This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 25 He can’t see such a big tower behind me?

Just when Lin Cheng left two red soldiers with residual blood and turned around to trouble the Sword Girl under the tower, he suddenly saw the figure of Mantis approaching from the grass opposite the red BUFF.

At this time, Jin Chenglu in the middle sent a message.

“Zoe, Zoe is gone. Get on the road and leave quickly.”

Glancing at Galio in the middle who was clearing the line under the tower, Lin Cheng pursed his lips and said, "Gario, stop taking the line and lean up."

Lin Cheng didn't want to leave, he wanted to fight.

The opponent's duo is at the bottom. At this time, only Zoe in the opponent's top, middle and jungle field has reached level 6, so his Sword Girl has room to operate.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Jin Chenglu was stunned for a moment, and quickly left the remaining three soldiers and leaned towards the river in the upper half of the area.

Fortunately, even though he was pushed to the lane, he didn't lag behind Zoe in terms of experience. Galio was also at level six, so he could use his ultimate move to support the sword girl if he leaned up a short distance.

Lin Cheng stood there and let the two red soldiers with residual health hit him twice, and then Q-killed one of them with full Ionian Zeal.

The mantis had disappeared from his sight. Lin Cheng did not take the initiative to approach the stone man and try to kill the mantis first. Instead, he took two steps up and pressed against the wall next to the autistic grass.

The biggest threat to him now is not the fifth-level Mantis, nor the Sword Lady who is still fighting under the tower, but Zoe who is approaching in the jungle.

Once hit by Zoe's hypnotic bubble, it would be difficult for the sword girl without magic resistance to survive.

Therefore, Lin Cheng tried his best not to go to the wild area. It was too difficult to avoid Zoe's hypnotic bubbles without a field of vision through the wall. Lin Cheng decisively chose the upper route with more open terrain to wait for his opponent to come.

Soon, a purple figure appeared at the intersection of the wild area.

Sword Girl didn't care about the troops under his tower and chose to cooperate with his teammates to attack Sword Girl. Lin Cheng controlled Sword Girl to deliberately move closer to Mantis, giving the opponent a chance to strike first.

The mantis kicked the ground violently, spread its wings and flew into Dao Mei's face.

Lin Cheng saw the moment when the mantis landed and pressed W in advance. He knew that once the mantis got close, he would deal damage quickly.

Playing the passive, W Void Stab and Q Tasting Fear shot one after another.

Relying on the muscle memory to press the skill, Sunny discovered that the sword girl in front of him suddenly had a bright light and shadow all over her body, and she had already started the W-distance breaking dance.

Mantis' set of skill damage was all poured into Dao Mei's Dance of Distance Breaking, and Dao Mei's health was reduced by a small amount.

You must know that all of Khazik's skills are AD damage, and all of them can be reduced by Sword Girl's W.

After the block was completed, the blades around Dao Mei suddenly struck out, and the fully charged Dance of Breaking knocked away a significant amount of Mantis' health.

Even though Sword Girl was already approaching, Lin Cheng's choice of W release direction still deliberately avoided Sword Girl, and at the same time, he also avoided the only remaining health minion on the red side next to him.

After releasing W, at the moment when he raised his hand to strike at the mantis in front of him with basic attack, he saw Sword Princess using her Q skill to stab the mantis with her hand. Lin Cheng's Q skill used the only remaining health minion on the left to make a very small displacement. Just in time, Sword Princess' Q failed to destroy the flaw on her left side.

In comparison, Sword Girl's Q skill rushes in much faster than Sword Girl.

After looking at the right angle, Lin Cheng used Dao Mei to directly launch the ultimate move, Vanguard Blade.

The Pioneer Blade hit Mantis at close range, and the light blue blades spread out, forming a rhombus-shaped iron curtain of blades, surrounding Mantis and Sword Queen.

However, Sword Girl had already set up Laurent's Heart Sword in advance and was not marked.

Lin Cheng stepped forward to get out of the way of Laurent's knife, and slashed at Mantis with his backhand.

The 90% deceleration of the Pioneer Blade made it impossible for Mantis to avoid it, and he fought hard against the sword girl.

Moreover, Lin Cheng was very detailed and used the edge of the sword formation to block the flaw on his left side, making it impossible for Sword Princess to go around to the left to play passively.

In the small space between the enemy's two defense towers, the two sides started fighting hand-to-hand.

The conqueror and passive effects are too obvious. Coupled with the advantages in equipment, Lin Cheng is not afraid of a head-on confrontation with the two level five heroes on the opposite side.

At this time, a colorful bubble suddenly emerged from the wall below and hit the knife girl above.

The little pink lolita that Lin Cheng has been waiting for for a long time finally appears.

Because he deliberately did not get close to the wall below, Lin Cheng, who had been wary of Zoe, had enough reaction time to directly use the Q skill to destroy the mark on the mantis, and used the mantis to move a short distance to the side just to avoid the bubble. , and slashed at the mantis with his backhand.

At this time, Mantis' blood volume was already very dangerous. This hero was already extremely brittle, and it was simply too much for the passive Sword Girl to chop him down with two cuts.


Mantis chose to dodge and move to the second tower next to it to take a position.

Just when Sword Girl finally destroyed the flaw in Sword Girl's body with a sword, Zoe emerged from the stone man's bushes, jumped back and rushed to Sword Girl's face, dealing passive firework damage and igniting it at the same time, followed by a flying star. Move quickly.

Lin Cheng didn't panic at all. The moment Zoe launched the return jump, he had already thrown an E, and then began to adjust his position.

At this moment, a golden magic circle emerged at the feet of Sword Girl.

Galio in the middle is ready to appear as a hero.

Regardless of whether there is support from his teammates or not, it is too easy for Lin Cheng to hide when he pulls the flying star in front of him without being controlled. He sees the trajectory of the flying star, moves diagonally and confidently throws the second blade.

The first one has fallen behind Zoe, and the second one has fallen at the feet of the mantis in the second red square tower.

After Mantis dodged into the tower, he was in the second tower near the edge of the OB. He seemed to be waiting for his skills to cool down before attacking him. He didn't expect that Dao Mei's double-winged blades were aimed at him.

After Zoe's flying star cleared the air, she returned and jumped just in time to step on the first blade.

The two blades crossed each other.

Zoe and the mantis under the tower were hit by the twin blades, and were marked while being stunned.


Lin Cheng's sword girl dodges into the tower very decisively with less than a third of her health, and slashes at the dazed mantis in front of her.

Fuck! Can't this guy see such a big defense tower behind me?

Sunny, the jungler of Yanda, was shocked. What would happen if the sword girl on the opposite side flashed in and jumped the tower with such little health and her body being set on fire?

While raising his hand for a basic attack, Lin Cheng immediately canceled the Q skill and then swung behind Mantis to smash the mark to reset the CD. When he raised his hand for a basic attack again, he used another Q skill to directly complete the kill.

Since Dao Mei's Q skill can reset the basic attack, coupled with the attack speed bonus provided by the full stack of passive and talent runes, the forward swing of the attack is also very short. The AQAQ damage caused by Lin Cheng's dodge was very high. Quickly, the mantis was dropped in almost a blink of an eye. The mantis that was hit by the twin blades died without any reaction.

And due to the rush mechanism of the Q skill, the mantis itself stood at the edge of the defense tower. The second time the sword girl Q happened to be in the right position, she burst back to the edge of the defense tower.

When the attack from the defense tower just came down, Lin Cheng had already pulled away from the tower in two steps, but the defense tower did not emit a second light bomb.

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