This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 342 Brother-in-law, please say something

Because his opponent surrendered too quickly and there was still not enough water for the live broadcast after one game, Lin Cheng simply started another game.

What’s depressing is that this time I’m in the jungle position again.

Generally speaking, Lin Cheng mainly chooses the top lane and the second choice jungler. The second choice position can only appear twice in a row at most, and Lin Cheng just happened to bump into it.

Coincidentally, he met Faker again this time, but the two were on the same side, so Lin Cheng had no chance to continue beating the big devil.

Legend has it that there is only one core secret for stupid chickens to stay in the SKT water fountain: the middle lane is the father.

As long as Brother Li goes smoothly, the game will be easy to win.

Therefore, Lin Cheng chose Ryze GANK from the blind monk jungler Crazy Gang Li Ge in the middle.

However, although Li Ge Ruiz was fattened up by Lin Cheng in the early stage of this game, he still seemed to remember Lin Cheng's hateful face in the previous game.

Just when Lin Cheng was about to defeat the Rift Herald after hard work, Ryze ran over and pretended to help Lin Cheng hit him twice, and then activated his ultimate move.

Ryze took a small step back to leave the range of his ultimate move. Lin Cheng had just killed the Vanguard and before he could pick up the Eye of the Vanguard, Ryze forced him into a van and sent him to the Dragon Pit.

Brother Li stood next to the Pioneer Eye and showed a gentleman penguin expression.

Is it you, a little brat, who always targets me?

Just in time, the excavator on the opposite side just finished the red BUFF, flashed and knocked up the teleported blind monk, and poured a set of damage into it to complete the kill.

Lin Cheng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "What? I worked so hard to help you catch the target and gave you the blue BUFF. Is this how you repay me?"

The barrage exploded in the live broadcast room.

"Haha! The true nature of melon skin."

"Brother Li is still so happy, and he is good at understanding the mentality of his teammates."

"Faker: Are you the only one who wants to steal my championship?"

"It's so funny! When I saw Brother Li pick Ryze, I felt it was not easy. He hasn't played Ryze in the rankings for a long time."

Seeing Ryze cheating on him like this, Lin Cheng deliberately called Ryze over when he was playing blue buff later, making Brother Li think he was going to let blue.

As a result, just after Brother Li ran over, Lin Cheng punished him in front of Ryze and took the blue buff.

Brother Li showed an expression that looked like Silas was coming.

Then, a new round of canyon war began.

Ryze attacked the jungle as soon as he saw it, and Lin Cheng looked for an opportunity to dirty the middle lane. The middle and jungle of the conjoined twins at the beginning were completely broken.

Just when his teammates were shouting that there was a traitor and they thought they were going to be killed by these two people, Lin Cheng suddenly launched a team R and kicked four of them, and the opponent was knocked out of the team and wiped out.

Lin Cheng cleared the opponent's opponent with one kick and surrendered directly.

After the game was over, the live broadcast was long enough, but Lin Cheng had nothing to do now, so he decided to go to Douyu’s other live broadcast rooms at the encouragement of friends.

Clicking on the League of Legends section, I immediately saw a live broadcast room with a title of a female anchor preparing to challenge the king.

Lin Cheng was very surprised: "Hey! This Douyu female anchor looks very capable. Is she going to hit the king rank?"

You must know that the female anchors of South Korea's Africa Channel are very low-key. Most of them strive for platinum and diamond. Occasionally, there is one who strives for the master rank, but no one dares to shout slogans and strive for the king.

Lin Cheng went in with strong interest and watched for a few minutes that everyone on the scene was in bad shape.

Eye-catching! It's really eye-catching.

The title was obviously about the winner, but after watching it for a while, I realized that it was a fight between silver patients, and the host was still the terminally ill patient.

The second-level top laner was killed alone, and the jungler was called over, causing the jungler to be killed together. The Xiaolong Pioneer Team was stably killed suddenly for nothing, forcing his teammates to force four on five.

Almost every operation in the first ten minutes of the game is war criminal-level performance, which is outrageous.

Lin Cheng complained: "Is this the female anchor who is trying to reach the King Rank? Unless there is something wrong with this game, you can only try to reach the Dead Rank."

After two sharp comments, Lin Cheng decisively quit the live broadcast room.

Despite this, Lin Cheng is already considered a popular Douyu anchor, and a quick glance has also brought a lot of popularity to the female anchor who is determined to become the king.

Although the anchor is real, his professional attitude is quite good. He doesn't watch the barrage interactions when playing games, and he doesn't know the changes in the popularity of his live broadcast room. He is still very devoted and continues to harm his teammates.

Lin Cheng is still complaining to friends about the unscrupulous behavior of Douyu female anchors who sell dog meat to others.

Lin Cheng: "I basically don't watch game live broadcasts. Do the titles of Douyu's live broadcast rooms all have this style? Brother Cheng dared to change the title to the LCK champion top laner only after he won the championship. I didn't expect these anchors to play so big. , Baiyin dares to claim to be the impact king."

"What a fuss, it's good if people are playing League of Legends. Have you ever seen a League of Legends anchor who never plays League of Legends in his life?"

"I suggest Brother Chengzi go see Huya's Corpse Fairy."

Lin Cheng pouted, "If I can watch Huya's live broadcast, I will definitely watch Wanwan. I wonder how Wanwan's live broadcast is now?"

Lin Cheng knew that there was a Huya anchor among his friends, and the two occasionally chatted, but he had never visited Wanwan's live broadcast room. When he thought about it, he couldn't because he was live broadcasting. Like Wanwan, I went against the trend and watched live broadcasts on other platforms.

"Wanwan is becoming more popular now, and she is one of the few capable anchors."

"Wanwan Live has reached the second level due to its strength. It is very rare among female anchors of this level."

"It's a pity that Wanwan doesn't know much about show effects or dancing, otherwise her popularity would be even greater."

"If you have Brother Chengzi's level of saucy talk, why don't you sit in the position of Huya's first sister in Wanwan?"

"Those female anchors are frying fish in the silver bureau, but I am still the fish that was fried. Wanwan is really a breath of fresh air."

"Don't talk nonsense, the Corpse Fairy is just going to fry fish in the King's Bureau, and those anchors who abuse bad guys will also be dominated one day."


While wrangling with friends to pass the time, the friends began to encourage Lin Cheng to check out other female anchors.

Hmm~~The original barrage was like this: Brother Cheng! I'm lonely at night and have nothing to do, so why not go to the female anchor's room and have fun.

Is this what people say?

After being cut off and released, Lin Cheng couldn't be labeled as a sentimental anchor?

Lin Cheng decisively refused: "That's enough for you. Who just asked the female anchor to dance? Do you think I didn't see it? Can you not embarrass me outside?"

Just when Lin Chengyi was giving a lecture to the group of teenagers in the live broadcast room, Han Shuyan walked in from the study with Eunxi in hand.

"A Cheng! We are back."

Lin Cheng took off his headphones and was not surprised by Han Shuyan's appearance. The fingerprint lock in his room had been canceled long ago, and both Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan knew the password.

A beautiful woman appeared in the room holding an extremely cute little girl, and the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"Holy shit! What's going on? Brother Chengzi even has a child?"

"Is this Brother Chengzi's girlfriend?"

"Brother Chengzi is only in college, how can he have children?"

"This must be Brother Cheng's sister, right? Brother Cheng, please say something."

"Brother-in-law, please say something!"

"??? Something's wrong with you upstairs."

"The writing should be: Brother-in-law, please say something."

"Draw the sword, I am Brother Chengzi's brother-in-law."

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