This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 316 Lin Xiaocheng gets angry

Although his teammates said it was ruthless, there was really no one who could provide support at this time.

On the contrary, Bono's pig girl immediately turned to the lower half to prepare to stop the loss.

Stunning Neeko, Qinggangying AQ hit the shield.

Lin Cheng made a backhand A and directly activated his ultimate move, Bloom, trying to replace the Qinggang Shadow, who had little health.

Nicole jumped into the air and knocked down the card next to her as soon as it hit the ground, stunning the card.

However, Qinggangying took advantage of the unselectable nature of Hex Ultimatum to avoid Neeko's ultimate move, and hit it with another AQ backhand.

Lin Cheng moved to Ace and wanted to operate, but was stopped by a yellow card from the card that woke up.

Faker directly Qed the universal card and cooperated with Qinggangying's W tactical sweep to cripple Nico, and then tied the A to complete the kill.

Lin Cheng was caught to death, but strictly speaking, this wave of KT was not a loss.

It is impossible for cards to push the Czar's line first in the early stage. When this wave of Faker flew up forcefully, another wave of soldiers arrived in the middle. Kuro directly pushed the line and grinded the tower like crazy.

Cuzz's wine barrel slowly appeared in the middle. He tried to defend the line but was poked several times by the sand soldiers, and he didn't dare to go up at all.

The defense tower itself was not satisfied with its health, but Kuro ate two layers of the tower skin.

And Bono also successfully took advantage of the card to control the first dragon.

Therefore, Lin Cheng did not lose at KT's expense.

Zeyuan: "There is actually no profit in this wave of cards. Although I caught Neeko to death, I lost a lot in the middle route. A wine barrel that has not reached level 6 cannot stop the Czar from eating the tapi, and Bono also controlled it. The first little dragon.”

Remember: "There is nothing we can do about this. In the early stage, the cards will definitely not be able to push the Czar. If you want to support the side lane, you will lose lane. But on the top lane, Qinggang Shadow has no one to help and can't hit the lane."

Facts have proved that even if Neeko died twice, Qinggangying still couldn't fight in the lane.

Because Lin Chengcheng actually suppressed thirty knives and also ate a layer of tapioca, Qinggangying only had two assists and was still far behind Nico.

In fact, even if Qinggangying is financially ahead, it will be difficult to beat AD Neeko.

The card's level one ultimate move has a three-minute cooldown. Lin Cheng uses this time to have a good vision and put even more crazy pressure on the top lane.

You caught me twice, and I came back with a few more cuts and more tapioca.

Come on, come on! If you have the ability, continue to catch it.

The position of top laner is really special.

The top laner is the position that participates the least in frontal combat, but it is the position that handles the most troops, and it is also the position that is most easily targeted.

Therefore, top laners can easily fall into two extremes:

Either it can be extremely stable and it will be considered a success if nothing happens on the orphan road.

Or if you are so radical that you lose your mind, I will die for you if you dare to catch me.

Originally, Lin Cheng had a style that could be both steady and fierce, but suddenly his blood pressure was high, and he lost the word "steady" to the country of Java.

Lin Cheng took the second layer of the tower in this game. When he saw Qinggangying coming up to supplement the cannons and soldiers, Nicole was the first to hit the passive damage of W for the third time.

Just as Qinggangying was taking care of the gun carriage, Lin Cheng pressed two QE skills continuously.

The blooming flower seeds fell at Qinggang Ying's feet, and when they exploded for the first time, Qinggang Ying was imprisoned by the tangled barbs.

Some AD Neeko does not use the Q skill, but in fact the basic damage of the Q skill is not low. If you are not afraid of pushing the lane when consumed, the benefits are very high.

Just as the flower seeds exploded three times in a row, Nicole struck out with two more attacks.

The strong attack is triggered, and Qinggang Shadow enters a vulnerable state.

Seeing his opponent retreating, Lin Cheng took advantage of his attack speed boots and directly pursued him into the tower in two steps, forcing W's passive damage once again.

Qinggangying happened to stick under his own defense tower, and he directly jumped into the second stage of the defense tower and kicked out.

But Lin Cheng reacted too quickly. Even the Qinggang Shadow's E was pressed against the wall by him, and he pressed W Two Lives Flower Shadow in advance.

The fake body moved forward, and the real body entered a short period of invisibility and accelerated a sideways movement.

Nicole's fake body couldn't help resist the skill until her real body came out of the invisible state. Qinggangying's E skill passed through the fake body and kicked her back.

However, Lin Cheng's sideways acceleration just gave way to the angle of Qinggang Shadow's E skill, and Qinggang Shadow's E was empty.

However, because of Lin Cheng's sideways movement, he was unable to immediately draw away the aggro of the defense tower, and the defense tower followed up with a second attack.

With the help of the three-second acceleration of the W skill, Lin Cheng took a step back to remove the aggro from the defense tower, and hit Qinggangying with his backhand A.

Once, twice.

The Qinggang Shadow ran away with his head in his arms, and when he retracted under the tower, Lin Cheng pointed out the passive damage again.

Canna is almost at the end of her health.

Lin Cheng even lost his temper and forced himself to hold up the defense tower and hit one more basic attack before stopping.

After another attack from the defense tower, Lin Cheng was still beaten to less than half health, even though his hatred was reset.

"Hey! If it weren't for the fact that Qinggang Ying hadn't moved around and had to stick to the wall, Brother Chengzi would have been giving away this move!"

Zeyuan smacked his tongue: "This temper is too big! This Nicole is even more exaggerated than the sword girl in the last game. It was 2-0 in the last game and it was your fault. Why are you acting like this in this game 0-2?" Huh? You really don’t regard the two Qinggang Yings who provided assists as human beings?"

Remember: "The operation is really confident. Brother Chengzi will definitely die if he is hit by Qinggang Shadow's E. Nico is very fragile. If he is stunned in this position, he will suffer three consecutive attacks from the defense tower. Qinggang Shadow supplements A little damage really makes for a solo kill.”

Zeyuan: "It seems that Brother Chengzi's temper has really gotten worse after being caught twice! He also knows that it is useless to resist Tower A later, but he just wants to hit you more."

"Qinggangying just replenished a gun carriage and turned it into a residual health. I guess everyone was stupid."

"It's so funny! Brother Cheng's blood is all from being hit by the defense tower."

"It would be fun if I didn't dodge Qinggangying's E."

"I really can't watch Brother Chengzi's game. My teammates will scold me to death for playing like this."

"Wake up! RANK usually beats you like this when you are pressed under the tower."

"Brother Cheng: One less A and I lose."

"Brother Shy, you won't play like this in a game. Is Neeko so good at resisting towers?"

"I always thought that Brother Chengzi was more stable than Teacher Shai, but I was overthinking it."


While the commentators were discussing why Lin Cheng was suddenly so irritable, the wave was not over yet.

Lin Cheng concentrated on eating the tapi and found that Qinggang Ying was behind and didn't want to leave.

Probably Canna also felt that Lin Cheng's health level would make it impossible for him to really touch her under the tower.

Moreover, this wave of soldiers is really too tempting, and Canna is unwilling to return directly.

At this time, the wine barrel happened to be leaning over from the lower right side of the red square triangle grass.

This position has a blue field of vision. If Lin Cheng retreats immediately, the other side will not be able to catch him.

But the moment he discovered the wine barrel, Lin Cheng didn't even think about running away.

He glanced at the green steel shadow under the tower.


I'm 0-2 and I only have one life. If I trade you two assists for a kill, it won't be a loss.

Besides, with so many soldiers under the tower, it would definitely be more uncomfortable for Qinggang Shadow to die.

This vote is done!

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