demon. Lin Cheng hit the Q just before entering the CD in the third paragraph, knocking both of them away at the same time.

The armor-piercing sword demon does very high damage in the early stage. Originally, the three Jingdong brothers were depleted by the fire man's death move. The sword demon's backhand gave him death sword energy and combined with the sand soldiers, instantly killed the ice girl.

Foego's ultimate move moves far away.

The sword demon has refreshed the great destruction and accelerated the pursuit.


Foego crosses the body and pulls his body.

But at this moment, Pig Girl also came over from the river.

Although the Grapefruit Thief's QR sniper did not hit directly, Foyego was slowed down by the Extreme Ice Prison and could only watch the Sword Demon being destroyed and rushing towards his face.

In the end, in addition to Sword Girl successfully escaping, Foyego was also successfully killed by Sword Demon.

Lin Cheng scored a double kill.

Zeyuan: "It's broken, Brother Chengzi has two heads! KT's support came too fast."

Miller: "Although it seems that Beryl was sent away in the first wave, he deceived's key skills and let the Czar come over to directly counterattack the Sword Demon. Cuzz also came very quickly."

"send! Brother Chengzi, the sword demon has two heads, 369 can wait until 15 to initiate surrender》

"Old Green, this hot guy is so funny, all the skills that can be used by flashing in the past are empty"

"You just want to say whether you won or not this time?" (Dog Head)》

"This wave of hot men physically seduce and make great achievements"

"KT is fishing on purpose, using Genshin Impact to make a nest (laughing and crying)"

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