This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2407: What’s so great about being here first?

Brother's worry is not without reason.

Lin Weixiang was scolded for choosing Vayne skin in S9.

"Just choose Xayah and Lucian, don't you know whether they are worthy of VN?"

"Just pick a Twisted Fate without losing face! The world championship is still yours, this has not changed"

"Don't be shameless! Are you deliberately looking for a sense of existence?"

"You should be self-aware! What is the highlight of your Vayne?"

At that time, such remarks emerged in an endless stream, and even after so many years, there are still people chasing after them in Lin Weixiang's live broadcast room.

"Why can't I choose Vayne skin? Not only can I choose it, but I can also sign my name on it."

In other words, Lin Weixiang has a good mentality and doesn't care what others say.

But brother's personality will not be rude to others in the live broadcast room, and it is really possible that he will be led by someone with ulterior motives.

After all, fans are unreasonable.

Even Ning Wang's Camille skin is about to be taken away by the domestic oranges. People often mock Ning Wang's Camille in the live broadcast room, saying that it is not as good as Lin Cheng.

Ning Wang is so stingy that he holds a grudge against Lin Cheng.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng can't be criticized, and he can't comment on Lin Cheng every day like he does Tarzan.

So Ning Wang basically didn't comment on Lin Cheng before, and didn't watch KT's games much.

He can't criticize, but he doesn't want to admit that he is good.

As a result, RooKie and Lin Cheng became teammates this year, and KT's games can't be ignored. Ning Wang had to cheer for Rookie and watch Lin Cheng's explosion on the court with a face full of discomfort.

It can be imagined that the stingy Ning Wang's hatred value has been accumulated.

Just waiting for the day when Lin Cheng becomes a loser.

I also know that fans are the group that is best at stirring up hatred and making trouble, so when faced with Lin Cheng's joking suggestion, he immediately agreed.

So, the two drafted an application on the spot.

Application for Camille's champion skin:

Rascal (Kim Kwang-hee) won the S12 League of Legends World Championship and needs to apply to Cheng (Lin Cheng) for Camille's champion skin.

I hereby apply!

Hope it will be approved.



November 17, 2022.

I first wrote my name in the applicant column, and Lin Cheng also signed his name in the approver column on the spot, and also pressed his handprint.

Who knows where Rascal got the ink.

Looking at Lin Cheng's bright red fingerprints, I was delighted: "OK! In this way, I won't be afraid of your fans making trouble in the future. After I retire, I will hang this on the wall behind me for live broadcasts, and the traffic will definitely not be small."

Lin Cheng smiled.

Not bad!

It's much more impressive to hang a champion skin application on the live broadcast than to put a flower pot or something.

After joking with me for a while, Lin Cheng went back to the room, took a shower, and lay down on the bed.

He took out his mobile phone and started to report to his wives.

I won the championship again! I thought of you the first thing I thought of when I came back, love you! (Kiss)

Editing the good news, he began to quickly check the list of contacts to prepare for mass sending.

No choice, I don’t want to be partial to one person, so I just sent it to the group. Otherwise, if he keeps chatting with everyone, he won’t have much time to do serious things in his life.

Tap by tap, Lin Cheng moves quickly.

1, 2, 3... Why can’t one page be displayed completely?

Do I have so many wives?

Lin Cheng pulls down to check carefully.

Sister Shuyan, Xiaotong, Sister Shiyan...

Lin Cheng patiently checked it and found that he had also checked Xiaojuan and Sister Mian in the recent chat, so he quickly cancelled them.


Looking at the still huge list, he became distressed again.

Ah! Happy troubles.

Will Brother Cheng be squeezed dry sooner or later?

But Lin Cheng felt that it was not his fault.

I don’t know where the feelings come from.

It’s normal for the old pervert to be more philanthropic, but he is more active than ordinary people.

It seems that I suddenly have the motivation to exercise again.

Without an invulnerable kidney and body, ordinary people really can't stand it.

At this time, it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon on the weekend in Korean time.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong led Enxi and Xiaoying to have a picnic in the park with their two sisters.

Zheng Shiyan sat on a mat under the shade of a tree and chatted with Jiang Subin, occasionally looking at her daughter's cheerful figure on the grass next to her, enjoying the rare laziness and peace.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong were playing "Eagle Catches Chicken" with two little girls and Hanzi.

The two girls hid behind Han Shuyan to avoid Xiaotong's capture, and their short legs struggled hard, with crisp exclamations and giggles constantly ringing.

Hanzi jumped up and down beside him to join in the fun, but it blocked the little master's escape route, causing Xiaoying to be caught first, and Xiaoying was so angry that she shouted and chased Hanzi to beat him.

Seeing Hanzi running over to seek shelter, Jiang Subin kicked him away, and Xiaoying took the opportunity to grab the Husky's tail.

Hanzi looked at the hostess with grievance, wailing and struggling to continue running away.

Jiang Subin clapped his hands, looking like a person watching a fire from the other side of the river.

Zheng Shiyan looked at her, "Aren't you afraid that Xiaoying will fall? Don't let her chase the dog."

"What does it matter? It won't hurt if she falls. Children should be lively and happy."

Jiang Subin stretched lazily, and her round and bulging belly was like a full moon hanging high in the sky. As she moved, the hem of her sweater slightly revealed a crystal flat belly, and the vertical line of her belly button was faintly visible.

"It's rare to come out and relax once. It feels good, right?"


Just as Zheng Shiyan was about to speak, a message alert sounded on her phone.

Just in time, Jiang Subin's cell phone also rang.

She took out her phone and took a look.

Stunned for a moment.

Then he couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Subin looked up and saw his friend looking at the phone screen calmly.

Zheng Shiyan quickly clicked on the screen to reply, then put down the phone.

Based on experience, Jiang Subin was pretty sure that the most she replied was a character like 'en'.

She knows Zheng Shiyan too well.

"Tsk tsk! News about Lin Cheng? Why don't you reply more?"

Before Jiang Subin could joke, Zheng Shiyan looked over expressionlessly: "Who sent you the message?"


What does it mean?

They can’t send it to me, right?

"It seems you are not the only one who has received the news."

Jiang Subin turned around and pointed at the two sisters on the other side. The two little girls were chasing the dogs next to them. Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong just took out their mobile phones to check.

Xiao Tong looked at her screen and smiled.

Then she turned to look at Han Shuyan's phone, and her smile immediately disappeared.

"That bastard! Even the messages are sent in groups, damn it!"

Miss Xiao was so angry that she gritted her teeth and scolded a certain scumbag for his perfunctory attitude on the spot.

Han Shuyan just smiled, her curved eyes extremely gentle.

"Tsk, tsk! They must have received the same message. Didn't that guy even consider that his wife would exchange messages when sending them in groups?"

Jiang Subin was a little gloating, and she asked Zheng Shiyan with a smile: "Hey! What did Lin Cheng send you? Is it the same as Shuyan and Xiaotong? Tell me."

Zheng Shiyan turned to look at her, still expressionless: "Who sent you the message just now?"



What attitude?

Isn’t it amazing that you came first? ()

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