This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 298 If I lose, I’ll eat the keyboard

Generally speaking, after a player is banned, the camera will immediately move away and show the next player who performs the ban.

But this time, the director seemed to be shocked by Lin Cheng's empty hand. He did not move the camera away, but instead zoomed in, allowing everyone to see Lin Cheng's calm face.

Another 28 seconds passed, and the blue side's second BAN position still had a bye according to penalty.

Similarly, Bono, like Lin Cheng, has no BAN people.

KT's second BAN bit still selects an empty BAN.

Zeyuan: "KT is really giving back two BAN positions. This wave highlights a high emotional intelligence. We must compete fairly."

Remember to joke: "What about low EQ? Low EQ means looking down on you T1?"

Zeyuan chuckled and refused to take up this dangerous topic.

"To be honest, it seems that everyone has two empty bans, but KT is actually the more disadvantaged side on the red side. Strong heroes in the version must be released."

Remember to nod and say, "Look at how the only BAN slot on both sides was designed in the first round. How come they have to ban a hero that the other side is good at?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! Do you think T1 will simply stop banning the third hand and give back another ban slot to show generosity?"

I remember laughing: "That's impossible! It's really too ridiculous! This BP link will be meaningless. Isn't it just a slap in the face? Normal BP will definitely be required later."

The third hand started with a BAN player. T1 chose to BAN on the blue side and dropped Seti.

Remember: "Seti! T1 really likes BAN as a hero on the blue side. It is indeed very easy to get Seti to the opponent without grabbing it. It can be obtained when the opponent has the Counter position. Three-way swing heroes will make it difficult for the blue side.”

Zeyuan: "T1 also thought very clearly. KT's empty BAN in front of him means that he needs to release a version of the hero. If nothing else, just Aphelios. Do you BAN or not? I will BAN Sett first, and then I won't care about you. There are many heroes that I can grab from any BAN."

KT dropped Olaf with a backhand BAN, releasing almost all the heroes.

T1 locks Aphelios on the blue side in seconds.

The red side starts selecting people.

Teammates and coaches had a heated discussion about whether to lock the prince first to match the lineup, or to grab the tsar first to replace the BAN.

Lin Cheng suddenly said, "Give me Irelia!"

Kang Dongxun ignored him. In training, Lin Cheng also used Dao Mei to great effect, but that was when he was given the counter position.

KT never even blindly showed Dao Mei on the first floor even in training games.

"Coach! I want to use Irelia."

Lin Cheng repeated.

Kang Dongxun thought about it and thought it would be better to wait for the next few moves before using the sword girl.

After all, Kuro really doesn't play Knife Girl. This Knife Girl showed up first and didn't even have the slightest chance of swaying. The opponent was too easy to target.

The middle lane is actually fine, but Dao Mei is really looking down on people when she goes out first on the first floor.

This hero himself cannot lose the line. If a hero like Crocodile comes out on the opposite side and cooperates with the jungler twice, Dao Mei will basically not be seen in the entire game.

Seeing that the coach ignored him, Lin Cheng set a flag and said, "Coach, trust me! If I lose, I'll eat the keyboard."

"...That's not the case."

Generally speaking, coaches will not pour cold water on players if they persist, but Kang Dongxun did not expect Lin Cheng to be so cruel.

"Then lock it. If you are countered, you must be prepared to resist the pressure. Don't press the line carelessly."

Kang Dongxun knew Lin Cheng's style of Sword Girl, which was why he never really wanted Lin Cheng to choose Sword Girl.

His sword girl really hit her too hard!

Don't treat your opponent as a human being at all.

So, Lin Cheng directly locked Dao Mei down on the first floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! We finally waited for you. We knew before Brother Chengzi came on the stage that his sword girl was very powerful, but we had always been attracted to each other. Unexpectedly, we waited until the finals to show it off.

Moreover, she also blindly showed off the knife girl on the first floor of the red square. She is really confident.

I don’t care about counter or not. The last counter position is reserved for teammates. Brother Chengzi tells you that Dao girl is not afraid of counter. "

Remember to joke: "We didn't expect it for a long time, but we found out that this is Kuro's mid lane sword girl."

Zeyuan also laughed, "That's not possible. It's been a long time since Kuro fucked a knife girl. It should be Brother Chengzi's knife girl who has no problem."

"Fuck! The knife girl is finally here!"

"Brother Chengzi rushes to the duck! My grandma always says that your sword girl is very strong."

"Wait until you hit me with one hand! It's time to overthrow T1's rule."

"Finally waiting for you! Do you know how I spent this time?"

"If we wait any longer, I'm afraid that the teacher will take out Syndra as the top laner, and Brother Orange hasn't released Sword Girl yet."


After Dao Mei locked up, KT showed Cena on the second floor.

Entering version 10.7, everyone's priority for Senna is not that high, but he is still a strong AD choice, especially for KT.

Don't think that Senna can only be bullied below. This thing is not only very functional, but also has excellent laning ability among ADs. In other words, Poke flow Verus can stabilize one end.

T1 sacrificed the male gun Gaorn on the blue side.

Zeyuan: "Oh? Male gun? This year's LCK male gun debuted probably ten days ago when Little Sprite took it out. In that scene, the male gun was beaten violently when he took it out. Let's see if Cuzz's male gun has anything to say today?

But if you think about it carefully, the T1 male gun is really very thoughtful. When you see Ornn, will you troll take it? It's very difficult for a troll to face a male gunner in the jungle. I'll counter you before your hero even comes out. "

Remember: "Yes! Looking at the entire playoffs, Troll should be regarded as the jungle hero with the highest overall BP rate in the LCK, and the male gun is indeed the counter choice of Troll. It seems that T1 came prepared today. "

Zeyuan: "Actually, in this year's version, the male gun is really suitable for the rhythm of the game. As a jungle core, he clears the jungle too fast.

However, it is true that the male gunner's GANK ability is weaker than the traditional rhythm jungler. I wonder if this hero will appear on the court more in the summer split. "

T1's male gun was indeed a bit unexpected for KT. Everyone trained behind closed doors and didn't know what their opponents were hiding.

Kuro: "Troll, do you want to take it? If you take it, Jin Ki-Bum, you will have to go around the male gun in the jungle."

Bono: "Let's take the troll. It's still very useful to fight Ornn and Aphelios in the later stage."

The character of the hero Troll has not changed in any way, but he can always get a chance to play when the tank hero is strong, and the non-displacement AD like Aphelios is naturally limited by Troll.

Lin Cheng encouraged: "What kind of troll do you want? Just choose a pig girl to drink soup with me. If you defeat the opponent in the early stage, what do you think about the later stage? Just squat in the back and watch Brother Cheng kill the opponent alone. That's it." .”

"I'll lie down, Lin Cheng, you C."

So, the red side locked the pig girl with the third hand.

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