This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 236 Tetsuo is so fat that he has a pain mask in five minutes

Spider continued to train his opponent on the road, and Tetsuo's knees could be said to have been broken.

At least in the early stage, Canna couldn't stand up and was destined to be pressed down and beaten by the crocodile.

After Bono was assigned the Tapi economy, he immediately returned to make up for the damage and moved into the lower half.

Xiaolong has been refreshed. KT's duo has the advantage of pushing the lane. Bono directly runs to activate Xiaolong.

Junri: "Bono's rhythm in this game is great! Although he fell behind in the jungle count, he successfully ganked on the road and forced out the Tsar's TP. He is a rare spider in the LCK this season who can play a rhythm."

Corgi: "T1 can only release this little dragon. The duo of Tauren and Kaisha are pushed out by the ice. The key is that Iron Man is behind the TP on the top lane. If T1 dares to look at the little dragon more than once, something will happen."

Junri: "Xiaolong will definitely not be able to compete. Tetsuo is so miserable that Pioneer T1 will not be able to compete. This pace is really a big test for Cuzz."

Corgi: "Yes, when a hero like Olaf is selected, he is most afraid of the disadvantages of his teammates in the lane. If his teammates don't have lane power, it will be really difficult for Olaf to do anything.

Although T1 is not considered a third-line inferior, in fact, both side lanes are suppressed. In addition, Tetsuo is still behind TP, which is basically equivalent to a third-line inferior. Even if the middle lane Tsar pushes the lane, he will not be able to provide Olaf with too much at this time. Much help. "

Junri: "Olav will be forced to go shopping again in this game, but now T1 has no better way, so let's let go. Anyway, they are quite familiar with this situation this season."

When Bono went to control Xiaolong, Lin Cheng ran back to the line and continued to put pressure on Tetsuo.

Logically speaking, if your own jungler is usually attacking Xiaolong from below, the top laner should put out lanes to prevent being ganked.

But Tetsuo is really miserable. As long as Kuro keeps an eye on the tsar position in the middle, Lin Cheng is not afraid of Olaf coming over even if Lin Cheng's Crocodile Horse rises by six.

Olaf really dares to come over, this big crocodile can beat two.

Lin Cheng kept pushing the line, and the red side had already discovered that the spider in the lower half was attacking the dragon. Canna was no longer weak, so she stood within the range of her own defense tower and threw her Q to add a minion.

Can't this person see that I'm turning red with anger?

You don’t think I won’t dare to take action while standing under the tower, do you?

Seeing that Tetsuo still dared to stand under the defense tower and throw Q to clear the line, Lin Cheng's crocodile E shot passed through the minions and rushed into Tetsuo's face.

Canna reacted quickly. Seeing the crocodile's sudden advance, Canna immediately released the E skill at his feet.

A huge green claw formed in front, and then retracted sharply after a delay.

Lin Cheng reacted faster and immediately canceled the plan of Red Fury W and chose AQ to start.

After Lin Cheng hit Red Fury Q to damage at the speed of light, he immediately returned diagonally with the second stage of E. The crocodile rolled just to avoid the angle of retraction of the giant claw, and was not dragged back to the tower.

At this time, the defense tower attacked and chased him out, knocking out some of the crocodile's health.

Since Tetsuo had surrendered W to restore health before, there was no shield to block the damage from Crocodile's Red Fury Q, so the blood loss was still quite obvious.

Crocodile's skill set consumption is very flexible, and there is never a completely fixed combination formula.

If Lin Cheng had chosen to use Red Fury W just now, he would have been pulled under the tower by Tetsuo E due to the stiffness of his W skill, and he would have suffered a loss in blood exchange.

Only by constantly ensuring the advantage of blood exchange can we truly suppress the opponent's development.

Lin Cheng turned around and continued to build up his anger with Soldier A, and reached level six just when he had completely pushed the troop line into the tower.

Tetsuo avoided the crocodile to repair the tower and sent troops, and even gave the crocodile a hammer with his backhand.

Lin Cheng ignored him and arrogantly twisted left and right under the opponent's tower, then went up and took the opportunity to explode.

After clicking the blast button, Lin Cheng glanced at the soldier line and swaggered directly across the top tower on the red side to intercept the newly arrived soldiers.

Junri: "I'm starting to act like a human being! I eat tapioca in front of you, and then I have to disconnect. It's only been more than 5 minutes. Canna, a strong man, must be too fat! It takes only 5 minutes to put on the pain mask." .”

Corky: "The key is that T1 really has nothing to do against him for the time being. Tetsuo and Olaf, who have just reached level 5, can't beat this level 6 crocodile. At least they have to be surrounded by the Czar in the middle."

Junri: "When a short-handed warrior swaggers in front of your top laner and eats tapiga and disconnects, it means that your top lane disadvantage is already very large."

"A classic behavior of jumping over the tower and disconnecting, not being a human being, showing off to the teacher."

"The Major is so cool! That iron man was so fat that I almost died laughing."

"It's a big deal in five minutes, how can you play with the crocodile on the opposite side? 2333."

"The labor and management in RANK hate it most when an opponent disconnects me like this. It feels very humiliating."

"It is recommended that LOL learn from the next door and add a reward mechanism. I want to see the interaction between players."


In fact, Lin Cheng, who just passed by the tower, finally suppressed the idea of ​​attacking Tetsuo.

Even under the tower, he doesn't want his opponents to be stunned.

However, since he didn't know Olaf's location, Lin Cheng thought about it again and held back.

After all, the advantage is already big enough now, and it would be stupid to send him back in a wave.

Kuro: "The Czar is coming closer, Lin Cheng, please leave quickly."

When Bono killed the dragon below, Lin Cheng had already disconnected. After receiving Kuro's prompt, Lin Cheng immediately got into the red square jungle area.

Hiding in the pit of stone men, the crocodile directly lit up its TP and fell towards the blue BUFF grass in the lower half of the red square.

This control guard was inserted when Tusin was covering Bono's dragon fight just now, and it has not been eliminated by the opponent yet.

Lin Cheng: "Golden Holy Land, push the line quickly, I can jump down the tower."

Bono: "You have a view of the triangular grass on the other side. You cover it from behind. You can then go up after I get out."

While communicating, the spider touched the red triangular grass from the river.

Junri: "The Tsar is pushing the lane to find the Crocodile, and Olaf is also rushing to the upper half... Brother Orange is turning T! The Crocodile wants to TP to go down and attack the duo."

Corgi: "The red side has eyes in the wild and has noticed that the spider is approaching, but what they don't know is that the crocodile has also come down."

Junri: "The TP Crocodile is very spiritual, and Tetsuo didn't come over to find Crocodile's position. The T1 duo is very dangerous!"

When Lin Cheng's TP landed, Bono had already been spotted by Niutou in the jungle, and the T1 duo released the line in time to retreat.

The spider ignored the passing view and touched the triangular grass. He saw Kaisha and Niutou retreating behind the tower.

At this time, Lin Cheng's crocodile had already detoured from the intersection next to the toad monster like a mad dog, and came from the back line to block the T1 duo.

The crocodile is full of anger and looks very scary at first sight.

Seeing that the troops were about to be pushed into the tower by the ice, the T1 duo could only quickly leave the defense tower and run towards their second tower.

If we don't leave, the defense tower will really be useless against the four-pack-two attack headed by spiders.

"Wait until I get on first, don't get pushed away."

Lin Cheng's crocodile took the initiative to greet the two.

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