This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 285 Everything starts with Chovy Liang’s expression

After the Rift Pioneer was refreshed, neither party made any immediate move.

The blue side has to wait for the CD of the key ultimate move, while the red side does not dare to move the vanguard easily when the top and middle players have no line rights.

When Nightmare and Giggs' ultimate moves improved, Bono tried to play the vanguard. As soon as he started playing, he was spotted by the Search Fruit on the opposite side, and Bono quickly pulled it away.

At this time, Death Song's ultimate move has not improved yet. Although he can defeat Nightmare and Giggs' super long-range ultimate move, it is still very weak in a real head-on collision.

At this point in time, the three players in the top half of DRX have very strong combat capabilities. Syndra, Zhumei, and Ornn need to deal damage, damage, and control. After all, KT has three crispy heroes who have no displacement. Once Being driven by the other side, I could barely run.

Bono didn't play, and Pyosik didn't use the vanguard. The first half seemed to be undercurrent, but it was actually calm.

Usually at this time, the support can catch up in advance to cover his teammates and take the vanguard, but in this game, when Keria is immobile, Tusin's wrist hero will not leave easily.

After all, Seti will definitely go to jail if he leaves. KT doesn't want to let Aphelios grow comfortably.

So, Bono waited until nearly 11 minutes before the Death Song's ultimate attack got better before reactivating the Vanguard.

The blue side saw Death Song's movement in the field of vision and had no intention of coming over to fight for it. Pyosik ran down and controlled the second dragon that just refreshed.

The attribute of the next little dragon is determined to be the wind dragon.

Junri: "KT was very patient and waited until Death Song's ultimate got better before taking the vanguard. In exchange, DRX also controlled their first dragon of the game, but now there is very bad news for them. This What was refreshed in every game was Wind Dragon Soul. Although DRX also likes Wind Dragon Soul, KT is undoubtedly happier."

Corgi: "Yes! This means that if KT can control the three wind dragons in the back, they will get up to 30% CD reduction of their ultimate move. Coupled with the equipment's CD reduction, this global lineup will be very scary."

Junri: "Imagine that in the later stage, Nightmare uses a big move for more than 20 seconds, and turns off the lights every once in a while, for six seconds each time. Even if he doesn't fly at all, he will still scare the opponent."

Corgi: "Nightmare Flying's ultimate move is still dangerous, but Bomberman's ultimate move is really comfortable. Bomberman's ultimate move has a short cooldown. The three wind dragons can make Bomberman's ultimate move cool down in only ten seconds at the earliest. For Syndra It’s too torture to have a C position like Aphelios without any displacement.”

Junri: "Let's see how KT handles the small dragon group at the back. After all, we haven't gotten this wind dragon yet, so overthinking is not necessarily a good thing.

What if KT doesn’t get a dragon later? Maybe the situation will be reversed later, and instead Ornn and Pig Girl of the Three Wind Dragons will be there to start a group. "

On the road, after Orn's father's vest came out, the pressure Lin Cheng could put on him was much less.

However, Ornn's situation has not changed much, and he is still pushed out by nightmares.

At 12 and a half minutes, Lin Cheng finished pushing the line and prepared to move to the middle again, preparing to give Chovy a set meal.

Tusin: "Threstone has disappeared on the opposite side, please be careful."

Kuro: "Lin Cheng, stop flying. I don't know where the opponent's support and jungler are now."

Nightmare had disappeared for a while on the top lane, and Syndra in the middle lane dared to run outside the tower to clear the lane. As an experienced player, Kuro's instinct felt wrong.

Lin Cheng huddled in the grass in the river and watched again and again. He could only suppress his desire to attack and turned around to return to the front line to defend the line.

At this moment, a Teemo-like expression lit up on Syndra's head.

Obviously, Lin Cheng's position was under the opponent's view.

"He's mocking me! I'm going to kill him!"

Lin Cheng suddenly couldn't help it anymore and decisively pressed his ultimate move, Ghost Shadow.

The canyon was once again shrouded in darkness.

Kuro was shocked, "Lin Cheng, don't fly! There must be someone on the other side."

But it was too late, Lin Cheng had already activated the second stage of his ultimate move and flew towards Syndra outside the tower.

Junri: "Keria's wave of spiritual wandering resolved the crisis in Syndra in the middle. Obviously KT also realized that there must be someone behind Syndra. Brother Chengzi turned around and wanted to give up this wave of GANK... Huh? Or should we? Fly! Brother Chengzi has been fooled."

Corgi: "I can't hold it back! Young people get excited when they see the other side's bright expression. This wave of nightmare ultimate moves should be wasted."

Just as Nightmare was rushing toward Syndra, a lantern emitting ghostly light came from behind and landed accurately at Syndra's feet.

Keria had obviously been crouching behind, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to throw the lantern so accurately when the lights were turned off.

Chovy picked up the lantern in seconds and flew towards Thresh under the tower.

Nightmare's ultimate move was locked. Without landing, Nightmare turned a corner in the air and chased Syndra.

Lin Cheng used his Q skill Nightmare Path in the air, and Lin Cheng smashed Thresh's ultimate move Nether Prison into Syndra's face.

Thresh's ultimate move broke the spell shield of Edge of Night. Lin Cheng landed and passively activated W Dark Shelter, which happened to block Thresh's E Pendulum of Doom.


Blocking Thresh's E skill, Lin Cheng dodged and appeared behind Syndra.

As a result, Syndra took action with EQ when Lin Cheng flashed out, but Lin Cheng's predicted flash dodged the control shot.

Nightmare brandished his arm blade.

Since Thresh's weakness was in CD state, Lin Cheng burst in and instantly knocked out half of Syndra's life.

Seeing Thresh throw up the rope flower, Lin Cheng, who was not equal to A after using his E skill Silent Fear, suddenly turned his head.

Just in time, Thresh's hook flew over at close range, but Lin Cheng's aura turned his head to avoid it.

A very large circular bombing area emerged.

The wretched Yodle deployed his cutting-edge inventions from behind, and scientific hellfire cannons attacked.


Chovy immediately dodged back, not forgetting to turn around and give Nightmare a big move before retreating.

Lin Cheng did not chase Syndra who was dodging, but turned around and waved the arm blade towards Thresh like crazy.

Since the Q skill in the air just hit two people, Nightmare cut off a large amount of Thresh's health with two swords under the high attack speed provided by W.

However, the two attacks from the defense tower combined with the damage from Syndra and Thresh had already disabled Nightmare.

boom! ! !

The hellfire cannons of science dropped.

Kuro deliberately moved his ultimate move back a little when Lin Cheng blocked Syndra's front. After Chovy flashed and adjusted his position, he still couldn't move out of the explosion area.

However, because she was on the edge of the explosion, Syndra was not killed directly.

Thresh, who was chased and slashed by Nightmare, also took marginal damage from the cannon because he didn't flash, and his health became very low.

At this time, two green beams of light fell from the sky and landed on Syndra and Thresh's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

Death songs sang the requiem.

Lin Cheng died first under the attack of the defense tower, and then the Requiem fell.

Syndra and Thresh were killed at the same time.

Bono's Death Song scored a double kill.

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