This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2312 Magic cannot be defeated with magic

On the other side, after returning to the lounge, the KT players were chatting easily. Only Lin Cheng was sitting in the corner of the sofa, frowning and thinking about something.

"What's wrong? You're looking sad. I almost thought I lost the last round."

Hearing Sister Sheng Xi's words, Lin Cheng turned his head and said, "I actually felt dissatisfied with the last game. I didn't perform well."

Chi Shengxi was speechless, "Hey! Isn't this called a failure to perform well? You are playing in the World Championship, not the Silver Round, and you are already killing people indiscriminately and yet you are saying you have not performed well."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Isn't this my own feeling?"

He glanced left and right, winked mischievously and whispered: "Sister Sheng Xi gave me such a powerful BUFF yesterday. I don't think it's enough even if I don't kill him thirty or fifty times."


Chi Shengxi squinted her eyes and glanced at him, "Then my sister won't put any more psychological burden on you. Stop thinking about it and concentrate on your training."


Seeing Lin Cheng's hesitant expression, Chi Shengxi turned his head away with a smile.

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth.


If you don’t add a psychological burden to me, then I will add a physical burden to you!

Hmm~~~How much does a tablespoon of liquid weigh?

How many tablespoons of infusion is enough?

After a short break, both players returned to the competition seats.

When comes to the blue side, BAN first and choose first.

The blue side took down the big head + fire man + Karma with the first three hands.

"Hey! The knife girl is released again!"

Seeing all these BAN people, Zeyuan couldn't stand it anymore, "Is the BP change that is trying to release Dao Girl? This is too hard! Three BANs in the bottom lane?"

Miller: "Well~~KT's bottom lane is indeed due to the combination of lane rights. The dragon control rate in the early stage of this World Championship is very amazing, but it feels like a loss if you invest all the first three BAN positions in the bottom lane."

"Unless Dao Mei releases 369 and can really handle it, this BP really makes no sense."

The audience was in awe.

KT fans are celebrating.

God's Blade Dancer can be seen again.

JD fans are wailing.

Has BP reached a point where they must consider releasing Dao Mei to relieve the pressure on the bottom lane?

Is the pressure so great?

In the camera, Lin Cheng smiled happily.

"Brother Cheng laughed! There is still someone who dares to let Dao Mei go? 》

"Hongmi has gone crazy, can this knife girl let go?" 》

"Red Rice is crazy, Brother 69 is stupid, Brother Chengzi is laughing"

"I actually understand Hongmi. Anyway, the opponent's upper lane can't be targeted, so why not target Gengcai's bottom lane?" 》

"The two old climbers in KT's bottom lane are really good at their operations, but it also depends on who they are competing against. The two old climbers on are not as good as the opposite old climbers."

"The key is that although the operation of these two old guys KT is not top-notch, the hero pool is bottomless, and BP is actually difficult to target."

Start selecting people.

Although KT still did not target Sword Demon, JD still did not dare to take Sword Demon to 369 first, and chose to grab Ashe first on the blue side.

"The importance KT showed to Ashe finally made have to find a way to deal with it, and they can no longer let Ashe to their opponents."

"If you have three BANs and grab one, must get the line rights in this bottom lane."

Lin Cheng locked the knife girl instantly on the first floor of the red square.

At this moment, cheers reached the ceiling.

Fans always look forward to Lin Cheng's sword girl.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! Brother Chengzi is really confident about locking Dao Girl, and the pressure is on Brother 69."

Miller: "Brother 69 has his signature Jax, which is very effective against Sword Girl. Do you want to choose it? If you don't take it in the first round, you may be banned."

Except for Sword Girl, the red side took out Varus on the second floor.

He is still a very aggressive hero.

The blue side backhanded Ice Girl + Lulu.

"Ice Girl and Lulu, probably want to get wild cores for Kanavi! None of the first three are heroes who can be big brothers."

The red side won Pig Girl on the third floor. This hero works well with the online Sword Girl.

In the second round, both BAN players were very targeted.

KT pressed the male gun + Foyego continuously, and obviously saw that the opponent wanted to get the wild core. has banned Silas + Wet Nurse.

Second round selection.

The Czar came out first on the fourth floor of KT. selected Belves on the fourth floor, and they really want to start the game with Kanavi as the core.

When the blue side's last choice was revealed, the audience was dumbfounded.

stone man.

Zeyuan: "Stone Man! Wow! It's really locked."

Hirano Aya: "It's not bad! This one is easy to fight the sword girl. It will also be a good addition to Jingdong's lineup to supplement the team."

Miller: "I'm looking forward to it! I thought Brother 69 would use Jax to counter, but the Stone Man is indeed more team-oriented, and the Stone Man can also beat the Sword Girl in the lane."

Zeyuan: "This is about using magic to defeat magic! The regular lineup can't handle KT. You do research and I do the same. Anyway, the stone man can still be useful no matter how you explode it."

"Brother Ba has landed in a different place!" 》

"Smart Moffett"

"Stone Man players around the world quickly quit the game and give up their shared brains to Brother 69"

"Let Maggot go offline and don't pollute Malphite's brain network"

"Can a Stone Hit a Sword Girl?" Big hand, tell me》

"Easy to fight, no operation required"

"Jingdong four guarantees and one jungler?" Aren’t you afraid of Koreans serving their country loyally? 》

Just when everyone was shocked by Jingdong's stone man, the red Fang Wulou backhand finally locked Zyra.

"Zyra? Wow! Is that all it takes?"

Everyone in Zeyuan was numb, "Zyra + Varus, KT's bottom lane hero pool is too deep, and it's too weird. If you really want to grab the lane, you can choose anything, right?"

Miller: "I don't know what this combination is. If the bottom lane still can't win the lane, BP, which invested in the bottom lane, will go bankrupt!"

Hirano Aya: "This is the first time that Sword Demon has been released in the World Championship and no one has been selected. KT has completely misled the BP. It is really difficult to prepare BP to play against this team."

Entering the game, the bottom lane matchup between the two sides naturally became the focus of the game.

Then the commentator discovered that KT's Zyra is a bit of a replacement for the big head.

Zyra can plant plants and throw skills to grab the lane without thinking. Varus is also a very strong hero in the lane. Although at level one, Varus + Zyra have no advantage, but as the level increases, Ashe + Lu Naturally, Lu couldn't get over the line.

The commentator also saw that Beryl's Zyra is probably not very skilled.

But this hero is unreasonable in trying to seize the line. He has the same idea as the big boss. Even if his skills are not accurate, he still has a turret. The opponent who is trying to seize the line is really temperamental.

What's more, Mr. Dai Varus follows the Poke stream.

After Varus' Sawtooth Dagger came out, the bottom lane was completely dominated by the KT duo, and the two brothers began practicing skill shooting.

Ashe is a hero who needs to be pushed continuously to be powerful. After being pushed to the lane, W can't hit anyone, and she also has to face the consumption of Varus and Zyra, which is very stressful.

Seeing that the bottom lane started to go to jail early again, Hongmi in the background smiled bitterly and scratched his head.

Each team has its own style. has always followed a team approach, and their line-fighting abilities are actually not particularly outstanding.

In fact, there are very few teams in the LPL now that place special emphasis on laning. They all look for collisions at a fast pace in the early stage. Only by choosing a lineup with strong small-scale team battles can they quickly accumulate advantages.

But the KT I met this time was really different.

In addition to the slightly better middle line, KT emphasized the two wing lines to the extreme in this year's World Championship.

KT's top lane has always been the strongest confrontation lane. This year, KT's bottom lane has madly increased its line control rate due to its exaggerated tactical reserves, thereby establishing an advantage in the early resource competition.

The laning abilities of Mr. Dai and Brother Genshin Impact cannot be said to be top-notch, but the hero pool of these two old guys is endless.

With Lin Cheng, they don't have to think too much about the issue of team battles, they just need to try to maximize their early laning intensity.

As a result, KT has all kinds of strange combinations in the bottom lane.

This is a clear-cut play. Unless the opponent's jungler can always catch GANK opportunities unexpectedly to break the rhythm, the opponent will be forced to work hard on basic skills and alignment.

But the opponent can't just randomly choose heroes in the bottom lane like KT, and there's nothing they can do about it if they fight with an inferior combination and get pressured in the lane.

Because, no matter which team faces KT, the top lane can be said to be a hard power gap, but the bottom lane is really helpless.

Even’s bot lane itself has shortcomings.

Hope is considered an upper-middle-class AD in the LPL. He has the ability to protect himself if he develops steadily, but his basic skills are relatively weak and his hero pool is shallow. He is very deadly against the top bot laners of the LCK.

Missing's problem is mainly that the hero pool is not enough. His performance is not bad when he gets the signature hero, but once he is stuck in the hero pool with Beryl, he is unable to do what he wants.

The training match was crushed by T1's bot lane operation, and the official match was crushed by KT's bot lane hero pool. Jingdong's bot lane came to the United States and suffered a lot.

And the stone man who took out 369 on the road is also in jail.

Theoretically, the Stone Man can beat Dao Mei, but the upper limit of a hero like Dao Mei is too high.

Originally, 369 imagined that he could make the knife girl unable to lift the knife with just one E, and the picture of Q slowing down and opening W and directly slapping the opponent's head so hard that it made the opponent's head buzz didn't appear at all.

The stone man is being beaten from beginning to end.

Dao Girl Q replied, her hands were longer than those of the Stone Man. Lin Cheng did the details and pulled 369 until his scalp was numb.

369 originally thought that he had learned how to pull, but it was only at this moment that he discovered that he still had many shortcomings.

Is what bsyy said right?

Am I really not good at pulling?

Of course, 369 found that the lane was not going well, and 369 had no clue. The stone man maintained his state and remained stubborn, but he was not afraid of being jumped by the sword girl, and patiently waited for the team battle to work hard.

The worst possible outcome is raising a father!

However, there was also a problem with’s core Belves.

As the vanguard refreshed, Kanavi entered the tower for a while while chasing the half-blooded Tsar in the middle. He was flash controlled by Pig Girl Q and lost resources. Then Jingdong fell into a huge disadvantage in the early stage.

In the last game, Jingdong barely managed to win a wave thanks to team battles, but this game has nothing to say.

While Belvis' development was not good, Lin Cheng's sword girl killed him from start to finish.

Although Beryl's Zyra seems a little unskilled, it is indeed very useful in team battles.

Every time the opponent wanted to attack Dao Mei first, Zyra would throw his ultimate move directly at Dao Mei's feet, which was equivalent to a disguised form of protection, and then wait for Lin Cheng to get up and kill the opponent.

In the end, KT easily rewritten the score to 2:0.

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