This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2405 The legend continues

The interview is still going on.

Sjokz: "Next, I want to ask Cuzz, how did your team communicate and adjust when you were at a disadvantage in the third game? And why did your Viego perform so well?"

"Well~~~ Although the opponent has an advantage, the economy is concentrated on Jinx. We all said that we should leave Jinx to Lin Cheng, and I only need to take care of my part."

At this point, Cuzz couldn't help laughing.

The audience also laughed.

What a slacker's speech?

Throwing the difficult problems to the big brother, right?

Brother Cuzz didn't have any psychological barriers, and scratched his head again: "About myself... Actually, I didn't play well before. I felt a little guilty for losing many punishments in the first game."

"But my teammates comforted me that it didn't matter, saying that we could win the game even if I didn't bring punishment, so I couldn't let everyone down."

"Lin Cheng said that he could keep an eye on Jinx, so I told myself that I should stand up and share the responsibility for my teammates."

Brother Cuzz looked a little timid on the stage, but what he said made the audience couldn't help but give warm applause.

"Look! What is the situation of a champion jungler?"

"Grapefruit Thief's last Viego was really awesome! (Call)"

"This god-ghost duality is sometimes very abstract, and sometimes so fierce that it's hard to understand"

"The bottom lane collapsed, the mid laner is a Galio, and Orange Brother is a Shen who needs teammates, but Cuzz really stood up"

"Now the question is: Can a jungler win the game without punishment? (Funny)"

"Good question, a certain LPL jungler asks with real name"

"Yes! The premise is that it is in KT jungle (Doghead)》

Sjokz asked Rookie again: "As we all know, the Summoner's Cup has always been an honor that ordinary players can hardly reach. Rookie, how do you feel about getting your second finals trophy after four years?"

Rookie raised the microphone: "Very happy! A lot of things happened last year... I thought the distance from the championship was getting farther and farther, but I didn't expect to win the championship again in another team."

"I want to thank the fans who have always supported me, and the teammates who have worked hard together, and have worked hard together before. Without you, I..."

As he spoke, his voice choked a little.

He wiped his eyes subconsciously.

"Ah! I don't know why, tears quietly flowed out."

The audience gave warm applause and cheers, and someone shouted loudly in Korean not to cry.

Rookie is also a person with delicate emotions. If the tears in Incheon in 2018 were the excitement of long-term perseverance, then now it is the surprise that he can't help but get in the twilight of his career.

《Tears! He also thanked his former teammates. Brother Sun, have you watched the live broadcast? 》

《No more talking, I'm going to rewatch the S8 finals》

《Incheon people gather! 》


《Ten years of chicken offal uninvited! Come on Song Yijin! 》

《I, Jack Lawu, come to support Old Song with my real name! 》

《Back off! No organization and no discipline! Did you beat Vietnam? 》

Rookie finally managed to hold back his emotions, stumbling to thank his teammates and girlfriend for their support, which moved countless viewers.

As a result, the camera turned.

Lin Cheng was whispering to Bery on the side, while putting his arm around her shoulder. Lin Cheng pointed at Rookie and smiled particularly brightly, revealing two rows of neat and white teeth.

Beryl also smiled happily.

《Haha! Atmosphere destroyer Lin Xiaocheng, you are worthy of it! 》

《Old Green: Another bonus to buy Genshin Impact, hehehe》

《Brother Cheng, take Rookie to win another championship next year! Become a triple crown (poor)》

《Turtle! If Rouji won three championships and had 1557 in hand, how anxious would Keza be? 》

《Don't stay with KT, Rookie should come back next year after adjusting well, LPL is your home》

《Which team should he return to? Last year, IG was too bad and almost made Rouji lose his job》

《Double-champion mid laner, is he still afraid of not having a team when he returns to LPL? 》

《It's better to bring Brother Orange back with him (sinister)》

《Bring Brother Orange to Top Esports next year and compete with A Shui again! 》

《Next year, we will see Top Esports fans running the team, right? I can't even imagine these IDs together (snickering)》

《TS: What about me? Am I redundant? (crying)》

Mr. Dai finally held back during the interview this time. As an experienced defending AD, he won't cry easily. He just smiled and told fans that this last dance may not end this year.

Countless fans are looking forward to the arrival of 0.

Rascal smiled very slavishly and thanked his teammates crazily for giving him the right to choose skins.

Then, the host was about to interview the coach, and the audience realized something was wrong.

Where's the coach?

Where's KT's head coach?

Poor Mr. Kang, few people noticed that he was not there before.

There was no other way, so Brother A had to do the interview instead.

The director was so mean that he cut to the lounge in real time, and the online audience saw Mr. Kang lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and a peaceful look on his face.

"I live in Bengbu! 233333"

"Mr. Kang, get up! Brother A has usurped the throne!!!"

"KT's title is confirmed!" The coach dreams that all the players can win》

"I suggest that KT kick Mr. Kang and I become a coach, and the salary is only one-tenth of Mr. Kang's"

"You still want a salary?" What a shame! 》

"The foot god's only chance to clear his name is here!" Go to KT and be a coach for a year to gain a fortune, and you can still find a job when you come back (insidious)"

"I'm afraid that if he leads KT to dive for 18 consecutive defeats, then it will be really difficult (baring teeth)"

After briefly interviewing everyone on the field, the host announced the winner of FMVP.

Not surprisingly, Lin Cheng won the title again.

In the past, the host would also add some suspense, but now he doesn't make any false announcements directly.

Everyone has guessed it anyway.

In a separate interview with FMVP, Lin Cheng naturally did not forget to help Xiaomin advertise again.

It's a pity that the sisters have no plans to come back this year, otherwise they can still promote the album or something.

There is no other way. It takes a long time to prepare for return. Except for Brother Jing, it is still very tiring for the other sisters who have already started to get involved.

After the award presentation, the host left the stage and left the stage to the contestants.

The crowd once again surrounded the trophy.

"3, 2, 1, champion!"

The silver trophy was raised high, blue and white ribbons were flying in the sky, and the stage lights were shining.

At this moment, KT’s myth of three consecutive championships was sealed.

It also set the stage for Lin Cheng’s three-year journey.

Zeyuan: "A historical moment! A legendary moment! Dear Summoners, I am honored to witness with you the birth of the only three consecutive championships in the history of League of Legends!"

"Brother Orange! The only three-time champion, he personally engraved his and KT's names in the Hall of Honor of the League of Legends, and they will never fade!"

Wanwan, who had been holding back for a long time outside the screen, finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "Come on, Brother Cheng! There will be a fourth championship next year, and the legend continues! Go for it!!!!"

"Wanwan is so cute!" 》

"Is this already scheduled for four crowns? It’s not good to be too greedy (grimace)》

"It is said that this year's KT is a Chinese team, so this championship also belongs to our LPL, right?" 》

"Not just this year?" Counting KT's three championships, our LPL has won five consecutive championships! 》

"we are the champion! (cheer)"

"KRD show me some respect from now on!" LPL is the first division (call)》

"Almost done!" If not KT, who can stop T1 in the finals? 》

"It's all 0:3, you guys are more noble, right?" 》

"T1's hard power might just be a bad top four!" They were all swept by KT, and RNG may not be able to beat T1》

"RNG is the hard power runner-up!" 》()

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